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Am I the only one who noticed?


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
By now, I'm sure that you've all seen the Chevy commercial about the 2016 Malibu where they took off all of the badging and had idiots (oops, neophytes :surprise:) comment about what a great car it appears to be. The spokesperson brags that the 2016 Malibu starts at $22,500 - the only problem is that the fine print says that the car as shown is really $36,500. That's WELL over 50% more than they pretend that it costs....

Can someone PLEASE put out the flames in those pants! :thumb:
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All I can say is that they at least put in some fine print stating how much the "show car" actually costs :p They kind of do in my country 2 however it's all split up in seperate options so you would have to add it all up together by yourself.
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Expanded vocabulary! Embrace it!

(If not, Google works too... :thumb:)
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
In retrospect, I apologize - sort of.

The words that I use on here aren't intended to be bombastic or elitist - these are words that I use in everyday speech. Hopefully I will inspire a few of you to not only look up the meaning of the words, but start working them into your normal conversations!

I can only hope....
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In retrospect, I apologize - sort of.
Oh I was teasing when I called you a showoff, I don't really think that's what you are doing. For the most part I know most the words you throw out (I read ... a lot), that was the second one I've had to look up. So to clear the air for everyone else, guys I've known PSP for many years and that is really how he talks ;)
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Irrespective of the "complaints" about the linguistic gymnastics, I am still appalled that Chevy thinks that it is acceptable to portray a mediocre $36K car as one that "starts at $22.5K". The basic car doesn't offer most of the techno-gadgets that they infer. Take a look at the other options that you have for a mid $30K car - the options are endless....
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I agree, the commercial is totally staged. The very first time I saw this commercial I wasn't thinking this was a Lexus or BMW. It is a standard Chevy Model. Although nice, hardly up to the standards of BMW. Either the people are paid to act dumb, or they are truly clueless. lol Just my 2 cents.
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I actually looked up the commercial. Listening to what they say and how the prices are being displayed (basic price with not far under that in pretty big letters the "As shown" price) I don't really see that much of an issue with the commercial. Doesn't mean I would buy it though :p The way they advertise it makes me think that they would rather make other cars but they are stuck with making Chevy's, so they try to make others believe it could be another brand like a Lexus? :p
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Don't most car commercials show a car with all the optional features, but then state starting price is such and such without extra features?

I don't think I see commercials showing their stripped down models, but say at the end, you could get one with more options for such and such. They want to suck you in showing all the extra options right off the bat.

What am I missing here?

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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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BTW, when I was in the market for a new (to me) car just over a year ago, I test drove the Chevy Malibu. The older model was too small for me. A 2000. I really wanted the newer model because of the size and body design. I think the 2006. Since I was test driving "used cars", the ones I drove had issues or like I said, were too small. I am not into compact cars.

As I was on the freeway recently, I saw a car that caught my eye. It was this 2016 Malibu. I think it's a sharp looking car.

I ended up with a Buick. My second one in a row. Same model too. My car insurance rep giggled when I called to add the new (to me) car to my policy. She says .. "you really like Buicks, huh?" lol

I love my Buick. ;)
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I just think that it is disingenuous to portray a product as "starting at $22.5K" when the car that you are demonstrating costs 62% more than that....

...aka "pants on fire..."


Would you rather have that Malibu than a Mercedes CLA 250 or a BMW 320i?

Maybe hold out for Tesla Model 3?


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
...or you could embrace your heritage and select a Kia Optima :thumb:

For that price, you can get a hybrid and save a bundle on gas.

I have been renting cars virtually every week for the last 3 years since I have been working out of state. The Chevys have been the least impressive cars that I have rented...
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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...or you could embrace your heritage and select a Kia Optima :thumb:

LOL :above:

If I had the money to buy a brand new car, I'd look deeper than just what the car looked like. Like I said, that Chevy caught my eye is all.
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It looks like a decent car, but a bit to big to drive around here. Got myself a Toyota Yaris 4 years ago. But I guess a car like that is a bit 2 small for the US roads :p
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Can't find an edit button for some reason. Anyways to add to it, the car was about €15k which is around $16.6k
We had to disable it because of "contest" reasons. Members were able to edit their entries after the fact which could have lead to altered results. Sorry. :(
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