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20,000 Leagues Tourney


I was ranked 3rd for a short while...then the slot turned colder than the deepest part of the ocean
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Only Jackpots
very nice. Can you tell me why it did not even me free spin when I landed on it. I hit it 3 time not free spin. I hit it one time and got it. I did ok in it but not like that"


rebago wrote: Wow! I hope you can stop before its all back down to zero, as in my case ALL THE TIME! LOL
...I'm down to 1000 now... I lost 2500 straight without hardly any wins...hundreds of spins without a single hit, ridiculousness   I swear,  I think the software penalizes a player...the longer you play, the colder it gets...
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SWEETLUMMI wrote: very nice. Can you tell me why it did not even me free spin when I landed on it. I hit it 3 time not free spin. I hit it one time and got it. I did ok in it but not like that
I'm a virgin to this 20,000 Leagues slot until today... so I'm not too sure what you mean regarding the freespins feature.I also noticed while I was playing that sometimes the '20,000 Leagues' symbol activates the freespins and other times it doesn't... I'm guessing it has something to do with getting it in combination with other symbols...but really, I don't know...sorry.


rebago wrote: Wow! I hope you can stop before its all back down to zero, as in my case ALL THE TIME! LOL
rebago, you called it!   My balance is now $0.00.  Starting at 3400 it was all downhill.  Thats thousands of spins with absolutely no hits...and of the few hits I did manage to get, the wins were like a couple cents more than my bet size... at around 2000, I was betting mostly at $1.25/ spin.I have no data to prove it statistically, but I do to dare say that there is no way  that the results of my game play was generated randomly and without external influence...simply stated...its rigged.  big time.  It was fun though, while it lasted. Thanks Crazy Slots for an afternoon of fun.
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