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Moderators Wanted


No Deposit Forum Founder
Moderators : (Mods) In order to be a volunteer moderator, you need to be an almost daily visitor to the message board. You should be reliable and willing to provide me with some information about yourself, including your real name, location, telephone number and e-mail address. Your location in the world does not matter. At times I will dispense a stipend, special treat or bonus, but nothing on a regular basis. Responsibility : Moderators are responsible for a wide range of duties. They oversee the board. They dispense discipline in the form of warnings and bans. They have the power to remove signatures and a person's ability to use signatures entirely. They have the ability to award titles and avatar uploads to those forum users which deserve them . You should be able to be on the forum no less than 6 days a week, for no less than 20 minutes a day. I know that there are times when this is not possible, or you are on vacation, all I request is a simple PM alerting me to the situation. A private mod room is set up to ask questions, post thoughts, and for testing post. Duties: * Move, close, merge, split, delete and edit threads when appropriate.Alert the Admin/s to inappropriate posts and/or members who chronically break the Rules . * Help mediate any arguments between members and be available to answer general questions from them. * Familiarity and ability to insert links and banners * Knowledge of photobucket and how to insert pictures, graphics, etc.Make 4-5 post a day, including commenting, answering questions, and alerting members to new offers. * Ability to think up and create contest with prize information I supply to you. Terms: Bump: Put an older thread back to the top of the list. This is different from top as the thread will not remain at the top always but will move down over time like all others. (threads are sorted by the time/date of the last post). Close: Close a thread. No more posting. Delete: It's gone for good. Move: Moves a thread to a new/different forum. Merge: Merges two threads into one. Sticky: Puts a thread at the top of a forum. If interested Please PM me , Belgamo FAQ   Under what circumstances can I delete a post or thread? If the post or entire thread is clearly a violation of the rules = then the decision is easy - into the trash it goes. However,if it is not that easy. In cases like this is is best to discuss it with the other moderators . -- Edited by talkintaco at 18:03, 2008-06-20
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after seeing what the gals get up to i dont think my heart could take it,"
unless funeral costs are part of the package :)


No worries zebedy, as one of the girls, I know you were just being friendly and funny.  I am pretty sure Whiskey was just teasing and joking right along with the rest of us.  Believe me as soon as death benefits are added to the moderator package you are the first one I am going to let know...You can be in the boy's club with bel and whiskey and we'll see if yall can keep up with the get up of the gal's club...LOLtaco
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Hey belgamo,i know i would be a great asset to this forum. I am a graphic designer and web page designer that has become a full time at home mommy LOL so i have much time and will devote as much that is needed. I have prior bingo cm experience as well for 123bingo (no longer with them). fell free to drop me a line if needed. Thx and have a wonderrrrfullll DAY!!!Annie kamal
hi and welcome to the forum


the code 0000JP-K1EFNF-U0ZVVC-2U0KFP-3NPZTY i could be handy toohttp://www.virtualvillagers3.net/ -- Edited by scruffmo at 13:31, 2008-06-30-- Edited by talkintaco at 14:06, 2008-06-30
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No Deposit Forum Founder
Thank you all who showed an interest in participating. We are continually growing with your support hope that this trend continues. We have brought several members on board and if the need arises in the future for more moderators. I thank all of you !  Belgamo

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