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Casino US Free Spins


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I received this email and obviously I am not Elizabeth. I checked my account and there were no spins on Avalon but Elizabeth is getting them for the 4th, I'm sure others will too. <table width="550" align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><table width="550" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><a ></a><table width="99%" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">Hello ElizabethStand proud & celebrate your independence with  The CasinoUS & get: 25 MAX PAYLINE Spins on the adventurous slot AVALON! + We will top you up with a patriotic  50% Match up to  50 casino credits on your first deposit!Become an instant winner this 4th of July with The CasinoUS! Log into your account (XXXXXXXX), its waiting for you! Regards,  The CasinoUS If you have any queries, <a >click here</a> to contact our Support Desk This promotion is only valid for Sunday 07-04-2010 (Independence Day) only Standard promotional terms and conditions apply.
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Man, do I need to learn to read the fine print. "
This is valid only on Independence Day! I'll check my account tomorrow then.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks pevangel for confirming that."
Gonna go check again.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I found mine finally under my Crazy Vegas account number. "
Gonna go spin them now!!


ok, I might be a little confused..."
The casino that I log in with my Casino US account is CasinoShare right? Because they and Go Wild(which I'm still FURIOUS about) and a lot of other MG casinos dumped us USA residents am I right? "
I could be a bit tired so I'll check back in the morning."


Casino US, is not affiliated with Casino Share, it is with the vegas partner lounge group."
I hope this helps, http://www.thecasinous.com , Good luck."


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Pevangel is correct, Eva.  Here are the casino's in the Casino US group ....................... <a href="http://www.casinous.co.uk/index.asp?btag=w391c361p001" title="ndf">Casino US</a> <a href="http://www.cinemacasino.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c253p001" title="ndf">Cinema Casino</a> <a href="http://www.aspinallscasino.com/index.asp?btag=w391c823p001" title="ndf">Aspinalls Casino</a> <a href="http://www.rivernilecasino.net/index2.asp?btag=w391c1598p001" title="ndf">River Nile Casino</a> <a href="http://www.sunvegascasino.com/index2.asp?btag=w391c397p001" title="ndf">Sun Vegas Casino</a> <a href="http://www.777dragon.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c322p001" title="ndf">777 Dragon Casino</a> <a href="http://www.crazyvegascasino.co.uk/index2.asp?btag=w391c314p001" title="ndf">Crazy Vegas Casino</a> <a href="http://www.maplecasino.ca/index2.asp?btag=w391c533p001" title="ndf">Maple Casino</a> <a href="http://www.goldenrivieracasino.com/index2.asp?btag=w391c1603p001" title="ndf">Golden Riviera Casino</a>
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The link for Casino US goes to Casino UK and I guess if I didn't keep the software on my computer then SOL because when I cllick on download, it takes me to a page that says they don't service my country of origin and I should download Lucky Blah blah blah."
Oh well, I didn't get an email from Casino US so no biggie. "


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
This is the link to The Casino US .................... http://www.thecasinous.com"
The other links were just to show you who was in the group. "
Let me know if that worked or not.


I've tried the links, I have tried clearing my cookies and typing in www.casinous.com which still takes me to the Lucky Club page and says they don't accept US. I find this totally wierd because when I tried to download All Slots it took me to an RTG page but it said, If you already have an account with All Slots and need to redownload the software click here and it would let me. "
I've all but giving up on Microgaming. They suck rocks. I dunno but they can stick those free you know where. LOL"


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
We'll try this one more time before we give up beating up this horse. lol The free spins may be expired, I don't know, but at least you will have the casino installed for future promos. There is only one link that will take you to the new The Casino US. Click this link ..... <a href="http://www.thecasinous.com" title="ndf">http://www.thecasinous.com</a> See the difference in the URL that you went to .............  www.casinous.com
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Thanks Mben, and you are right the free spins are expired anyway. I finally got the right download thank you and I appreciate all the help for that!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Eva wrote: Thanks Mben, and you are right the free spins are expired anyway. I finally got the right download thank you and I appreciate all the help for that!!
No problem and you're welcome! Glad you got in finally. 
 Sorry we missed the July 4th deadline on the free spins. 
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Got the free spins here and lucked out with some free spins within the game, so ended up with 16.80 off the game! Now, to make that into a lot more... lol...gla
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