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What's Wrong With This Billboard?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
LONGVIEW, TX (KLTV) - Gorman McCracken Volkswagen-Mazda in Longview got a new sign about six months ago. That doesn't sound very newsworthy, does it?Well, what makes it interesting is the fact that there is something wrong with the sign that no one noticed when it was put up.. Take a look at the picture. Can you see it?Gorman McCracken has been in Longview for years. When the theater next door went belly up they bought the property which included a big theater sign. They converted it for their own use.Something is wrong with the sign that got past Gorman McCracken employees like General Manager Travis Potter for nearly half a year. Of course, in their defense, they weren't staring at it. It faces away from their building. The sign is an unusually big sign with it being the old movie theater sign so people did come in and tell us about it and everything. So we're taking care of the situation, Potter said. Oh yes, we've had several people complain about it and we realize our mistake. Instead of fixing the sign we're just going to donate what we would spend to fix the sign to the East Texas Literacy Council, Potter explained.<a href="http://www.tucsonnewsnow.com/story/25406861/a-mistake-on-a-car-dealership-sign-means-cash-for-literacy?clienttype=generic&mobilecgbypass&utm_content=buffere5cc5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer" >Full Story</a>
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