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Cleos Vip Room and My New Hemoroid


Wow! That sounds wonderful! You guys are terrific...I really really thank-you and this forum. I really appreciate everything you have done.


It is our pleasure to help members and we are thrilled all of you will infact be getting paid shortly. :dollarsign:  


username is: ibldg please! please try to help find out what is wrong with my account? have won and was a very loyal players, thousands of dollars, and starting september 2, i could not deposit and have not been able to out of nowhere! i even got a new card, and still no go! please find out thanks!


Greedy Gambler
So, problems out of their control???? What does that mean? Processor's....Fed Ex??????? Seems like they are giving all of us the run around and what I have heard since Oct. 11th! Very aggravating and does not make me appease one iota!!!! Words are easy!!!


krystalkitty wrote: So, problems out of their control???? What does that mean? Processor's....Fed Ex??????? Seems like they are giving all of us the run around and what I have heard since Oct. 11th! Very aggravating and does not make me appease one iota!!!! Words are easy!!!
 KK...Mben has a contact at Cleos that is helping us get to the bottom of thingsIt is true Cleos is behind paying, they dont deny that. They are asking for patience, as they apologized for the delays.As far as being out of their control? Who knows. Again, last contact with the rep we were assured that ALL CASHOUTS would be honored.They even admitted some would take longer than others for them  get paid.I really do think Cleos is being on the up and up about the stuation.I only mention this to try to lessen your apprehension about your winnings.Now lets wait and see if your tracking number shows up next week like they say.Thanks for the post. 


ibldg wrote: username is: ibldg please! please try to help find out what is wrong with my account? have won and was a very loyal players, thousands of dollars, and starting september 2, i could not deposit and have not been able to out of nowhere! i even got a new card, and still no go! please find out thanks!
 Hello new member:I will send off a note to our head moderator mben o get ahold of the rep for Cleos.Obviously something is going on with your account, and we will try to get to the bottom of it for you.Hang tight. We will update this thread when we have new information for you.


Actions do speak louder than words. It is strange the wording she will have her tracking number throughout next week I suppose they do mean sometime next week. Hopefully this is the case and all of us will be satisfied with the outcome. I guess after all this time I am a little skeptical. I did see where they have taken my withdrawal off the cashier's page and I can deposit again. That much is done. Now...let's see if they stick with these statements.
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I completely uderstand why all of you after waitng so damn long are somewhat skeptical. I certainly would be too.Hovever, at this point after they have updated us on each situation, we have no choice but to wait and see if they keep their words.I know you guys have been so patient, try to hold on a little while longer.:yourock:


This thread alone is what stops me from depositing at this casino. Too many people waiting for payments or other difficulties with this casino. Sorry you all have to wait so long!


Greedy Gambler
Oh, heck yes, they are still taking deposits! Why wouldn't they? Hopefully I will receive my check before Xmas!! I sent off another email to support! See what this one has to say!


Good luck with that kraystalkitty!
  I have left it up to the info that the moderators got...I appreciated them contacting Cleos on my behalf.  I've waited this long...if my check comes before Christmas it will be great...if not well...what can you do:cigar:The sad thing is I read so many good things about Cleos paying out quickly and efficiently.  Now that I have a cashin...they just stopped.  We'll see what happens this week...sending those tracking numbers..as promised:question::question:  
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Greedy Gambler
At first they did pay like they stated. Support was awesome! I really hope they get their sh@t together! I love playing there! And I can honestly say I am way ahead at Cleo's! First time at any online casino! Prolly made $5G!:dollarsign:


Wow...good for you.:surprise: Now...maybe they can get it together. I certainly hope so...as I am sure most all of the those waiting do.
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Greedy Gambler
Dear Katherine,"
Your tracking number for your payout will be sent to you by the end of this week."
We apologize about the delay."
Kind regards,"
Crossing my fingers, toes and everything else! :thumb: At least they aren't ignoring me!


