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great information! i thought they were a good casino and was going to play there but they banned my account before i could ever deposit. i asked why and they said something like they had their reasons lol. they did me a favor. thanks for the post!
If anyones interested there is a very interesting discussion going on over at casinomeister about RTGs payout percentages and what the casino can and cant do,"


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
WOW zebedy! I just read 2 sentences of the first post and I am shocked! I will spend the rest of my mornig reading the whole thread! Thanks alot buddy!! LOL
yeah its a longish read, with probably more to come lol "
and if it could be proven that rtg can manipulate changes in there software it may be bye bye to rtg, ill certainly be keeping an eye on what everybody has to say


Only Jackpots
thank you for all the info. This is why I come in and read it all. There are so many out there you do not have to wast you time in one that like this. Some may like it and it works ok for them.But for me will I do not hit that good in most this. "


It is real interesting cause I've had a sense about how random they really are for a long time but it's just a feeling you get after doing something over and over again. I had no idea there were people that put all this math to it. and also have no idea what it means either btw LOL. and in my opinion it isn't just rtgs. Have you ever played a bonus game and it says 'pick l' and out of the3 choices, one is much brighter than the other two? or you click on one and nothing happens like it's ignoring your choice till you pick the right one? hate to complain when in my favor but I don't want to play if the casino decides when I win.


No Deposit Forum Founder
Just checked them out again to see if things have changed, its either EXTREMELY BAD LUCK or they offer one of the lowest payout percentages by an rtg casinos, I go with the later. I will stick with my play at another RTG casino philosophy. Other sites may say thier fine, thats ok because they are trustworthy. But from a player perspective who wants to win and have fun,  SORRY,  its still the tighest RTG I nave ever come across.-- Edited by belgamo on Saturday 9th of January 2010 02:58:44 PM


I am sure you read just yesterday the RTG casino Rep who admitted that he could go in while you are playing the game and change the % payout. Of course that would affect everyone who is currently playing the game. HE ADMITTED IT, he was stupid he was trying to get in good with the players and told a well known player tell me the games you like to play and I will change the % to 97% payout. I am not going to say where this is but if you do some search it is right there for the world to see. Well his comment backfired and opened the flood gates. Players were then asking can RTG's go in and change the % to the casinos advantage lets say payout 90% he said yes but probably not below that. This is NOT A DRILL people if you feel you are losing your money guess what you are. He then added that the Random Jackpots are truly RANDOM. Makes you want to rethink before depositing.


Quote from Rep actual quote I reviewed your account, and I see what is usually a good run based on feedback from players, about 6 hours of play time. If you you like I can dig deeper for you, or I am able to PM you slots that are set the highest, 97.5% and you can try your luck there. Another quote next time you do, Pm me you top 3 games you like and I will make sure they set to the highest setting... "
Response from a player In my opinion the payout settings should not be tinkered with in such a frivolous fashion."
I certainly don't expect payout settings changed because a player at XXXXXX is unhappy, what about all those other players who are not members of forums such as this. Their money just quietly keeps getting taken, and they are probably never none the wiser."
Only the software provider should be able to alter payout percentages. Having the casino being able to alter them is wide open to abuse, because minor tinkering here and there for short periods will simply go unnoticed."
Another quote from Casino Rep This thread is a little dated but at the time I was stating a way for the players to have. all casino, landbased and online are able to adjust settings in a game. "
Another quote casino rep I have not danced around any of your questions, but if I had not made something clear let me know."
I thought I was helping you reach your goal, but now you saying I deceived you?"
What is unfair if the slot is set at 91% or 95% ??? "
Another quote from casino repThe lower the % the higher the house edge. RTG's lowest setting is well above what is legal in 90% of the landbased casinos."
Not sure on second question but if an operator would want a very loose slot, would probably set it as high as it can go."
Comment from a player you say what u want...u were not there when i played...i know for sure that i hit everthing imangable on the 25.00 free chip...i deposited many times after wards and came to the conslusion that i could not win when i deposited my own money...i could not hit anything hear me anything....thats when i stopped depositing...."
granted cs is wonderful, and i got payed the next day for the 25ndb i won off of...but as i repeat nothing nothing nothing when i deposited..i even stopped takeing the bonuses thinking that maybe just the wr is too high and i could win something if i just take no bonues...wrong"
Casino rep quote In another forum we had posted the actual RTP of the machines, and one of the users had asked me to do something similar here. I did NOT being I didn't want to be seen as marketing for players here."
If you notice some of the video poker is already set to highest settings we can set."
Most of our machines are set to the highest setting as it is. "
comment from player Because now I feel by reading the comment you made below, that for the $25 player we will get the 91% and the $100 player will get the 95% or higher. "
quote from casino rep"
as far as true, I was always under the impression they were based on 1 million spins, but as xxxx brought up earlier I was incorrect. "
I could go on and on but be cautious people and if you are losing leave don't think your are carzy. It's your money NOT the casinos, especially cheating ones."

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