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Closed The WinPalace vs. Me wait-out begins now (again)

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Hi again,I don't know how, but I HIT SOMETHING AGAIN!!  I still can't get that Lucky Last maximum jackpot to go off, it's over $17,000, but I'm winning enough to keep me going.I just did a WD request of $2,300!!! Last time I posted about this (a couple of weeks ago) I gave in and they won. The first time I waited...and waited...and didn't give in and I won (I received my WD). So, let's see how this one goes. Any support and/or nudges to WinPalace would be greatly appreciated. The next 10 days or so could be very painful.Hey, Mben, what was the software you said to use to keep me out of that casino until they pay? I might be needing the name of it again. I'm so weak sometimes.Have a great day everyone!:maddance:
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I'll keep good thoughts for you to stay strong in this really tuff time of waiting.Only a fellow gambler knows just how hard it is to wait it out.  I've been there and I have done it, and I have been there, and I have failed like alot of us.STAY STRONG>>>>>>>>There is no greater feeling as a online gambler to wake up and find the money in your bank account. :roll:If you get weak, turn to your friends here at No Deposit Forum for support.                                                                                              Pam


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
And this makes up for the lack of birthday chips? I hope so. 
CONGRATULATIONS! :bigclap:The program is K9 which you can find here ......... <a href="http://www1.k9webprotection.com/" >http://www1.k9webprotection.com/</a>Stay strong and play the waiting game. You did it last time and you can do it again this time! :thumb:
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Greedy Gambler
My suggestion to you is this: LEAVE money in there to play with or have money in another casino...I played that waiting game for my 3 G for almost 30 days......Didn't give in and got all my 3G from WP and SJ...BTW...congrats to you!!!


Okay, here is an update. I am doing well not being tempted to play again - but I wanted to see where we were in the waiting game: Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are now chatting with 'Rupert' Rupert: Welcome to WinPalace Casino, my name is Rupert. Rupert: Can you provide me with your User Name and how I can help you? stapowers: Hi Rupert. My username is stapowers. I'm just wondering how much longer until my withdrawal is processed. Rupert: 5-10 business days :) stapowers: I know that part. But today is the 4th day. Do you ahve an idea of when it will? Next week? Monday? Wednesday? Rupert: Let me check stapowers: Thanks. Rupert: I am afraid i dont have a specific time estimation :/ but it should be around 3-7 business days stapowers: Argh! This is frustrating. I love playing and hate having to wait it out. But I'd rather wait than get nothing. Thanks for trying to help. I will check again next week. :) Rupert: I am sorry :/ But i am sure you will be thrilled when the money will hit your bank account! :) No problem we will be here :) Soooo... can any of you with your connections try your way to see if they have an idea of when? If not I totally understand but it never hurts to ask.Thanks! And TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:


