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$200 Winner/some of you won't like what i have to say!!!


I'm sorry but this needs to be said.First its nothing personal against wererabbit.  And i'm sure there are a few other people who are dedicated to this forum who may be thinking the same things but don't want to say it.Now i know this is a place for us all to come talk, share and have a good time, however i feel as though the result for this contest should be void and another winner chosen.  There are many people who come on here many times a week if not everyday who deserved a chance to win.  Now i'm not saying this because i didn't win believe me i don't need the money whatsoever, but am speaking up for those of us who come on frequently and are dedicated memebers.I thought that the winner was supposed to have 5 quality posts if you look at wererabbits history i don't see any quality posts.  Between oct.11/07 and june.28/09 theres 3 posts majority of the 10 posts are in the $200 contest thread.  All her posts are for either entering contests or saying thanks for winning this last one.  There are 0 posts from her actually being a productive member here. http://casinocashgiveaway.activeboard.com/forum.spark?aBID=89469&p=27&memberID=567051Again sorry but this needs to be said and i'm just being honest about how i feel about this.
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When I first read this post, vacant1, my first thought was to put myself in your shoes and try seeing it from your perspective, as well as from the winners perspective.    To quote Belgamo: <q> TO ENTER - SIMPLY POST IN THIS THREADELIGIBILTY - MUST HAVE MADE A MINIMUM 5 POST ON THE FORUM TO ENTERWINNER - RANDOMLY PICKEDGOOD LUCK ! </q> We have over 400+ visitors a day here on our forum.  The majority being 'active' forum members, not guests.  These visitors are here everyday, some of which have never made a single post at all.  Every single one of them are equally important.  ALL OF YOU make up this forum's backbone.  That's exactly why Belgamo created this contest to begin with.That being said, Wererabbit followed the rules.  Plain and simple.  I congratulate her on her lucky win, as I'm sure that ALL OF YOU do as well.  Remember, we are all here to have fun!
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No Deposit Forum Founder
Yes this contest, did not require 5 QUALITY POST, merely 5 post. I did my best to keep it straight, I even went threw the backend and DELETED OVER 100 members from the forum during the contest because they were coming in from the same few IP's and ballot stuffing the contest. This week alone I gave away OVER $500 out of my OWN pocket, not the casinos.
I run these contest with TRULY random winners or with the lottery numbers so that we can not play favorites and have the same members winning as other sites do.
I have always looked at it as ALL members should have an equal shot. As ohbhave stated we get a lot of "lurkers", and members who never post. If you take the time to just make a few post, then YES, I do believe they should be eligible.
If you think I am not watching out for the best interest of all members sorry, but I think I do a damn good job.
NOW, you know we are going to the next one at 3,000 members, so if you would like to tell me changes that you would to the next one . PLEASE post the EXACT rules you would have in place. I will look them over and if we get a concencus I wil use them.


Ahh that makes sense. in that case congrats Wererabbit i hope u win lots from the $200:D"
ohh and u do do a damn good job bel i enjoy this forum very much and appreciate all the hard work u put into it:)


Sorry bel I didn't want you to get the impression that i didn't think you were doing your job or not looking out for us.  My apologies about that for sure.  If 5 of their posts had to do with something other than a contest entry then i would be happy for them and congratulate them and this discussion wouldn't have even happened.  But every single one is contest related so in my opinion shouldn't be allowed.  But what is done is done and i shall speak no more of it.For the next one my suggestions would be..1.  30 posts(not just 2 or 3 words)2.  Have been a member for atleast 7 days prior to contest opening3.  Must select a 4 digit number closest to lottery number wins4.  will sleep on it5.  will sleep on it6.  will sleep on it


ohbhave wrote: When I first read this post, vacant1, my first thought was to put myself in your shoes and try seeing it from your perspective, as well as from the winners perspective.    To quote Belgamo: <q> TO ENTER - SIMPLY POST IN THIS THREADELIGIBILTY - MUST HAVE MADE A MINIMUM 5 POST ON THE FORUM TO ENTERWINNER - RANDOMLY PICKEDGOOD LUCK ! </q> We have over 400+ visitors a day here on our forum.  The majority being 'active' forum members, not guests.  These visitors are here everyday, some of which have never made a single post at all.  Every single one of them are equally important.  ALL OF YOU make up this forum's backbone.  That's exactly why Belgamo created this contest to begin with.That being said, Wererabbit followed the rules.  Plain and simple.  I congratulate her on her lucky win, as I'm sure that ALL OF YOU do as well.  Remember, we are all here to have fun!
I appreciate you trying to see it from our perspective Ohb, however the winner was not and is not an *active* member of the forum and we probably won't see them again until the next good contest! 
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I would like to congratulate the winner and just put this little piece of prospective out there. I am a Gulf War Veteran and I was homeless and staying in housing paid by the military/Government which means it was a shelter and I just moved into my own place as of 8/1/2009 after having no permanent residence for over 2 years. I have 2 sleeping disorders and anxiety attacks so I have finally been declared permanently disabled after nearly 20 years of fighting to work to support my 4 kids. I am happy for the winner and I hope this person hits it big! 


