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Cop Punches Teen Girl in the Face..


A Mommy Machine
A seattle cop punches a 17 year old girl in the face after she becomes verbally abusive, she did push him, but did he go too far?I personally feel he could have used a different approach, he is trained to handle these situations, and he could have restrained her a different way...My 2 cents.[video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0WTcTzN96s][/video]


thats total bs he responded out of anger not fear for his safety and there were other things he could have done - called for back up


Now wait a minute. If this was a 17 yr old boy would you feel the same?"
Maybe she has priors for . A cop goes out there every day and sees the un-imaginable offenses perpetrated by all different types, shapes, sizes and ages. How is he to know this girl wouldn't go any farther or become more violent. It's is against the law to accost an officer of the law. I think given the unknown factor, he squelched a situation that could have gotten out of hand.


This girl has a record of assault on another police officer, she has kicked a cop in the stomach prior to this. I understand nobody likes to see a girl get punched in the face, but she got what she had coming. Anyone that would assault a police officer, has no respect for the law, and no fear, she could have done anything, and I feel like the cop stopped the situation before it got too out of hand. Just my opinion.


A Mommy Machine
Right, she was out of hand, that is the same thing my husband said. However, he didn't have to sock her in the face. I know for a fact they are taught better ways to restrain a suspect.


rebago wrote: Agreed, how professional is that? Seriously. Not very.
since you  agreed w/ me ill check out your FB wall tonight and see what i can do
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Look it is simple, forget that they are 17 so close to 18. would we still hear about the story not to mention he was alone with one girl being resistant and lets not forget that it was jay walking which leads me to ask why be ass or resistant if he just wants to make sure that in down town seattle  a city I know very well. J ay walking where they were is very stupid, there is alot of traffic there including commercial deliveries and they are always in a hurry. now lets also remember that while trying to restrain a this stupid 17 year old girl the other one steps in and not only pushes but also hits an officer.  hahahaha what was that oh ya assulting a police officer. now remember we are built with the fight or flight reaction and his reaction was truly that of fight when being attacked. oh ya again, he was alone and how do you call for backup for I did not see a 3rd arm on the officer and the crowd was starting to move in if even just to watch and we all know when something is in the middle of a group and theres conflict. nothing ever good ever comes out of that. so as I would have also done which is simple take control of the situation. oh ya being a girl at 17 does not mean fragile, young and innocent. please stop smoking the drugs people. from where I sit,  todays teenagers are are far more violent then in the past and I am only 39. I went to a big school and I know no one brought a gun to school and started shooting people. thjis is just an example do not get me started with todays teens. so as the police officers boss even said, the officer was well within exceptable limits based on the situation at hand. AND NO I AM NOT SAYING OR EXPRESSING THAT ITS OK TO HIT LADIES OR TEENS PUCK GIRLS BUT IF YOU ARE NOT AFFRAID TO HIT AND PUSH A COP IN A DOWN TOWN CITY SUROUNDINGS WITH THE WORLD WATCHING THEN WHAT WOULD?


But Jay walking? seriously? Who gets a ticket for Jay walking? Let's be brutal. Black kids? Come on.


I agree Pete, I challenge everyone to actually think what they would have done, confronted with a situation like this, honestly. I know that an instict kicks in, and you all would be in protective mode, aint nobody here gonna say they would let someone just push them around. I know I wouldn't.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Ok, I just watched this video so I could give my humble opinion here because I caught it only briefly in the news."
IMHO, she got what she deserved. "
Did you see she was being pulled back away from the cop and the other girl in the black shirt by a friend or whoever? But she manages to get right back in the middle of the cop trying to do his job coming at him with threatening body actions. Yes, the second she laid a hand on him, she was threatening him. Look at him trying to handle the main girl. She's acting unruly with him, this other teen jumps in and starts in on him. Hell yeah, I would have done what he did. "
With her past record I'm surprised this story isn't about a teenage girl punching a cop dead in the face. And if it was, I would be ashamed knowing how many people would be laughing at it. Probably the same people who are watching this video going I can't believe he did that!! Or how about it ending where a mob forms and they beat the cop to death. "
I have a daughter a couple years older than this teen and if she was the one in the video, I would have told her that she got what she deserved. And that's the truth."
It is not acceptable to not respect law enforcement. "
Disclaimer: The opinions stated are only the opinions stated by Mben and not the opinions of the forum!!
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A Mommy Machine
I don't think it is acceptable to disrespect law enforcement. On the same note, my husband works in the most dangerous Prison yard in Arizona, and he is taught in training how to restrain a suspect. He doesn't punch them in the face. I know for a fact Police Officers are trained to do the same."
I am not saying she didn't deserve something to happen to her, with her background and her behavior. I just think it could have been handled differently.


Greedy Gambler
100% agree Mommy...My Dad was a retired cop and Never, ever did he ever do that kind of behavior and believe me, some of them deserved it!! Interesting.....everyone's views!!

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