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RE-GIFTING......Is it a good or bad thing? LOL


Hi Gang:Do you re-gift unwanted gifts people have given you that you dont care for?  Have you been the recipient of a re-gift? Have you ever recycled an unwanted gift only to discover you've accidently given it back to the person who originally gave it to you? Tell us how you feel about regifting.  Do you have a funny story?  Would love to read it.                                                                                               Pam
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I know for a fact I have been the receiver of a re-gift.  My Sister is well to do, and I am not.  One year for Christmas she gave me this beautiful blanket. It was heavy, and was all folded in the original package.  I knew it was new, as you know you can never re-fold anything to the perfect way it is folded in the package. So anyways, after everyone had left, I was ready to open my new blanket, and as I was taking the plastic sleeve off,  the actual TO: and FROM: sticker fell out of the package.   It had been given to my Sister from someone named Karen.  You know what?  I didnt mind a bit. It was a gorgeous blanket, and I still have it today.                                                                                             Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Pam, did you ever tell your sister that you knew it was given to her first? "
That's what I want to hear about ........ when the re-gifter gets BUSTED!! lol


Greedy Gambler
Love re-gifting. Cuz if I can't use it and I know someone will, why let it sit on my shelf to collect dust
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hahahah, No, you know? I never did tell her I knew it was a re-gift.  She is not the kindest Sister in the world, just being honest, and just the fact I received anything was a miracle to me. Didn't want to tempt fate. (She is the same Sister that gave me the single towel for Christmas)                                                                                   PamMben is right......Lets hear about when the re-gifter is busted.  hahahahahThat would be an awesome thread.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
The worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other. ~Johnny Carson"
You can keep it spade! lol


  You guys are cracking me up about the fruitcake. Does anyone really eat that stuff?  I tried it a long time ago, and it was just awful. Re-gifting and fruit-cake should just not be done...period!!!!   haha(Is there anyone out there who eats fruitcake? If I am the receiver of one, I need a place to send it to. )                                                                                               Pam
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Fruitcake is edible if soaked in enough potent potables


  What To Avoid When Regifting........</h3>Don't Regift the Gift Card</h3>A gift card hidden in tissue in a gift box can easily get passed along in error. Take the item out of the old wrappings and start new.  Don't Regift the Gift Wrappings</h3>Everyone can tell when something has hung around in a gift box for a year. Cardboard gets soft and seems to absorb the odors of wherever it was stored and old gift wrap can be spotted just by the feel of it. When regifting, do not use recycled gift bags, paper or tissue. Throw it all out and buy new and take a little extra time to make the wrapping look fresh and attractive.  Don't Tell</h3>People like to believe gifts they receive were chosen with thought and consideration. If you tell someone you are giving then the silk scarf your Aunt Jane gave you last year, what you are really saying is that you are giving them something you think it ugly or unuseful. The only time you would want to mention giving your gift to someone else is if it isn't presented as a 'gift' but rather as a give-away.  Don't Regift the Used or Slightly Used</h3>There is a big difference between regifting an unused night light or one that you plugged in for two months and decided you no longer want. Remember - a regift is a new item you give to someone else. A hand-me-down is an item you've used and offer to someone else when you decide you no longer have use for it.  Don't Forget Where the Gift Came From</h3>Avoid giving a re-gift to family or friends of the person who originally gave the gift to you. If the regift is displayed, you risk getting caught for giving it away by the person who gave it to you. Keeping a list going of regifts with the name of who gave you the gift can help avoid people pointing fingers at your later.  Do Regift Nice Things</h3>Often the items getting regifted are undesirable, such as the bird statue you saw at the drugstore for 75 percent off. Why pass it along? However, if you received a nice gift, such as a wonderful cookbook you already own, do regift it to someone who you know will enjoy it. The nicer the item, the more it makes sense to regift it rather than to let it crumble up in a cabinet along side the Men in Briefs calendar someone thought you'd get a chuckle over.  Do Regift Heirlooms</h3>Perhaps 10 years ago Aunt Jane sent you 12 of her prized crystal water glasses but you already have plenty and the design conflicts with what you are already using. In fact, you have never used the glasses. Regifting the crystal to someone in the family who is just starting off makes sense. Yes, they are used and yes they could be considered hand-me-downs, but none the less the gift has both monetary and sentimental value.  The Number One Rule to Regifting</h3>Regifting is a wonderful way to save money and when done tactfully and with thought, we can accomplish the goal of why we are giving a gift to someone in the first place - because we want them to have something they will enjoy.
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Back to the subject of everyones worst nightmare.......FRUITCAKE.......Found a new recipe this year......FRUIT CAKE,YUM YUM....Items Needed: ------------- 4 Oz. Fruit Bits 1 Railroad Tie Wood Saw Large Rubber Mallot Safety Goggles WEAR YOUR SAFETY GOGGLES. (Children: Get help from anadult!) Cut a one-foot section from the middle of your railroad tie.The resulting block of wood should be the size and shape of a loaf ofbread. Then, take some fruit bits and pound them into the blockwith your rubber mallot. Spread the colors around, or you might wind up withan ugly fruitcake. Don't be afraid to throw some elbow greaseinto that mallot! Good fruit bits should be much harder than the railroad tie,so you can't break anything. For best result, you should pre-treat the fruit bits bysetting them on top of your garage for a year (or by microwaving them onHIGH for 30 minutes). Finally, cover it tightly in plastic wrap, and give yourloved ones the timeless and enduring gift of fruitcake. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 5th of December 2010 07:01:43 PM
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