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omg - someone give me a lollypop so i can suck on it until the chat party~!"
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
DrJugz wrote: omg - someone give me a lollypop so i can suck on it until the chat party~!I LOVE CHAT PARTIES!!!
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I have had plans to be here for this chat party since it was first anounced, but now I am afraid I may miss it. I really wish I could be here, because I missed to last one. But because of illness in my family, I have other obligations to take care of. Good luck to everyone, and if anything changes I will be here.


Going to try hard to pop in and out, I will be spending the evening at my parents home, don't have to leave here til around 8pm my time, which is when the party starts, but may still be able to make the first part of it.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
In the chat box but the box will be moved to the bottom of the forum.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
virgie wrote: 6 pm for WA. and 5 pm for us in AZ.. we are different people... we have our own time....lol We here in AZ do have our own time zone virgie, but the chat party starts at 7pm for us, not 5pm. You went an hour backwards. At least you would have been early and not late!


I also missed the first one and almost missed this one but i'm sure glad i didn't...so bigtime thanks once again to everyone involved, especially Nic and Belgamo  
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Thank you all for a great night. Here is the winners list!"
13MAR13 won a $50 free chip!"
ANABOR001 won a $75 free chip!"
BENCO333 won a $50 free chip!"
BOBB15DK won a $50 free chip!"
BONEAPART won a $75 free chip!"
BOOIE won a $50 free chip!"
BURDY won a $50 free chip!"
CAT DANCER won a $100 free chip!"
CAT034 won a $50 free chip!"
CDSNUTZ won a $50 free chip!"
CTF1969 won a $1,000 free chip!"
CTF1969 won a $100 free chip!"
CTF1969 won a $75 free chip!"
DAREMETO won a $50 free chip!"
DAVIDKOHCG won a $75 free chip!"
DEEJ won a $50 free chip!"
DR JUGS won a $50 free chip!"
DRJUGS won a $50 free chip!"
ETHERIAL won a $100 free chip!"
FAV47 won a $75 free chip!"
FOXYFEMFATAL won a $50 free chip!"
FRADIKA78 won a $75 free chip!"
GHINKO won a $75 free chip!"
GIFY41 won a $100 free chip!"
GIVENNSZ won a $75 free chip!"
HELLWIN won a $75 free chip!"
HOLLY56 won a $75 free chip!"
ISHIN won a $75 free chip!"
JANIEK777 won a $50 free chip!"
KAMAY24 won a $200 free chip!"
KKESSLER won a $75 free chip!"
LAURAB won a $50 free chip!"
LIMODANE55 won a $75 free chip!"
lORI22 won a $50 free chip!"
LORI222 won a $150 free chip!"
LORI222 won a $200 free chip!"
LUCKYDAN won a $75 free chip!"
LYNDALOU won a $50 free chip!"
MANDAMOM won a $50 free chip!"
MANDASMOM won a $50 free chip!"
MDLBUG won a $75 free chip!"
MERC 50 won a $100 free chip!"
MIKE7A WON won a $100 free chip!"
MOMYRONNIE won a $50 free chip!"
MSFILLY won a $75 free chip!"
PETTWEYWESSTRO won a $100 free chip!"
PLAYERDALEMAN won a $75 free chip!"
QUEENSMAP won a $50 free chip!"
REBAGO won a $100 free chip!"
REBAGO won a $200 free chip!"
REBAGO won a $300 free chip!"
REBAGO won a $50 free chip!"
ROBSMOM won a $100 free chip!"
ROBSMOM won a $75 free chip!"
ROCK ON 222 won a $75 free chip!"
SANDIEGOSEX won a $100 free chip!"
SANDIEGOSEX won a $100 free chip!"
SASHASMOM won a $50 free chip!"
SMAILLIW won a $50 free chip!"
SMALLOAK won a $200 free chip!"
SPADEAHOLIC won a $75 free chip!"
SSUTTORS won a $75 free chip!"
STEIF3 won a $75 free chip!"
TECKNOMANIA won a $100 free chip!"
TKING1 won a $75 free chip!"
TOOKAOTIK won a $75 free chip!"
UNSOUGHTPOET won a $50 free chip!"
WILDWROZZIE won a $50 free chip!


