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A Good tip


  I was playing at Luckyred yesterday and I swear I was in REAL PLAY. I hit the bonus round on King of Swing after the rounds were done I exited out to the main screen to pick another game to play. I looked at my balance and it said FUN BALANCE. I was like come on wth. I logged off and went to chat and of course they did not believe me, said take a screen shot next time.  I thought about all the things wrong with that well for 1 in Fun Balance mode you cant hit the Random jackpot, you don't rack up comp pts etc.You guys are reading this going HUH. Well today I found out that I am NOT Crazy and it happened to other ppl also.What I was told was that ALL Casinos having multiple servers to accomodate so many players. Including the FUN MODE, and yes like I was you can start playing in REAL PLAY make a dep and chg games and end up in Fun Mode server. I learned that sometimes if you are winning the casino can even knock you off or spin the reels continously where they dont stop, so that you have to log off and back on again. So if you are playing especially at CWC and the slots just don't seem right or you look at your balance and you see Fun Balance, log off and back in and you will be on a different server.


Wow lucky8s, that is something to watch for.I had to read your post twice to make sure I read it right. haha.Playing in real mode and then exit out and you are suddenly in fun mode? Not cool.Thank you for posting this, and  I hope other members can benifit from knowing this as well.                                                                                          Pam-- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 11th of July 2011 09:16:07 AM


That is correct and other players have posted it as well. One of my brothers in law is a tech guy computer guru guy, I remember him saying that computers need massive space and many many many servers to accomodate big companies or thousands of guests logging on such as online casinos. That part makes so much sense. Also remember yrs ago when Casino Jack came out publicly and said that as a Casino 33 Manager he has some players that can send him an email or chat with him and players tell him what games they like to play and he changes the ratio on them to pay out the player.


Wow!! you really did great job. Whatever you have written here is great and other players will also try it and will take its advantage.

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