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$100 Free_ Grand Prive Casinos


sorry, ishin, but we don't endorse any of the Grand Prive Casinos-- Edited by ohbhave on Saturday 28th of November 2009 05:24:53 PM


ishin pm this info please should be okay in here it is the pit alot worse casinos postedin here than this group


ishin wrote: sorry, ishin, but we don't endorse any of the Grand Prive Casinos-- Edited by ohbhave on Saturday 28th of November 2009 05:24:53 PM
sorry...was just trying to share


I dont think there would be any endorseing, it is the  pitt for christ sake, why not let him post it and we can decide weather or not to take it up or not, i absolutely hate dispiseloath the virtual but they keep getting postred, go figure,  totally confused scottymac    
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scottmac82 wrote: I dont think there would be any endorseing, it is the  pitt for christ sake, why not let him post it and we can decide weather or not to take it up or not, i absolutely hate dispiseloath the virtual but they keep getting postred, go figure,  totally confused scottymac    
Thank you scottmac82, my thoughts exactly.By placing GrandPrive in 'The Pit,' the forum has done their due diligence and expresses to its members that it does not endorse this casino group.  After that, allow for the members to make their own decision of whether or not to take up the offer.This type of censorship defeats the purpose of having these no deposit forums.  Members take the time to post info, to share, and hopefully learn from others' experiences within the community.  Deleting and/ or altering what was originally written by a member helps in no way whatsoever
(and imo, rude).  If the information presented in this forum is truly in the best interest of its members, then all members should be allowed to express and write what they want without having it edited.Honestly, I am not endorsing any casino and could care less if anyone plays at GrandPrive or not.  I've obtained many bonus codes from this forum and just wanted to contribute...give a little back with what I could.But then again, what the hell do I know about the business of operating an online casino affiliate website?  
...nothinpeace -
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Ok guys hold on!! Before anyone starts a riot in this thread.........the peacemaker will step in. LOL Vacant, you definately know what's going on with the Virtual group & Grand Prive.Scottmac, you may know what is going on with Grand Prive.Ishin, you may not know at all about Grand Prive. First of all, the Virtual group as we all know, has been a thorn in many players and affiliates sides. The posts have been allowed on this forum for many years but in the pit only. They are fun for free chip play when we have nothing else to do but because of the fact that they are giving the run around to many affiliates (such as Belgamo) he decided that they are not getting any free advertising from this forum and completely disallowed any posting of their promos on this board. He has had enough of them and does not want to give them the time of day anymore.The same goes for the Grand Prive group. They have screwed over hundreds of affiliates. If they can do this to affiliates, who advertise for them by their hard work on their websites and what not, what do you think they will do to their players?? (vacant, I know you stated that you do get payed by them as a player) There is a HUGE campaign out now to take Grand Prive down and out of business. Belgamo has taken a stance on the Grand Prive issue as with the Virtual group. He has not stated that it is completely disallowed to post about Grand Prive but probably will eventually. We are just trying to protect our members. Any casino that screws with our players, that we endorse, can be contacted and questions can be answered. There is no contact with the Grand Prive group. Players are on thier own. So why not nip it in the butt now and not have players stumble their way into a possible harmful situation?ishin, we appreciate all the input and posts from all our members so please continue and don't let this situation discourage you! Please! I hope you all understand where we are coming from. Now, with that said.................The free $100 from Grand Prive was a We miss you! Come back with this free $100 promo.I received the same email that told me to check my mailbox for a gift that was mailed to me. I did and I had a CD and a bonus code that I could claim the $100 with. It probably was a player specific code. So if ishin posted a code , it probably would not have worked for you. Check your emails and your mailboxes for a mailing from Grand Prive.-- Edited by Mben on Sunday 29th of November 2009 12:35:32 PM
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Well said Mben! I got the same CD and what not and it is a players specific code. It won't work for everyone.


if you guys dont like grand prive and u got the cd with the bonus code , u can pm me with the code and ill use itno harm in playing a free 100, there money not mine thank if u pm me the code
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onthenight wrote: if you guys dont like grand prive and u got the cd with the bonus code , u can pm me with the code and ill use itno harm in playing a free 100, there money not mine thank if u pm me the code
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well illl be a monkeys uncle, ive play at there casinos and collected, welll ill be butttered on both sides, if thats what Belgamo has deeeeeeclered well he is is the boss, would luve to have known if it it was free $1000 or a deposit...my apppolies,,scottymac
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I received this offer in the mail also. I used to deposit quite alot at Grand Bay Casino, but haven't since they were put on the rogue list.


Me too...I used to play GrandBay regularly, until that whole fiasco went down with them and their affiliates. I was surprised when I received the cd the other day because its been close to two years since I played GrandPrive.


Bel may want to consider putting A STICKY with the names of these casinos that we are not allowed to Post information for. I did not know all that informatin Mben posted!"
The way I look at it is this: If I try to withdrawl from A casino and they tell me no there is basically nothing I can do about it! That is when I would come back to m forum and request help form the Forum management, If my forum is at odds with A particular casino, that means I am at odds with that casino. That is the only weapon we have at our disposal to punish A casino that is managed by greed thrown in your facdesas . If we do not support our forum when thay are forced to use the weapon, then it wil become ineffective altogether. The on line casinos would do as they please to us as well as them."
Think about it A second. Most are under no or very little regulations by law. They only thag that makes thame kinda play by some rules is for them to experience declining revenue. If depositers are made aware directly, less revenue will be seen on their income statements. Listing the names of casihnos that are run with no ethics gives depositers the knowledge to stop supporting much faster!"
Just A suggestion. If it was just A sticky only listing their names. It would not turn into A thread of bad mouthing or casino bashing!

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