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White bread and the ultimate peanut butter and jelly


No Deposit Forum Founder
Okay gonna sound real stupid here but I gotta know. All I ever buy for years is whole grain bread and if there's one thing i can't stand on whole grain bread it is peanut butter and grape jelly, for me its gotta be white bread.Well I had this craving for it and went out and bought some Wonderbread. I don't know WTF they did to Wonder bread, but it sure isn't the moist bread I remember. So please LMK what is a really good white bread for PBJ's. I don't feel like doing trial and error at $2 a loaf.


Ohhhh, a PB&J can be a thing of beauty when done right.  I like them when the bread is soooo fresh it is hard to spread the peanut butter without smushing the bread.  I use SunBeam White Bread Belgamo, and it is delicious.  I pay $2.49 a loaf, but it is well worth it.  (The label is red, blue,& yellow, and has a little girl on it.)  YUM YUM.I similar experience happened to me with the whole Wonder bread thing too.  I went to the store, and they were out of SunBeam.  I didnt know what else to grab, so I grabbed a loaf of Wonder bread.  It was the nastiest bread ever.  So dry you needed to eat it in the rain.   Tasted like those $1 generic loafs they offer. Hope this helps......                                                                                                      Pam<a href="/wiki/File:Little_miss_sunbeam_logo.jpg"><img class="thumbimage" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/ce/Little_miss_sunbeam_logo.jpg/180px-Little_miss_sunbeam_logo.jpg" width="180" height="179" alt="180px-Little_miss_sunbeam_logo.jpg" /></a> 
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