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Kids have the week off from school


Ok, just had a little excitment here. My 3 year old grandson stuck a pop corn kernel up his nose. We tried to get it out, but it seemed like it was going up higher. I called my son-in-law at work and had him come over. He did this before at their house so I knew  Mike would be able to get it out. Boy , my nerves have just about had it. The minute  they leave the wine comes out.  My 2 grandaughters wanted bangs again, after letting them grow out, so I did that for them. The  11 year old Jenna put my makeup on , and 6 year old Abby wanted her hair curled.  Shane the 12 year old is looking for something for me to bake. I should of taken a picture of the pop corn removal, but was a nerves wreck at the time.


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Sounds like fun day at grandma's house! The girls look cute and it sounds like your grandson enjoys your cooking, nikki. The popcorn kernel would have had my nerves all in a wreck too. lolI had to take my grandson when he was about 2 years old to get something taken out of his nose. The doctor had him lay on top of me while I laid in their reclining patient bed/chair. He says Hold him tight. They are stronger than you think at that age. And boy was he right!The doc had to open his nostril with a tool and then stuck the tweezers up there. Michael was fighting me and the doc the whole time. He then pulled out a piece of foam like from a foam eggcrate that you use to line say a rifle case. Anyway, it had been there for a while and Michael was starting to stink . lol That's how my daughter knew to look up his nose to find the source of the smell. My friend had a cousin who put a bean up her nose once. No one knew it was there until it sprouted and became visible! Yes, it sprouted in her nose! hahahaGlad your son-in-law got that kernel out before it made popcorn!! :lol:-- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 20th of February 2013 03:34:57 PM


Now that is what I call a bunch of good looking kids.You must be proud nikkidog, with good reason. :roll: What a wonderful bunch of kids they are.


kids are really something else, and at 3 you just don't know what they are going to do. after hearing your stories makes me wonder what it is about putting something up your nose at that age, when my son was three he put a piece of foam up his nose too lol he also put oatmeal in the vcr. but all in all they are so adorable you just can't get mad at them. i must say it is a lot more fun being grandma, i can spoil they heck out of them and then send them home to mom to deal with the aftermath lol


So funny, I still remember when my grandson was about 3 years old and he locked me in the laundry room. Had no way to get back in the main part of the house and he was too little to unlock the door, but he knew how to lock it. So had to run over to next door neighbors house barefooted but he was no help, so had to call my son who lived like 15 miles from my house, he had a key. All the while grandson is crying like someone is killing him and I am trying to keep in calm through the glass french doors, lol. We laugh about it now, but I was a nervous wreck. So know what you mean nikkidog!


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Kids! I tell ya! lolSo we are sharing stories about our grandkids ...... what have any of you done when you were little that would put you in the same category as our little rascals? lol According to my parents, I was a holy terror at that age. lolMy father was in the Army and was in Asia somewhere and left my mom to take care of me and my brother in Maryland for a year alone. I was around 3-4 and my brother was still a baby. They use to send taped letters back and forth. She would get one from my dad, listen to it and then record her message over it and send it back. Years ago, my father happened to copy one of my mom's message onto a CD just for me. He says Now Michele, you know your mother loved you so don't take what she says the wrong way . lol Boy, oh boy, did my mother ever love me! lol In her adorable Asian voice, speaking English that was actually quite good by then, she says Buddy, that Michele. She is so bad! . hahaha She went on to say this and that about me about the mayhem i was causing ... but I could hear the love in her voice. My mom passed away 15 years ago and I am very glad I have that CD. It's her voice and words from 44 years ago.


Wow that is nice Mben. My dad passed away a few years ago now and he played guitar, was a blues player and I have a tape of his, we all do. He gave them out right before he died. I wished he did not give any to the grandkids though because I know they are lost now. They were so precious, wish I had taken them all.


