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$20 FREE


GOLD ROCK CASINO BONUSES $20 No deposit Required <a href="http://get.goldrockcasino.com/get/a/304417" >Gold Rock casino</a> has just converted over to using Rival gaming software. To celebrate this switch to one of the best online gaming platforms Gold Rock is offering all players, new and old, a $20 free chip[. Over 100 games including progressive jackpots and interactive slots. <a href="http://www.casinocashgiveaway.com/Gold-Rock-Casino.html" target="_self">GOLD ROCK CASINO REVIEW </a> * regarding 'old players' recieving the $20 - this only pertains to players that origionally signed up with Gold Rock when they were with Wizard software. If you have since signed up with them being a Rival casino, you DO NOT qualify for the $20 FREE unless you are a brand new player who signed up through our banner.  -- Edited by ohbhave on Monday 30th of November 2009 07:52:41 PM-- Edited by ohbhave on Monday 30th of November 2009 07:54:31 PM
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ohbhave wrote: <a href="http://get.goldrockcasino.com/get/a/304417" >Gold Rock casino</a> has just converted over to using Rival gaming software. To celebrate this switch to one of the best online gaming platforms Gold Rock is offering all players, new and old, a $20 free chip <a href="http://www.casinocashgiveaway.com/Gold-Rock-Casino.html" target="_self"> </a>
How do 'old' players claim this $20 free chip?  I re-downloaded, re-installed casino, logged in, and don't see any free $20.  FYI... GoldRock converted to Rival nearly a year ago.  My game history dates back to Feb. 2009
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ishin wrote:
ohbhave wrote: <a href="http://get.goldrockcasino.com/get/a/304417" >Gold Rock casino</a> has just converted over to using Rival gaming software. To celebrate this switch to one of the best online gaming platforms Gold Rock is offering all players, new and old, a $20 free chip <a href="http://www.casinocashgiveaway.com/Gold-Rock-Casino.html" target="_self"> </a>
How do 'old' players claim this $20 free chip?  I re-downloaded, re-installed casino, logged in, and don't see any free $20.  FYI... GoldRock converted to Rival nearly a year ago.  My game history dates back to Feb. 2009
 see my edited post above
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