<q> vacant1 wrote: I appreciate you trying to see it from our perspective Ohb, however the winner was not and is not an *active* member of the forum and we probably won't see them again until the next good contest! </q>
  I really do hate to beat a dead horse... but, for the integrity of this forum, I had to set the record straight, vacant1  <table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">wererabbitt Messages Posted10StatusActiveMember SinceJan 14, 2007
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I am going to beat this dead horse some more!First of all, I really appreciate the fact that vacant1 spoke his mind. That is what forums are all about. Second of all, wererabbit did follow that rules and did deserve her win.Now, as far as being a productive member is concerned.........................Belgamo ran a contest a few years ago for new members. All you had to do is post in that thread that you were a new member and you were put in a drawing for that month. Well, I had a couple of posts only, on the board, when I decided to join the contest. That's because I was shy and didn't think I had any important input. I happen to win that contest for that month and look what it did for me! I became a productive member and a productive staff member (Bel may beg to differ!).What I am trying to say is that these contests need to be open and fair for all . Whether you have 1 post or 1000 posts. Everyone should have an equal chance of winning. **** (according to the rules of the contest!)**** I don't think the method in choosing the $200 members contest winner is in question here, but let me assure you that every contest winner has been chosen by a method that can be seen by all and not rigged in any way. Belgamo has over the years tried to come up with other ways of selecting winners other than the lottery number method, but has no luck. The integrity of the forum is at stake when it comes to contest winners, so he has used the same methods of choosing winners, so that the integrity is not compromised at all. Those are my 2 cents!


 I'm sorry if some of you feel I didn't deserve to win because I didn't have quality posts. I continue to come to this site to read other's posts and to take advantage of no deposit offers. I do continue to play small amounts on sites I trust like Golden Casino, Online Vegas, and Pokerstars. I can't contribute a lot as I am not a high roller. I wish I could be..lol, but I'm currently laid off and I am truly grateful to have been lucky enough to win this. Thank you to all of you who had kind words for me and if I feel I have anything to contribute to this site, I will certainly do so.
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Just a comment: I think any one of us would have loved to be the $200 winner and would have loved for it to be a regular participating member would have made losing easier to swallow but being a gracious loser makes us a winner regardless of the prize... So congrts to the winner and I hope your cat gets over his loss too. LOLOLOLOLOL


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
wererabbitt wrote:  I'm sorry if some of you feel I didn't deserve to win because I didn't have quality posts. I continue to come to this site to read other's posts and to take advantage of no deposit offers. I do continue to play small amounts on sites I trust like Golden Casino, Online Vegas, and Pokerstars. I can't contribute a lot as I am not a high roller. I wish I could be..lol, but I'm currently laid off and I am truly grateful to have been lucky enough to win this . Thank you to all of you who had kind words for me and if I feel I have anything to contribute to this site, I will certainly do so. And krystalkitty, I'm glad I could speak for the both of us! LOL 
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congrats on your win and BEL YOU ARE THE GREATEST and you are fair and do your job very well. It is so nice of you to take money out of your own for us members and you are very helpful to all. 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 plus more thumbs up to you....
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Wererabbit i want you to understand this is nothing against you personally, this thread would've been started if someone else with such little history would've won.  So please don't give any apology it is not needed and gl with your winnings.For OHb -- Just because your profile says active doesn't mean you are a contributing part to the forum. msfilly wrote: Just a comment: I think any one of us would have loved to be the $200 winner and would have loved for it to be a regular participating member would have made losing easier to swallow but being a gracious loser makes us a winner regardless of the prize... So congrts to the winner and I hope your cat gets over his loss too. LOLOLOLOLOL
  I'm not being a sore loser if thats what you think is going on here maybe you should read the first post again.Again gl rabbit hope to see you contributing here and have fun!!! 


I am very happy for you Wererabbit, I know how hard it is to be out of work and struggling I believe this was a great contest and managed well by Bel and the girls, I won the $500 contest at Christmas and it was a blessing from above. Bel you do a wonderful job, I just wanted to say here-here to your reply I believe it was a great suspense filled contest. Thanks so much and Wererabbit spend it wisely lol

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