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FL Internet Cafe Bans Looks Like Reality Soon


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<a href="http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2013/04/senate-committee-unanimously-approves-internet-cafe-ban-closing-loopholes.html" >source</a> - Despite aggressive pleas from senior citizens and veterans groups, the Florida Senate moved closer to outlawing all slot machine-like games at Internet cafes, Miami's machinitas and South Florida's adult arcades that had expanded into a multi-million dollar industry in the face of legislative inaction. I think we let it get out of hand and I think were bringing it back now to what the original intent was,'' said Sen. John Thrasher, the sponsor of the SB 1030, which was unanimously approved by the Senate Rules Committee Tuesday. He said it will be placed on the Senate calendar for a floor vote on Thursday and he will move to take up the House bill that passed last week and send it to the governor.<a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/t53001832/florida-lawmakers-want-to-shut-down-internet-cafes/" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/t53001832/florida-lawmakers-want-to-shut-down-internet-cafes/</a><a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/t53126522/online-poker-may-get-caught-up-in-floridas-internet-cafe-ban/" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/t53126522/online-poker-may-get-caught-up-in-floridas-internet-cafe-ban/</a>-- Edited by Mben on Thursday 4th of April 2013 12:32:33 PM


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RE: FL Internet Cafe Ban Bill Headed To The Governor

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Associated Press) - Florida legislators voted overwhelmingly Thursday to ban storefront gaming operations, a quick response to a scandal that led to dozens of arrests and the lieutenant governor's resignation.The bill is now headed to the desk of Gov. Rick Scott, who said he will sign it. The operations, commonly called Internet cafes, would allow customers to play sweepstakes games that simulated slot machines. It took a serious event, a very serious event, to bring attention to what we needed to do, said Sen. John Thrasher, R-St. Augustine and one of the sponsors of the measure.The Florida Senate approved the measure on a 36-4 vote Thursday. The Florida House had already approved it.


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It is now law. Florida's govenor signed the bill banning internet cafes in FL.Gov. Rick Scott has signed a bill to give law enforcement authorities better tools to put an end to illegal gambling devices in strip malls and arcades throughout the state.With no fanfare, the governor signed the bill in the privacy of his office Wednesday when he returned to the Capitol after making a jobs announcement earlier in Lakeland.<a href="http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/04/10/3334274/gov-rick-scott-signs-internet.html" >source</a>

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