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great joke!


you must read this aloud. i hope this is 1 is ok to post here.This guy owns a horse farm, and gets a call from a friend who tells him, I know this midget with a speech impediment who wants to buy a horse and I'm sending him over. The midget arrives and the owner asks if he wants a male or female horse. A female horth , the midget replies. So the owner shows him one. Nith looking horth, can I thee her mouf?' The owner picks up the midget and shows him the horse's mouth. Nith mouf, can I thee her eyeth? The owner picks up the midget and shows him the horses eyes. OK, what about the eerth? Now the owner is getting p'd off, but he picks up the midget one more time and shows him the ears. OK, finally, can I thee her twat? With that, the owner picks up the midget and shoves his head up the horse's twat, then pulls him out. Shaking his head, the midget says, Perhapth I thould rephrathe that...Can I thee her wun awownd?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Too funny corin69! I have said that joke so many times but seeing it in writing is even funnier!!! LOL

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