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Lets Rock this Forum....Post your favorite song/video here to share.


No Deposit Forum Founder
shyankn wrote: nice pick belgamo, saw sammy play that 1 live!!ROCK ON!!!
 OH YEAH !!   Saw him outshine Aerosmith in Vegas this past year,  going to go see him in biloxi this April.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
This day in history has a blurb about Barry .............. who doesn't love Barry Manilow?? Barry Manilow's scores his first #1 single with Mandy on January 18, 1975. He would go on to sell more than 75 millions records over the course of his career. Take your pick from these classic Manilow hits!! (ok, so I am laughing as I write this wondering how many of you are going Oh my gawd .......... Mben! Barry Manilow??? I really love Barry! [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKsVhyiISY8] [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIcqUokPiTw] [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8uOxBLtdFc] [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHaRptTNBTI][/video][/video][/video][/video]
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Ok, 2 more from  ................ CHER!!!! [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOSZwEwl_1Q] [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEszTzdUMcY] Ahhh hell! One more. lol [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzW_7ANnHZI] [/video][/video][/video]


Okay, I am honest enough to say I have listened to Barry Manilow in the past.   It brought back memories to see the videos that Mben posted.  My Mother luvvvvved her some Barry.  hehehe I had no choice but to hear it thru the house. Gypsys, Tramps, and Thieves by Cher.   Wow, an oldie but a goodie. Love that song. Thanks everyone for the videos.                                                                             Pam                                                                               
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Awesome Tune......[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo9riZYUpTw][/video]
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Madame of the Slots
Okay, guys, Mben, you know I've got nothin' but love for ya, but Barry Manilow????? Ugh, my mother was going to name me Barry after him if I was a boy...thank God for small favors, lol!! Still love ya! Glad you guys liked the PP presentation, cuz I thought it was a trip! aND btw, i PREFER TO HAVE THE cAPS lOCK ON!!SOOOO, speaking of trips , enjoy this acid trip about crazy unicorns! (This one counts, because it actually has a song in it called Candy Mountain HA HA!)[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGYh8AacgY][/video]


Madame of the Slots
skfalqt314 wrote: Okay, guys, Mben, you know I've got nothin' but love for ya, but Barry Manilow????? Ugh, my mother was going to name me Barry after him if I was a boy...thank God for small favors, lol!! Still love ya! Glad you guys liked the PP presentation, cuz I thought it was a trip! aND btw, i PREFER TO HAVE THE cAPS lOCK ON!!SOOOO, speaking of trips , enjoy this acid trip about crazy unicorns! (This one counts, because it actually has a song in it called Candy Mountain HA HA!)[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGYh8AacgY] [/video]
[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGYh8AacgY]lET'S TRY THIS ONE AGAIN, SHALL WE?[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGYh8AacgY] [/video][/video]


                    ohh yea heres a rocker!!!           [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFN_-ANqCg8][/video]
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                ohh yea ,this one will rock ya!!!           [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFN_-ANqCg8][/video]
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We haven't heard from this group yet.......And they are worthy of a video in this thread for sure.  Rock On.................[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRf8VV_iIwo]Even two ........hhehehehe[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUDMy-GplkQ]-- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 19th of January 2011 09:44:15 AM[/video][/video]
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
skfalqt314 wrote: SOOOO, speaking of trips , enjoy this acid trip about crazy unicorns! (This one counts, because it actually has a song in it called Candy Mountain HA HA!)
What the heck was that?!?!? Too funny, skf. They took his kidneys! hahaha This video reminded me of another ................. Charlie bit my finger . Was I right to put those two together? Or was I just trippin'? lol Go Barry! ......... Go Barry! ____________________________________________________________________ Love Def Leopard and Foreigner! I saw Foreigner in concert at our local county fair a few years ago. We walked up to where the crowd was gathering waiting for the show to start and boy, did I get sad. I thought to myself ......... I am not nor do I look as OLD as these high school rockers that I remember from 25 years ago! The funny part was watching the kids rush over when they heard the band start up and as soon as they got a good listen they all took off running!!! They probably got scared of all the old people! hahaha 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here's a great sing-a-long song. It just makes you want to whistle to it! I added the version with the lyrics, for those of you who don't know the words.  [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA] Metallica!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
They do such a good job pretending that they are actually playing "
... and I can't believe how pale the keyboard guy is
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Let the sun shine in KC!"


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Will the incredible choreography ever stop?"


Everybody know the words?  Sing it LOUD. [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDie_4dOdU][/video]
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Wait a second - Are you suggesting that EVERYONE doesn't know the lyrics to THIS?"


             awesome vids everyone......brings back the days of old for sure...lol              the days may be old but the music still kicks ASS!!!   .............      [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCJux_7W2i8][/video]
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
It's a Gimmick Song Bonanza!"


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
The 60s were a very strange time ..."


              Watch out Tokyo......lol          [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiHRm2DioMA][/video]
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        hope ya dont mind....this is one of my favorite videos...lol...this guy is off the hook..........CHECK IT OUT!!![video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90xfWYnz9KM][/video]


When it comes to Patsy Cline, I am about a big a fan as anyone can be.  Fan Club, buying everything that was ever prodiced, visiting her grave site, etc etc etc.  Patsy to me is like a family member. I realize her short time here was simply a gift to the rest of us.  I know each and every song, and if I had a dollar for every time I sang them, I'd be alot more wealthy. hahaha. These old videos that are on YOU TUBE that I am able to watch make me smile, and sad at the same time.  Such a talent, such a loss. Patsy was yet another star to die too young in a tragic plane crash in 1963. Thanks for letting me share.  If your a Patsy Cline fan, let me know.  [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-wJNpWgss8][video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWCUh6tf7PA][video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjRdypbrcM4]-- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 20th of January 2011 06:19:47 PM[/video][/video][/video]
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Artists who died WAAAAAY before their time v1.0"

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