Exactly KK, at least they did reply, and now we just have to wait and see if that tracking number comes as they say.Thanks for the update. :yourock: 

No Fool

queenmap wrote: This thread alone is what stops me from depositing at this casino. Too many people waiting for payments or other difficulties with this casino. Sorry you all have to wait so long!
 If it saves someone some money its worth it.  I tried to come on here a month or 2 ago and posted that you should be cautious.  Not sure if anyone paid attention, because I never got responses and only saw people posting screenshots , and talking about deposit bonuses. I stopped posting about it because the staff was saying I was maybe scaring people from depositing, and I maybe had a personal agenda.  FYI, I have never played Cleos, never attempted to, nor do I know any employee of Cleos. The waiting isn't fun but I guarantee you a few people having to wait were still depositing when there were signs of trouble.I don't want to see anybody not get paid, because its always us against the casino.  You just need to be vigilant when playing and don't keep playing somewhere where there may be problems just so you can get your fix on.  There are always reputable places to play.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Those of you waiting for your tracking #'s .... please be sure to let us know whether or not you received them by week's end because if they do not hold true to their word this time around, we are pitting them. Thanks!-- Edited by Mben on Monday 25th of November 2013 07:24:59 PM


Mben...I will let you know for sure. I check my e-mail all day long just to see if I have anything from Cleos. As of yet nothing has been sent. As I said previously they did take the cashin off the cashiers page and that's all that has been done so far. I truly free that this is hopeless. I have hardly won much in my life and I was looking forward to getting this thousand. I'm at the point I don't believe this casino has any money to sent to anyone...and they will fold soon. Years ago my father ( a contractor) did some work for a large corporation..they owed him over 17 grand for the work he did for them...they just kept making excuses why they couldn't pay him but they assured him the check would be coming soon. It never came they filed bankruptcy. Of course this is not that dramatic but it sure sounds the same to me
. I hope I am wrong. Thanks for all you do.
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Greedy Gambler
Will be sure to let you know:) Gotta work my 24 hr shift...so hoping Fri. morning I come home to a tracking #! In the past, I have received my check on a Wed. or Thurs from Fed. Ex!


Hooray!! Just got my FedEx tracking number this morning about 20 minutes after talking to live help."
Thank you for your help,No Deposit Forum!!!:)


K5M38 wrote: Hooray!! Just got my FedEx tracking number this morning about 20 minutes after talking to live help. Thank you for your help,No Deposit Forum!!!:)
 That is amazingly good news.That gives hope for the rest of the gang waiting so patiently for their money.Thanks K5M38 fo this important update. :yourock:


Hey guys...good news just checked my e-mail and I have a FedEx tracking number from Cleos! Thank-you for all your help...should get that check soon. Wow this is a great forum.


Laupat wrote: Hey guys...good news just checked my e-mail and I have a FedEx tracking number from Cleos! Thank-you for all your help...should get that check soon. Wow this is a great forum.
 Awesome....More good news from our members.Thank you Laupat for this update on your situation. :yourock:

No Fool

Laupat wrote: Hey guys...good news just checked my e-mail and I have a FedEx tracking number from Cleos! Thank-you for all your help...should get that check soon. Wow this is a great forum.
 I have seen a report of someone receiving a check at the beginning of the week, I believe they had been waiting 3-4 weeks.There is always the possibility that they are picking and choosing who gets paid first. Large consistent depositors will probably get money faster than others.Either way this whole process has been seriously delayed for like 3 weeks, continue to be careful here.


No Deposit Forum Founder
We have been back and forth with Cleos management on this. They do admit issues, but telling us now they now back on track and processing out payments. Should this not happen to the pit they go.
So please keeps us updated on your cash outs.


I have my tracking number also, suppose to arrive Monday, thank God. "
Thank You guys so much for the help, your the best.


Greedy Gambler
Dear Katherine"
Here is the FEDEX tracking number for your $ 1000 payout: "
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We hope you have a great day!"
Kind regards,"
Cleos VIP Room Support Team "
Estimated delivery :"
Mon 11/18/2013 by 8:00 pm


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I am so glad they came through for you all! :clap:"
Even though these payments are coming, if in the future ANYONE has issues, let us know. That way we are aware that their issue with slow pay is still a problem. "
Enjoy your winnings everyone!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
ibldg wrote: username is: ibldg please! please try to help find out what is wrong with my account? have won and was a very loyal players, thousands of dollars, and starting september 2, i could not deposit and have not been able to out of nowhere! i even got a new card, and still no go! please find out thanks!
Hi ibldg, I have heard from our rep about your not being able to deposit issue. There was a problem, in fact, with your account (and others) and their processor. It has been corrected and you should be able to deposit again. Let me know if this is the case. Thanks!-- Edited by Mben on Friday 15th of November 2013 03:08:57 PM


Just to let you know...I made two deposits today and then all of a sudden cleos would not take my card. I tried several times to deposit again and it just declined it. They do have processor problems. It's totally confusing...I really think I am finished trying to deposit or play there.
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