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A look at the Gamblers Dictionary....


Short Ender - The underdog in a bet. Showdown - In poker, after the last betting round, the players who remain in the pot must show their hands in the showdown to determine the winner. Shuffle - Before each hand the dealer mixes up the order of the cards. Shutter - A window covering a number on a re-usable bingo card. The shutter can be pulled down to mark each number as it is called. Silks - A jockey's uniform. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 22nd of June 2011 09:32:32 AM
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Silver Mining - Searching for unguarded coins left in the slot machines area. Single - A Straight bet on one selection. Single Odds - An additional wager equal to one's original bet. Singleton - In poker, a card that is the only one of its rank. Sixth Street - In 7 card stud, the fourth round of betting is called sixth street because players have six cards. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 23rd of June 2011 05:22:48 AM
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Skin - A dollar. Skin Game - In poker, a game having two or more cheaters. Skinning The Hand - A cheater's way of getting rid of excess cards in Poker. Skinny - A bet on any Seven. Skipped - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. Skoon - A dollar. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 24th of June 2011 10:44:24 AM
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Slot Schedule - The details usually at the top of a slot machine detailing the type of machine, denomination, and payout details. Smart Money - When a professional gambler places a bet. Snake Eyes - In craps, when a player rolls a two. Snapper - In Blackjack, it refers to an Ace and 10 count card. Soft Count - The counting the takings inside a gambling machine. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 25th of June 2011 07:00:23 AM
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Soft Count Room - The room where the soft count takes places. Soft Hand - A hand in blackjack that contains an ace counted as eleven. Soft Player - A player who bets less following a win and doubles up following a loss. Spinner - Winning streak. Spit - A very small amount of money. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 26th of June 2011 05:31:34 AM
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Split Bet - A combination bet across two numbers on the inside of the roulette table. Spooking - Standing behind the dealer in a Blackjack game in order to relay the dealer's card values to a player. Spot - Any number from 1 to 80 that a player selects on a keno ticket. It also refers to the number of numbers that are marked on a ticket. Square Pair - A hard 8, meaning two 4s. Squares - Perfect dice to within a tolerance of 1/5,000 of an inch. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 27th of June 2011 08:02:43 AM
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Stack - The amount of money (stack of chips) a player has on the table. Stake - The amount of money a player is willing to play with in a given session. Stand - In Blackjack, to stand is to refrain from taking another card. Standing Hand - A Blackjack hand with 17 or more. Steal - In poker, to win the pot by bluffing. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 30th of June 2011 08:30:23 AM
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Steamer - A player who will only bet big when losing. Stickman - The dice dealer who calls the numbers rolled and controls the stick. Stiff - In Blackjack, a hand that is not pat and that may bust if hit once. Stiffs include hard twelve through sixteen. Still Up - What the dealer says to remind players that a wager is still in play. Store - An establishment that caters to small play. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 1st of July 2011 08:06:26 AM
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Straight - In poker, a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive ranks, but not of the same suit. Straight Flush - In poker, a hand consisting of five cards of consecutive ranks of the same suit. Straight Keno - The basic keno game, played by marking individual numbers on a keno ticket. Straight Up Bet - A Straight bet on one selection. Stripping - Card shuffling technique. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 2nd of July 2011 08:46:54 AM
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Stuck - Losing. Stud Poker - A poker game with no draw. Suit - Any one of the four types of cards: clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades. Surrender - In Blackjack, to give up half one's wager before the hand is complete, for the privilege of not playing out a hand, thus saving half the wager. In roulette, one effectively loses only half the wager on an even money bet when the ball lands on 0. System - A method of betting. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 3rd of July 2011 12:02:02 PM
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Table Odds - The multiple a player may bet behind the original flat bet to get true odds of the dice. Table Stakes - When the amount of money wagered is limited to the amount of money on the Poker table. Tap Out - To bet and lose one's last dollar. Taking Odds - Adding a bet to an original Pass Line or Come Bet that pays on the true odds of the dice. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 4th of July 2011 09:49:29 AM
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Third Base - In Blackjack, the spot nearest the dealer's right hand, which will be played last before the dealer's hand is played. Third Street - In 7 card stud, the first round of betting is called third street because the players have three cards. Three Of A Kind - Three cards of the same rank. Ticket - A card. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 5th of July 2011 07:33:26 AM
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Tidy the Bowl - When the stickperson keeps the extra dice in the bowl in a neat row. Tight Slots - Tight slots have a lower payout over a period of time and thus have a higher advantage over the player. Toke - A tip given to the dealer in the form of money or chips. Token - the casino coins used to play slot machines. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 6th of July 2011 08:44:09 AM
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Tom - A player who does not tip. Took a Hike - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. Took a Powder - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. Touch Wand - A pointing device used on some video keno machines to select numbers. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 7th of July 2011 07:05:20 AM
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Tout - A professional tipster who offers to sell his opinion on the outcome of a sporting event without benefit of knowledge. Trey - A Three. Trips - In poker, 3 of a kind. True Odds - The ratio of the number of times one event will occur to the number of times another event will occur. The odds posted in a casino are usually not the true odds. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 8th of July 2011 09:51:13 AM
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Trump - Cash. Turning the Dice - When the stickperson flips the dice around with his stick in order to make sure a 7, 11, 2, 3, or 12 isn't showing when they go to the shooter. Two Pair - In Poker, a hand consisting of two sets of pairs and a singleton. Underlay - A bad bet. An event that has more money bet on its happening than can be justified by the probability of it happening. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 11th of July 2011 08:44:47 AM
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Upcard - The dealers exposed card that is face up for all the players to see before they play their hands in Blackjack. Used To Be Somebody - A player who has run out of funds and credit. Value - A professional's opinion regarding a proposition that appears to be an overlay or an underlay. Vigorish - The fee or commission taken by the house. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 12th of July 2011 09:11:24 AM
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Upcard - The dealers exposed card that is face up for all the players to see before they play their hands in Blackjack. Used To Be Somebody - A player who has run out of funds and credit. Value - A professional's opinion regarding a proposition that appears to be an overlay or an underlay. Vigorish - The fee or commission taken by the house. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 13th of July 2011 09:08:25 AM
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Wow, we are about to the end of our Gamblers Dictionary gang.Any ideas on what folks might like me to post next in reference to gambling?                                                                                                     Pam


VIP - A big bettor that is worthy of full complimentary treatment. Virgin Line - A line sent out to Sports Books before any wagers have been made. Yo or Yo leven - The number 11. Zombie - A gambler who never shows emotion regardless of the outcome.    -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 14th of July 2011 09:42:23 AM
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Well gang:This last post concludes the GAMBLERS DICTIONARY section.Hope you all enjoyed it.    I enjoyed posting it every day. :roll:                                                                                         Pam


Thick'un - A big bet.Tie - A push, stand-off or a draw.Tips - Picks. The selections and predictions of competitors performance for an event from an expert or observer.Totals - Sports bet on whether the combined number of points or goals scored by the two teams will be over/under a given mark.Tote - Short for Totalisator. A system introduced to Britain in 1929 to offer pool betting on racecourses.Trebles - A triple bet on three events. A form of parlay or accumulator.Trixie - A Trixie consists of 4 bets involving 3 selections in different events, i.e. 3 doubles plus 1 treble.True Odds - The real odds of something happening as opposed to what the bookies offer. http://www.ildado.com/sports_betting_glossary.html
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