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No Deposit Forum Founder
Microgaming has decided to not offer anymore new games to US players.  This is such a crock, EVERYONE email the cassinos you have accounts with and let them know how you feel!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Bel, What was their reasoning for this crap???


I just e-mailed the Fortune Lounge casinos. If they allow us to play and take our deposits, why should they care what games we play. VERY upsetting. I will let you know if they respond. Lori


ok - Here's their response: Hi LorraineThank you for contacting the VIP Support Desk.I trust you are doing well today.Lorraine the issue with the new games not showing does appear to be atechnical issue, which we have made MicroGaming aware of. They haveinformed us that they are looking into the matter and that we shouldhave some feedback from them within the next 24 hours as to when the newgames should show.I apologize for any inconvenience caused and I hope that you will enjoyplaying the new games once the technical issue has been resolved. Thankyou for your patience and understanding Lorraine.Have a wonderful day further and thank you for playing at the 7 SultansCasino.Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any furtherqueries.My very best regards JakeVIP Casino host NOW - Let's hope Jake knows what he is talking about and USA is not the issue.


Greedy Gambler
I emailed the VIP Manager at Go Wild and she stated it was a Tech problem and don't listen to the rumors going on at the forums LOL


When you log into all jackpots a slide shows up that says that new games will no longer be available to players from the us as per our software provider


No Deposit Forum Founder
I think the casinos themselves are pressuring Microgaing to allow US players, but that microgaming wants to not allow USA players. So there must be all kinds of behind the scenes interaction going on this weekend. Hopefully Micro will reverse there stand aand do as the casinos wish.
PS- Have you ever scene a "technical glitch" at microgaing take more than 24 hours to fix? Especially when it means $$$


I think you are right on Bel. I think you can also add pressure being applied behind the scenes, by who ?? my guess is the US Gov't."
When Gov't and big business make major changes they do it in phases, (shutting down online gamming to a entire nation). When this all started, where did the US players loose out the most. No new US players at all Microgaming casinos, there were even a few that kicked out US players with exsisting accounts, ie; jackpot city and riverbelle."
I hope I am wrong, but I believe this is just another phase in shutting down online gaming to the US, it would not surprise me to see in the next few weeks, Microgaming casinos start banning US players that do have accounts with them."
It started with Microgaming, probalbly because they are the largest, who is next, my guess, we might see Rival casinos start banning US players, and on and on."
Unless Barney Frank and company win some big battles soon, the UIGEA will one by one shut down ways for the US players to play online. However, I don't think this will last long, if the US Gov't succeeds in shutting down online gaming, It will get overturned in time, 3-5 years is my prediction. "
I wish there were someway to send a big message to all online casinos, that we the US players, if and when there are no restictions to online gaming, will remember who stood by us during the time of the banning of online gaming to the US. "
I am sending the following email to all Microgaming casinos I have accounts with:"
Due to the recent restriction placed on US players by Microgaming, I can no longer show my loyalty to your casino. I understand that this is not the casino itself, but I will not play where restictions are being placed on me based on where I live.


whenever there is money involved somebody will always provide that service or product to fill the consumers needs, even if the service or product is illegal, so some casinos will always provide us US customer with online casinos. I believe also that other casinos who are rivals of microgaming would also like to take their customers, but there can be several reasons as to why this is happening with microgaming while other software casinos are growing rapidly.


No Deposit Forum Founder
i told you NO USA, now you have officail word

I would like to take this opportunity to personally write to you regarding the recent decision not to release new games to players in the US.
This decision was made by our software provider and unfortunately, is beyond our control. Due to a miscommunication, we were not aware of this change in policy before the weekend, or we certainly would have notified you in advance. For this I apologize.
Please rest assured, this does not reflect any change in the Jackpot Factory's policies regarding US customers. Our US players are always welcome and will continue to receive the same great casino service they have come to expect. I hope you will continue to take advantage of the wide variety of games at our casinos, and enjoy good luck and have a great time playing.


I just recieved this email please read below."
Dear Patricia, "
I would like to take this opportunity to personally write to you regarding the recent decision not to release new games to players in the US. "
This decision was made by our software provider and unfortunately, is beyond our control. Due to a miscommunication, we were not aware of this change in policy before the weekend, or we certainly would have notified you in advance. For this I apologize. "
Please rest assured, this does not reflect any change in the Jackpot Factory's policies regarding US customers. Our US players are always welcome and will continue to receive the same great casino service they have come to expect. I hope you will continue to take advantage of the wide variety of games at our casinos, and enjoy good luck and have a great time playing. "
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at davidb@jackpotfactory.com. I will do my best to reply personally to all emails but I do ask for your patience. "
Remember, you can get regular updates about the casino at my blog - www.jfspokesman.com. "
All the best, "
David Brickman "
Vice President of Player Affairs "
Jackpot Factory "
This to me is also very upsetting first they take our money for the progressives then they do not allow us to play them even though that was part of our monies that built up the progressives now this, IMO they microgaming are big IDIOTS. Can we start a petition or something to stop them from doing this to us? "
pevangel - not a happy angel here


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
That is absolutely insane!!"
What is Microgaming thinking? Probably that they do not allow new US players so what's the point in offering anything new? "
But what about all their loyal US players who are allowed to play at MG casinos? Are they just SOL then?"
What another sad day in the online gambling world!"


yep Mben it is crazy for sure I do not understand their reasoning actuallly there is no reasoning IMO."


No Deposit Forum Founder
The reasoning boils down to this.
Microgaming is European based and on the financial markets. In the eyes of the highly regulated European gaming industry there are laws that must be followed.
The other BIG FACTOR, is they do want the USA market and must show to the US government, PRIOR to regulation one day, that they did do everything in their power to stop USA players. That's the Software provider microgaming, as for individual casinos that license the software, it was their decision to keep there existing USA players once Micro told them no more new USA players.
It all boils down to one day Microgaming wanting to be in the US market once some type of regulation is implemented. Itall politcal at this pont. I can't fault Microgaming, but it does SUCK BIG TIME right now.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I'm sorry Bel but if MG wanted to do everything possible to comply with the US regulations then they should have told their casino operators no US players AT ALL. "
I'm not saying I would have been happy with that at all. What I am saying is that I am being fed scraps by MG compared to the rest of the world. Scraps keep me fed but they taste like crap!


Mben wrote: I'm sorry Bel but if MG wanted to do everything possible to comply with the US regulations then they should have told their casino operators no US players AT ALL. I'm not saying I would have been happy with that at all. What I am saying is that I am being fed scraps by MG compared to the rest of the world. Scraps keep me fed but they taste like crap!
Exactly.  Either you're in or you're out. 


I totally agree with both Mben and ishin. What possible difference does it make about the amount of games we have to play in our DL, there is no difference between 1 and 400 . And I do not even live in a banned state so sorry but it absolutely makes no sense. Exactly what ishin says either your in or your out, no in betweens."

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