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Greedy Gambler
For some reason, I cannot bring up casinotitan. I keep getting a DSN error. Any idea how I can get it to come up? I need to download it as Ihave money in there and this is driving me crazy
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Greedy Gambler
Doesn't work....Strange. Now what to do? I even turned off my firewall and the site won't come up....Still get the DNS error


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
KK, you are going to have to google DNS errors to find a fix and be sure to search for your OS and browser version."
There is too much out there for me or cat dancer to walk you through."
Hopefully there is a techie on the forum who might have that quick fix for you. Oh Spade!!!!!! "


Thinks Too Much
Mben wrote: KK, you are going to have to google DNS errors to find a fix and be sure to search for your OS and browser version.There is too much out there for me or cat dancer to walk you through.Hopefully there is a techie on the forum who might have that quick fix for you. Oh Spade!!!!!!
 You rang? lol When you type a web address into your web browser and press ENTER, you are sending a query to a DNS server. If the query is successful, the website you want opens; if not, you'll see an error message. A record of these successful and unsuccessful queries is stored in a temporary storage location on your computer called the DNS cache. DNS always checks the cache before querying any DNS server, and if a record is found that matches the query, DNS uses that record instead of querying the server. This makes queries faster and decreases network and Internet traffic.   <a> How can I see the contents of the DNS cache?</a></h3> <ol class="procedure"><li class="step"><a title="Click to open Command Prompt">Click to open Command Prompt.</a><li class="step">At the command prompt, type ipconfig /displaydns .</ol>  
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If you have a problem on your DSN server, try to release or flush all connection using command promp (ipconfig/release) (or ipconfig/flush). Then change your ip to static IP.

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