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stpowe6854 wrote: Soooo... can any of you with your connections try your way to see if they have an idea of when? If not I totally understand but it never hurts to ask.Thanks! And TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
The rep is on holiday so he isn't around for me to ask. Just be a lil bit patient and you'll see the $$ in no time. (Some day I will take my own advice. lol
) -- Edited by Mben on Friday 26th of August 2011 03:10:02 PM
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Oh, yeah Im still waiting, and it pays to WAIT and to WHINE like a little girl with these guys... Yesterday morning I woke up thinking Im going to bug the crap out of them today (maybe since its our Sunday it might be their Monday) just to see what happens, actually all I did was send one email but didnt like the response I got so I pushed them a little bit. Check this out: My email I sent them yesterday at noon: Hi Win Palace finance...   Any word yet on when my withdrawal will be approved and processed? I requested it on August 23rd.   Thank you! The response I got from them this evening: Dear Stephanie, Thank you for your email, I can see on the system that you made your withdrawal request on August 23. It takes up to 10 Business Days Monday - Friday to process your request, therefore please allow until September 06. Kind Regard James Hunter Finance UhWHAT?!?!  I dont think so buddy, so I sent this right back: Hi James,   </pre>So...5-10 business days is actually 10 business days?  You know, I could see if I was a new player in that casino or if I had not put thousands of  dollars into that casino over the past few years but that is not the case. This is my second withdrawal request -- ever. All I am asking for is for a little bit of speed to be put into my request - not too much. The last time I requested a withdrawal it took 10 days total, from the day I requested to the day in was wired into my account. Is this really how WinPalace treats its loyal customers? That doesn't seem right from all of the rave reviews I have seen and boasted about in online casino forums. Is there anyone above you that I can speak with? I don't think I am asking for too much - hell I'll probably put most of it back into WinPalace anyway. </pre>Thank you for getting back to me on this. </pre>Then he shot right back with this: </pre>Dear Stephanie Thank you for your email. I have passed your request onto our payments department and I am waiting to hear back from them, as soon as I do I will let you know what they say. Kind Regards James Hunter Finance </pre>Then 20 minutes later he sends me this: </pre>Dear Stephanie Good news. The payments department told me that they are going to send you a wire today. Kind Regards James Hunter Finance </pre>After I picked myself up from the floor I ended it with this: </pre>What?!?!? You are kidding!!!That is AWESOME! See I knew I loved you guys for a reason. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I am going to have an AWESOME three day weekend because of this! </pre>Like he cares, right? BTW, this all just happened about 20 minutes ago.  </pre>Hes probably wondering What three day weekend? Im such a suck-up, but I was almost floored when I read his last email. </pre>So tomorrow I will let you know if I get that big chunk of change.  I think mostly I just want to play there AGAIN! I hate not being able to play. </pre>:surprise: </pre>Sorry if the formatting is all dumb on this post. I am tired. </pre>
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Greedy Gambler
Well, hope you get it that fast. It did take be 10 days for my withdrawals to be approved and then 4 days to reach my account. So, will be interesting to see what happens!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
By James' calculation, Sep 6th is right on for the 10 business days so for me to step in, would have been premature. The staff here needs to keep the relationships with our reps on a level that if there are PROBLEMS with cashouts, we can try to get the ball moving. I'm not saying if the rep wasn't on holiday, I wouldn't have done anything, stpowe. What I am saying is that from the forum side, there was not an issue yet and from the players side, you did fantastic contacting them on your own. (I would have done and said the same)What I don't get is why does it take emails to get a cashout to the point that yours is at now? Why couldn't they see that you are a loyal depositor and one who already received a cashout (meaning all docs are in order, etc) and have gotten your wire sent on their own instead of you having to push them? And I am not talking just WP. I talking a lot of casinos, it seems. So a big CONGRATULATIONS is in order and please let us know when you have cash in hand! PS- You were right about their Sunday being our Monday. :wink:


I know September 6th would have been the actual 10 days. But I wanted to see what would happen once I played the loyal player card. I probably shouldn't have done that but it paid off. I got another email this morning saying congrat's your wire has been sent today. Which means tomorrow it should be in my account (at least that is how fast it went the first time). I wasn't really ready for you guys to step in because I know I really didn't have an issue. I wanted to see what they would say when I emailed them - mainly out of curiosity. I just wanted to give you an update and let you know what I did. They always say it doesn't hurt to ask. And I asked. And I am glad I did. I'm not this persistent in real life but when it comes to money that I won fair and square - I tend to push it a little bit. Especially after them accepting my deposits so easily and quickly.So, I hope I didn't piss any of you guys off who are here to help when we really need it. :)


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Oh no, no one is mad, stpowe. I said that in case it seemed like we weren't helping, I guess. Moving on .... did you receive your wire yet? :thumb:


No Deposit Forum Founder
Yeah bank probably got it today and then they have to process it over, hopefully its there tomorrow!


It will be there any day now stpowe6854. :dollarsign:Keeping my fingers crossed it is today for you.The waiting sucks, but you have been thru the worst of it , and now the money is almost here.  Way to gooooooo.Let us know when it hits the bank so we can celebrate with you.:maddance:                                                                                               Pam


Whoa! I just now logged into my account and there it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yay! I was thinking I wouldn't get it until after Labor Day weekend!!!


stpowe6854 wrote: Whoa! I just now logged into my account and there it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yay! I was thinking I wouldn't get it until after Labor Day weekend!!!
 HOORAY  :maddance::maddance::maddance:
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
CONGRATULATIONS stpowe! What a great weekend you are going to have! :bigclap:8 days from the day you posted. Less 2 weekend days ... 6 days business days from the casino to the bank. Not bad.


I've had a withdrawal request in since the 26th and I've not heard a word about it.I just went to live help but same old story (5-10 working days)Seems like using the people here (this forum) and their contacts, is the fastest way to get a response.WinpalaceIEatGoanna


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
IEatGoanna wrote: I've had a withdrawal request in since the 26th and I've not heard a word about it.I just went to live help but same old story (5-10 working days)Seems like using the people here (this forum) and their contacts, is the fastest way to get a response.WinpalaceIEatGoanna
We sometimes can get the ball rolling, IEatGoanna, but we didn't step in at all this time for stpowe. Hopefully you will see yours soon. 
PS - I can't get a reply to an email I sent our rep a few days ago about something entirely different. He must be really busy or still on holiday?? Who knows? 
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