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Here is the reason that the USA will never win the war against terrorism


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
There are way too many cultural differences between the different groups in the world. I (and most Americans) will NEVER understand or justify this philosophy that excuses killing and maiming totally innocent people. ...and I don't have any acceptable responses that don't involve more innocent people on both sides suffering. I am disgusted by the lack of humanity on both sides - but when it comes down to it, better them than us. Thinking of those poor young people who were just enjoying a happy, non-threatening event whose lives were forever marred by a cowardly act makes me very sad. I know this sounds callous, but c'est la guerre. Screw with the our lifestyle and be prepared to suffer...........
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Cultural differences, lifestyle differences, religious differences. This will forever be. To me the keyword is radical when it comes to these differences though. For the most part, the people of the world can live in peace if not for the radicals. We even have a radical religious group in the US that I think could cause harm to innocent people, if they haven't already. I don't know that much about them but what I do know, they are not a nice bunch of people. So to the radicals of the world ... Can't we all just get along? Why you gotta be so radical? Chill out! Great post, PSP! And unfortunately, I'm with you ... Better them then us .


When anyone uses their religion as a right to kill people, they lose me. Sadly psp, you are correct.There will be no winners, only losers. All we can do as Americans, is try to keep our lives normal.Cancelling sporting events, parades, gatherings, in order to feel safe? Not the answer. 9/11 was atypical workday. I don't have any great solution either, but refuse to live in fear. If we start to alterour way of life, then, and only then, do the terrorists win.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Mikey7a wrote: When anyone uses their religion as a right to kill people, they lose me. Sadly psp, you are correct.There will be no winners, only losers. All we can do as Americans, is try to keep our lives normal.Cancelling sporting events, parades, gatherings, in order to feel safe? Not the answer. 9/11 was atypical workday. I don't have any great solution either, but refuse to live in fear. If we start to alterour way of life, then, and only then, do the terrorists win.
 I'm starting to believe that the only answer - cruel as it may be, is to answer some of these threats with such overwhelming carnage that our adversaries think twice about challenging our way of life.For example, what would our response be if North Korea lobbed a nuke at Japan or Hawaii? I'm afraid that anything other than massive nuclear retaliation would be an invitation for more attacks. It's a no-win situation, but can we afford to be passive?


I think if people would just sit down and think deeply about life, about how we only have one chance to enjoy our time here, I mean once your dead that's it there's no more flesh and blood life. I believe in heaven and all that, but to take another persons life for religious or other beliefs is just stupid. I'll sit and just think about life and look around and say to myself, one day all this will end and I won't be here to see all the things I love. My sadness goes as far as seeing these Rich people buying $1000 lunches while there is starving people out there begging for a piece of bread. I give money to people standing at stop signs all the time if I have the money to do so. $20 goes a long way for a starving person as well as for my peace of mind and joy of helping somebody out. Karma always comes back to you when you least expect it. I think the only answer to stop terrorists and murderers is inside themselves and to think about what life really is and what its for.


i just don't understand how people can be so hateful that they want to hurt those who have never harmed them. not one of those people have ever met those radicals let alone cause them any harm. hate is such a strong and powerful feeling and it is something i will probably never understand because i have never hated or disliked anyone or anything that it makes me want to go out and cause bodily harm to someone. but i really believe that as long as we let them come to our country and live amongst us that this will be a never ending story. we let them come live here, give them jobs, and education and treat them fair and they thank us by doing chit like that. that is gratitude for you. _____________________________________________________________________________________We even have a radical religious group in the US that I think could cause harm to innocent people, if they haven't already. I don't know that much about them but what I do know, they are not a nice bunch of people._____________________________________________________________________________________i don't know who you are thinking of Mben, but we do have the black ops and yes they are totally ruthless. some of the stories i have heard that they have done, not only made the hair on the back of my neck stand up but i had nightmares after hearing some of the things they have done. i definately would not want to be the one on their find list that they are going to take care of and what is even worse is they work for our government. their morals or lack of morals is nothing like our special ops. in fact it is totally different. they were used quite often during the iraq/afghanistan war, and spent quite a length of time at quantanimo interrogating prisioners. scary bunch of hombres!


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Staff member
daremeto, What I left out was that the US shares common cultures, lifestyles and religion. Granted it is a melting pot and there is such a huge and diverse mixture of people and their beliefs in the US.
But for the most part the US shares common ground among its people . So with that being the case, we look to other countries and see them as terrorists and radicals and people who absolutely hate the West and would cause harm to our citizens without thinking twice about it
But what about homegrown terrorism? Not that we are not paying attention to homegrown terrorists, but we seem to look at other countries, cultures and religions as being terrorist more so.
The group I was referring to is a religious group, based on Christianity, that to me, even though they haven't use the same tactics that we commonly connect to terrorist activity, they are terrorists in their own right, in my opinion. But maybe not by true definition according to our laws. They would be the WB group. 
So yes, cultural, lifestyle and religious differences are the breeding grounds for terrorism but people who share common lifestyle and religious beliefs as other citizens in the US, can definitely be classified as terrorists if they go off the deep end.
People have a mind of their own. No one in this world should dictate how a person lives or what they should believe in. But when what you believe in inflicts harm and death upon other people, that's when we need to dictate to them that it is totally unacceptable.


Quote from PSP: I'm starting to believe that the only answer - cruel as it may be, is to answer some of these threats with such overwhelming carnage that our adversaries think twice about challenging our way of life. For example, what would our response be if North Korea lobbed a nuke at Japan or Hawaii? I'm afraid that anything other than massive nuclear retaliation would be an invitation for more attacks. It's a no-win situation, but can we afford to be passive? I agree with PSP. I make it a point to very seldom talk politics, with anyone, as it can so easily become heated.  As for the Boston Bombings? I could very easily rant and rave for a long time but I wont. What happened was so wrong, on so many levels. The reason behind it, is still coming out. All I know is the surviving Brother is laying in a hospital, getting top notch care so he survives. Perhaps he can tell us more about the who and why this happened. He will survive I am sure.  Have a lenghty trial where he will claim innocence. Blame someone else, claim insanity, etc etc. He will get three meals a day, medical care, and likely be in seclusion so nothing happens to him. Perhaps he will even get visits from his parents as well as his lawyer. What about the victims? Something just doesnt seem right that this guy has so many rights.  I'm just saying. If he is found guilty he will then sit on death row for a number of years while his appeals play out.  We are talking years. I know this is America, we are civilized, we dont take matters into our own hands.  If we did, we would be no better than some of the other places we see on the news and find barbaric in their justice. I just want to know....when does this guy suffer anything? The poor victims, laying there, in pain, limbs blown off, bleeding, and crying.  This accused won't ever come close to suffering the way he made others. This is the part that doesnt sit right with me. Talk about wrong. I know I am not alone in my feelings, Many Americans are angry and would like a piece of this guy if given the chance. Sigh..........       
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