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I have just spent 2 weeks in 2 different hospitals with my oldest son. He has been throwing up everything--liquid or solid--since January. They have now run every kind of test on him they could dream up, and they discharged him yet again from the hospital on Saturday. Still with no clue what is wrong with him other than his digestive system is VEEERY slow. He isn't allowed to go to school, and we are all going stir crazy!My husband is getting ready to schedule his back and neck surgery, it will be in about 2 weeks, and I still have not got the guts to have my knuckle replaced, but once again, Social Security says there is something that I can do for work with my other hand. Gotta love our system!We really appreciate all the prayers and kind thoughts from everyone here, it's nice not to feel totally alone.Thanks,Trish


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Wow, since January. That's a long time to be that sick and not have them figure out what is wrong with your son Trish. "
I'm sorry you are going through all of this but you are not alone. Your prayers and other who pray for you, will be heard. Including mine.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Wow, since January. That's a long time to be that sick and not have them figure out what is wrong with your son Trish. I'm sorry you are going through all of this but you are not alone. Your prayers and others who pray for you, will be heard. Including mine.


Madame of the Slots
Wow, Trish, that sounds so irresponsible of the healthcare community to not continue to test and see what's wrong. I will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers, and please keep us updated as things progress, okay? Hang in there!

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