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Interstate Online Poker Introduced To The Legislature - It's All Moving Forward


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Staff member
Nevada has 17 approved and licensed online casino operators with 3 more seeking approval this month. These companies could possibly launch their sites come this spring after all testing has been done and approved. This is great news for those who live in Nevada since they will legally be allowed to wager on these sites within their borders. But what about the rest of the online gamling enthusiasts in other states?Other state's governments are putting together their own proposals and presenting it to their lawmakers seeking approval. That's all good too, Well now Nevada has now presented a bill draft to the Legislature that is asking to allow Nevada's governor to enter into agreement with other states that legalize internet gambling (poker). It will allow the online sites in Nevada to accept wagers from players in states that have the same or similiar gambling laws. So instead of just intrastate gambling, interstate gambling may be in the USA's future. Players in allowed online gambling states will have more choices as to where to play and not have to settel on what is being offered by their state. Read the full article <a href="http://www.casinocitytimes.com/article/proposed-gaming-bill-would-allow-interstate-agreements-for-online-poker-61752" >here</a>. 

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