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I can't say "Happy Veteran's Day"...


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I can't say "Happy Veteran's Day"...

...because it isn't "that kind of holiday" .
We are supposed to remember and honor the sacrifices made by our ancestors. My father (affectionately called "Dickie") flew 50+ missions in Italy during WWII along with his twin brother. He rarely spoke of it, but over time I realized what a profound influence it had on his life. In his final years, he was convinced that I was in his squadron with him - even thought I wasn't born until 1951.

Thank you for your service Dickie - and Uncle Bill. Even though you are both gone, we all owe you a huge debt of gratitude!


...and yes, I am blubbering like a baby and miss him terribly even though he became a huge PITA!


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
That photo came from a "Stars and Stripes" photo shoot that they did in 1944 to promote patriotism. Apparently it was a huge deal at the time.

Dickie is in the pilot's seat with twin brother Bill in the co-pilot seat


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I rarely say "Happy" Veterans Day and/or "Happy" Memorial Day anymore. The days are not "happy" ones as you pointed out, PSP. They are days to honor those who gave their lives in the name of "duty". Whether they died in action serving our country in the military or as policemen, firemen, etc or are actively serving, they gave their lives in one way or another.

I need to have my brother send me a picture of my grandfather. My heart swelled when I saw your picture and would really like the one of my granddad.

"Thank You" to your father and uncle!
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That photo came from a "Stars and Stripes" photo shoot that they did in 1944 to promote patriotism. Apparently it was a huge deal at the time.

Dickie is in the pilot's seat with twin brother Bill in the co-pilot seat
Thank you Bill.
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:thankyou:to all who have served my grandfather was at pearl harbor when he was only 18 and i miss him so much

i just glad that i got to hear all his story's bout his many years in the service and life experiences and lessons before he finally pass away from cancer :(

thank u for sharing for story and letting me share mine so we never forgot the great men and women who served and/or are family members who are gone but never forgotten :bigheart:
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