i was a total tomboy when i was little but here is a funny story. i was in the third grade and we moved to this big huge house that had the cutest neighbor boy. well my mom's best friends daughter was helping us move and Debbie was about 8 months pregnant. she was the first person i had seen pregnant. she was standing at the kitchen stove getting some gum out of her purse and i was behind her just standing there staring at her. she looked at me and said what's up. i put my hands on my hips trying to look smart and asked her if she was pregnant. she said yes so i asked her how she got pregnant, she replied i kissed a boy on the lips well a couple months go by and i am so in love with my neighbor Jonny, us kids were outside playing hide and seek. Jonny grabbed my hand and said come hide with me, so i did. he took me into the woods and we hid under some trees that had fallen over and much to my pleasure Jonny kissed me. that was my first kiss ever. the next day i was so excited and had a secret nobody else knew. whenever i thought of that kiss i would cover my mouth to stiffle my giggles. after school i was riding the bus home and all of a sudden i started giggling and covered my mouth, then all of a sudden i started crying. and i mean crying, big huge sobs, i got off the bus two stops early and i walked home really slow, bawling my eyes out the whole way. When i got home Rose was there, she is Debbie's mom, and when i saw her i started crying even harder. my mom yelled at me to come here, and i walked in slowly just bawling. mom asked me if i was hurt, i said no, she asked if i got in a fight or if someone hit me, i said no. so she asked if i got in trouble at school, i said no. then she said, well then what is wrong, i said nothing was wrong. she said why are you crying, i said because. she told rose she would be right back and took my hand and walked me into the kitchen where she picked me up and sat me on the counter. she said ok now tell me what is wrong. i said nothing, she said you better tell me what is wrong. through my sobbing i said i didn't want to because she would get mad and beat my butt. she said i will beat your butt if you don't tell me, now what is wrong. i looked up at her through my bangs and mumbled i am pregnant mom didn't say a word, and i just knew i was in deep trouble. then quietly she goes, did i hear you right, that you are pregnant. i shook my head yes, and to my surprise my mom started laughing, and that made my stop crying because i didn't think she was going to laugh i thought she was going to be mad. she lifted my chin and asked my why i thought i was pregnant. i told her that Debbie had told me she got pregnant from kissing a boy and that jonny had kissed me and so i was pregnant too. my mom was laughing so hard she was crying. she looked at me finally because i was totally baffled as to why she was laughing because my life was over, i was pregnant and going to have a baby, i couldn't go to school anymore and my friends wouldn't like me, so why was she laughing, then i started crying again and said it isn't funny. she goes honey you are not pregnant. boy i cheered right up and said i'm not? she said no, so i asked her how she knew i had not gone to the dr's yet. she said i know your not, she helped me off the kitchen counter and told me to go wait in the front room until my sisters got there and she would tell us a story. i started skipping towards the front room door and turned around and asked her what the story was about. she replied the birds and the bees. being the tomboy i was and loved the outdoors i clapped and said oh goody. i went and sat in the frontroom in the rocking chair, my mom and sisters come down. i am listening to this story and i am thinking well when is she going to talk about the birds and bees, she is talking about boys and not birds and bees. i was rocking real hard in the chair and then i just stopped in mid rock. i am leaning forward in the chair hands out behind me, my eyes the size of saucers, when i gasped, oh no that is so gross, i am never going to have a baby then because i don't want a boy putting his peepee in my peepee so i can have a baby. mom looked at me and laughed then said believe me honey some day your going to love it. i must say mothers know best lmao


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slotgal47 wrote: Wow that is nice Mben. My dad passed away a few years ago now and he played guitar, was a blues player and I have a tape of his, we all do. He gave them out right before he died. I wished he did not give any to the grandkids though because I know they are lost now. They were so precious, wish I had taken them all.
It's nice that we have memories that we can actually hold, slotgal. Kids these days just don't know how precious some things are. A tape of your father's music should be more precious than an iPod. 


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I Kissed A Boy And I'm Pregnant ..... sung in the tune of Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl and I liked It . :lol:daremeto, that was funny as hell! I laughed my butt off right here ............ i looked up at her through my bangs and mumbled i am pregnant I could see the whole thing and hear the whole conversation! Too funny!And yes, I agree .... mothers do know best! :wink:


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I was in third or forth grade and a couple of stories stick in my head from that time in my life. Once and only once believe me, I climbed the roof of a portable classroom with some friends while living on base in Korea. We did not know that the whole roof was laid with fiberglass! I still get the yucky tingling feeling throughout my body when I think about that. We were covered in tiny slivers of glass! I took our cat for a walk one day, leash and all. Well, once she fought her way out of her collar, we were a bit far from home and she ran under some type of trailer. (I remember lots of those types of buildings on base). I actually left her there and went home like nothing happened. Nothing happened until my parents noticed that she was missing and when i finally told them what happened, they went and rescued her. I needed rescuing after that because back then, you were allowed to spank the crap out of your kids! Boy, did I get a whooping! Last story but certainly not all, I was brought home by the military police at the ripe age of 7 or 8. Back then, there was so much exploring to do. And in a foreign land, it was so much more exciting! My brother and I went into the hills of the base and found an old guard shack. We were throwing rocks at it and basically trying to tear it down. lol Until we were caught by the MP's. My brother would not have been caught if I hadn't snitched him off and told them he was hiding over there . They scooped us up, put us in their jeep and drove us home. I was so scared that I was in huge trouble. My mom put us in our rooms until our dad came home and when he did, that was it. Really, that was all of our punishment. Thank goodness because my dad had a Board of Education and when he couldn't find it quick enough, the belt always worked nicely. :lol: My dad was an E9, a Command Sergeant Major. The highest rank you could have as an enlisted man. I hope I didn't cause him embarrassment on base, but I'm pretty sure i did. lol Sorry dad!


_______________________________________my dad had a Board of Education _______________________________________believe me i have had my fair share of whippings, but my dad made us go out and get our own willow switch off the tree in our back yard. if we came in from getting a switch and it was not good enough to get a whipping with he went out and got one and we got it twice as hard as we would of. i was so thankful when i got to big to get a whipping lol

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