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How often do you go?

How often do you go to the casinos? I don't actually go that often and I live less than an hour away from one. But, I have some family members who will go all the time and they lose thousands of dollars when they go, I don't think that I would be able to do that.
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I used to go a couple of times a month, but we cut back when it seemed like there was no way to come out ahead anymore...
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Closest casino to me is in Oklahoma (I'm in Texas) and its about an hour and a half away. We go about twice a month.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I live about 20 minutes away from one (we have three) of our casinos here where I live. With that said, I haven't been to my local casinos in over 2 years.

But over the last 3 months, I have gone to a casino (where I was staying at) once every month. I am back at home now for a couple of weeks and will be returning to the location where I have taken up a temporary home and am sure I will be hitting the casino soon once again.


The ones I like to go to most in my state I don't see very often. Maybe once or twice a year tops. There is one where my daughter goes to college at right now that I hit everytime I'm up there. Unfortunately its the tightest one I play at lol so I have yet to win there. I don't get super loose though. I spend more online that at a brick and mortar spot. Once my kids are both out of college I'll probably hit them more often.
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