No Deposit Forum Founder
winners !!! remember must not be bonus banned at Vegas Regal to be creditedNON WINNERS LIST, all will receive afre chipNON WINNERS LISTpwillerJRWYMANRsexylips6969temptmeHEFFER09MPMARVELDeborillalalc62esamahaBARB711dhunnellalwaysrcWINNERS LIST13MAR13 won a $50 free chip!         mart1313ANABOR001 won a $75 free chip!       anaborBENCO333 won a $50 free chip!       bneffBOBB15DK won a $50 free chip!       dhansonBONEAPART won a $75 free chip!      boneapartBOOIE won a $50 free chip!          booieBURDY won a $50 free chip!          burdygCAT DANCER won a $100 free chip!    nfraserCAT034 won a $50 free chip!         obrownCDSNUTZ won a $50 free chip!        nlimosCTF1969 won a $1,000 free chip!     ctf1969CTF1969 won a $100 free chip!       ctf1969CTF1969 won a $75 free chip!        ctf1969DAREMETO won a $50 free chip!       daremetoDAVIDKOHCG won a $75 free chip!     cgkohDEEJ won a $50 free chip!           DEYCK56DR JUGS won a $50 free chip!        DPRYORDRJUGS won a $50 free chip!         DPRYORETHERIAL won a $100 free chip!      nyssa3FAV47 won a $75 free chip!          fay47FOXYFEMFATAL won a $50 free chip!   cciskoFRADIKA78 won a $75 free chip!      zszaboGHINKO won a $75 free chip!         bbeasleyGIFY41 won a $100 free chip!        mima65GIVENNSZ won a $75 free chip!       sunshinezHELLWIN won a $75 free chip!        hragsdalHOLLY56 won a $75 free chip!        KittyISHIN won a $75 free chip!          Ish74JANIEK777 won a $50 free chip!      jamiek77KAMAY24 won a $200 free chip!       kaymay24KKESSLER won a $75 free chip!       kkesslerLAURAB won a $50 free chip!         maybearLIMODANE55 won a $75 free chip!     LimoDanelORI22 won a $50 free chip!          TOKIDS2LUVLORI222 won a $150 free chip!        TOKIDS2LUVLORI222 won a $200 free chip!        TOKIDS2LUVLUCKYDAN won a $75 free chip!        TOKIDS2LUVLYNDALOU won a $50 free chip!         TOKIDS2LUVMANDAMOM won a $50 free chip!        jlarssenMANDASMOM won a $50 free chip!       jlarssenMDLBUG won a $75 free chip!          dstackpoMIKE7A WON won a $100 free chip!     mbyerlyrMOMYRONNIE won a $50 free chip!      mommyronnie MSFILLY won a $75 free chip!         msfillyPETTWEYWESSTRO won a $100 free chip!  peteyweestroPLAYERDALEMAN won a $75 free chip!    playerdalemanREBAGO won a $100 free chip!          REBAGOREBAGO won a $200 free chip!          REBAGOREBAGO won a $300 free chip!          REBAGOREBAGO won a $50 free chip!           REBAGOROBSMOM won a $100 free chip!         frecklesROBSMOM won a $75 free chip!          frecklesROCK ON 222 won a $75 free chip!      rkeithSANDIEGOSEX won a $100 free chip!     toddjonesSANDIEGOSEX won a $100 free chip!     toddjonesSASHASMOM won a $50 free chip!        lsylviaSMAILLIW won a $50 free chip!         jwilliamSMALLOAK won a $200 free chip!        darkoakSPADEAHOLIC won a $75 free chip!      mvierraSSUTTORS won a $75 free chip!         spsuttorsSTEIF3 won a $75 free chip!           steif3TECKNOMANIA won a $100 free chip!     MsGoodsonTKING1 won a $75 free chip!           tking1TOOKAOTIK won a $75 free chip!        KAOSACTOUNSOUGHTPOET won a $50 free chip!     poprockerWILDWROZZIE won a $50 free chip!      pwattsMERC 50 won a $100 free chip!DID NOT POST USERNAME TRY MERC50-- Edited by belgamo on Saturday 28th of November 2009 01:15:48 AM


Just want to thank you, Belgamo and Vegas Regal, and Nic  for having me and for having a fun time with you all.


Thank you all for being here, and a special thanks to Casino Cash Give Away! It is 1:30am here, but I got everyone credited. (a few people I couldn't find their accounts for those, please contact admin).

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