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Facebook Allows Online Gambling Marketing


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Facebook has done an about face and is allowing online gambling products to be advertised on their site. This comes after many companies in the past found themselves in trouble with the social network because of rules that were not followed. The new rules or conditions are as follows. First, any marketing material cannot have USA players in it's sights. Second, Facebook must give their consent which could mean that lotteries and sweepstakes may have a better chance of being promoted but that will have to wait to be seen. We should see this when ads start showing up on Facebook.There is a price for everything and it seems that Facebook may make a pretty penny because the advertisements must be bought through a direct sales deal and not through a self service ad tool.  With Facebook's consent, online poker rooms, bingo halls and casino may see their names in lights on the Facebook site as long as they do not advertise to country's where it is illegal to gamble online.  


facebook will be allowing various online gambling sites to advertise on its website.various websites are there that like all slots casino, 32red casino,<a href="http://i.wildjackcasino.com/%20" title="wild jack casino">wild jack casino</a> etc would be allowed to adverstise on facebook.

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