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Nothing like passing responsibility off to the institution...


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Let me get this straight - the kid failed all but 3 classes over 4 years of high school along with being absent for over 270 days over a 3 year period, but the mother blames the school? She had no idea that he wouldn't graduate? If she was even marginally paying attention to her kid, how could she ignore 4 years worth of report cards? I can forgive missing one report card, but 8 report cards? What would your parents have said or done if your overall GPA was 0.13? I know what the reaction would have been from my parents - instead of reading my post, you would be reading my obituary :surprise:

... and a GPA of 0.13 puts you in the upper half of your graduating class? :homer::laughhard:

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This is something that should not happen... This is an entire community's failure. This kid was ahead of half is class. The kid did better then 58 other students..

If anybody is looking to relocate to Baltimore I'm betting there's going to be a lot of teaching and administrative jobs come open. I'm all for a thread with the over/under on how many people gonna loss there jobs. I will take the over..

To be serious, stuff like this opens the doors for charter schools. Which fall under private institutions.. That means they don't have to follow ADA laws, and the company running the school will probably be the same company that has been running most of our state and federal prisons...
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
My brother and family live just outside of Baltimore. My youngest nephew is about to graduate high school. My brother knows about the school districts there because he had reason to research them before moving there. And what he told me is that the Baltimore school districts are overrun with corruption. So it does not surprise me that they are passing these children, letting them graduate, etc., because if they can steal money right out from under them, they do not care about their education imo.

I was a single parent of one. I worked one job. It was my responsibility to get my daughter educated and keep a roof over her head. If I had more than one kid, and had to work more than one job, it was still my responsibility, not anyone else. It was my responsibility to make sure she was in school every day, that she received passing, if not higher, grades, etc. My daughter graduated 9th in her class of 300+.

The school failed this student. The parent failed her child. And unfortunately, he failed himself. He would have been at school had he wanted to be there.
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