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How are you feeling today?


Happy Sweetest Day everyone...What a nice day to take a moment and tell the ones you hold dear how much you love them.  I love days like this. I am doing fine today. Id be doing better if I wasnt sitting on pins and needles about my withdrawl from Platinum Play out there in cyber space somewhere. SighhhhhWhat will I do today...hmmm...Likely watch some college football, relax, and spend some time with NDF.  Searching for free chips is a given. Another friend over for coffee about noon. (my coffee pot is always going)I am good, my family is good, my pets are good, and I am thankful. Wishing everyone a wonderful day filled with lots of love and great things.                                                                                       Pam
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Good Morning my fellow NDFers. 
It's Saturday and a lazy Saturday at that. Just like I like 'em. That's how I am feeling ...... lazy.  
Enjoy your weekend everyone and make it a winning one whether you are gambling or not!  
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Good Morning everyone. I am up early on this Sunday Morning.  It is quite chilly out too. I go outside to smoke, and as the weeks pass, I have to put more and more clothes on. hahaFootball today.  Love to watch the games.  I usually am good for the first hour, then I find myself waking up, and usually of missed the last 2 quarters.  Have no idea who won.  Zzzzzzzzzzz. Sunday football naps are the best. Went to the land casino yesterday.  Had a blast, but cant say as I won big or anything.  Still, it was fun to get out of the house, and have a cold beer. Might make a nice dinner today, and invite some friends over to help me eat it.  There is something about a chilly day, and the smell of something cooking in the oven that is very comforting to me.  Makes me all warm and cozy. Im feeling great today, and I hope everyone else is too.  Have a wonderful day all.                                                                               Pam
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Today, I am going to have a good day. Hubby's final surgery is at 9am. if all goes well, we will be going home tomorrow! THANK GOD!!! Tampa is beautiful, sunrises and sunsets from our view of the bay are like nothing else, but after 19 days, I just wanna go home!!! "
I hope this surgery goes as well as the last, David is walking more every day, but he is extremely grouchy and nervous about this one. I'm tired of arguing, tired of begging the kids to behave, and basically.....just tired. Seeing my children get on the school bus again will be the happiest moment of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL"
I am determined to have a good day, wish me luck, lmao!!!"
Have a great day everyone!"


Well better late than never.   It is 5:30pm here in Michigan and I am just getting to this post today. Came down with a whopper headache, and it pretty much made my day useless.  I know alot of you out there can relate to a bad headache.  We all get them now and again.  Finally got some medicene that has taken the edge off, and I am trying to get caught up around my house and here at NDF. I see a quiet night at home tonight with my little fireplace, and snuggled in with my animals.  Getting colder each night here in Michigan, and soon the snow will be flying.  Ugh.Is it to late to wish everyone a beautiful rest of the day?  I hope not.  Everyone enjoy the rest of your day, whatever you are up to.                                                                                                     Pam
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Morning gang:Did you ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and feel like you never went to bed?  Thats the way I woke up this morning.  Not sure why.Things are good here, I feel pretty good over all, except I am still waiting for my withdrawl from PP to hit my bank account.  It has got me bugged beyond belief. Another pretty day here in Michigan, but cold this morning again.  Brrrr. I had my yard looking so good after the weekend, of raking and mowing, and now, a few days later, you cant even tell there was anything done to it. Sighhhh. Not alot going on for me today, but likely I will find a nap in my future. hehe.Wishing everyone a wonderful day....Enjoy...(and Trish? Welcome Home)                                                                                            Pam
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It's Hump Day and I am raring to go! "
We were suppose to have rain all day today and tomorrow with temps in the low 70's so I got all ready to make a pot of Caldo De Queso and it looks like it's gonna be a no go with the rain. That should make me happy it won't be all dreary but I LOVE dreary days. We just don't have too many of them here in sunny Arizona! "
Anyway, I'll make do with the sunshine and I hope you all have a great sunny, cold, or dreay day. Whatever floats your boat! LOL


Hello everyone...what a great weekend I had with my family. They drove up from Detroit and we had lunch in Frankenmuth, a little German town.  Lots of fun, watched the football games, and drank some German beer.  They all stayed with me in my little house till late yesterday.  I got to spend time with my little Nephew Drake who I adore.  He is one and a half, and the apple of my eye.Today I feel great, after my weekend, but still a little wore out. hahaha.  Toddlers do that to you.  It is really warm here today for October.  Rainy, and windy, but warm. I'll take it. I have no idea what I will do today, I guess I will have to wait and see what comes about.  The day is young, so you never know. I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.                                                                                                Pam
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I'm glad you had a nice weekend with your family, Pam."
It's Monday and I feel like it's a Monday.
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Hi all.......Well it's Tuesday, and as I look around my little house, it is still a wreck from the weekend visit from my family.    My little Nephew Drake can sure make a clean house a wreck in a matter of minutes.  hehehe.  Even my laundry has got away from me, which is unusual.  Needless to say, I will be spending time today trying to get things back in order. Went out for coffee this morning. I swear I wasnt fully awake yet when I drove there.  haha.  I got home and looked at my self in the mirror and could of died of fright. My hair was everywhere and I looked just awful.  Maybe they thought I started wearing my scary Halloween mask early. It is really windy here today, and going to rain on and off.  Still better than the white stuff that I know is coming very soon.  Ugh.Sending everyone wishes for a wonderful day......                                                                                           Pam
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Hi Gang:Gonna be a day I am hunkered down in my little house.  I hope it doesnt blow off the foundation.  hahaha, The wind is blowing so hard that anything not anchored down you will have to go looking for down the street at a later time.  Maybe the neighbor has my trash cans, I cant seem to locate them. hahahaNot alot going on today in my world.  Went to the grocery store late last night so that is out of the way for today.   When all else fails, and there is nothing else to do,  NAP!  Wishing everyone a wonderful day here at NDF and in your own part of the world.                                                                                                     Pam
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I am feeling pretty good today. The weather is absolutely beautiful here in sunny AZ. "
Gonna help get my man get packed for his hunting trip that starts tomorrow. The sooner he is outta here, the sooner the party starts here at home. JK lol But for real, 4 full days of doing what I want to do, when I want to do it and not have to worry about anyone but me! It's all about me, me, me when he leaves!
Have a GREAT day everyone!
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Morning Gang: Ohhh I did NOT want to get up this morning.  I went to bed early too, so not sure what that is all about.  Just one of those days I guess. Well, I have fought it long enough, my need to go to the land casino.  I think I will skip out of here today mid afternoon, and try my luck out there.  I'm feeling LUCKY The strong winds have died down a tad here, and I am glad.  I dont know how much more my little house could of taken. Well, I am off to make another pot of coffee.Wishing everyone a wonderful Day.                                                                                                Pam
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Hey all Feel a bit better since I posted on my facebook page..Got the nerve up to tell a few family members what I thought..."
My hubby is the one that ALL of them call when they need something..."
and of course he always does it."
He has been laid off work for 5-6 weeks now...and NOT one of them has bothered to even call him and offer any moral support or to find out if he is alive..NOT EVEN HIS MOTHER."
I simply told them that his phone is a company phone that he will be turning in shortly."
Some things are blessing!


Hi Gang:Well, we made it to Friday huh?  I hope a relaxing weekend is in store for all my friends at NDF.  Halloween is on Sunday, and I look forward to that.   I may have to go and replenish my candy supply as it keeps disappearing.  I have no idea where it is going. Maybe my dogs and cats are getting into it. It is a pretty day here, but on the chilly side.  Nothing unusual about that for this time of year. Not alot of plans for today, will likely do the normal cleaning and laundry, and spending time here at the forum.  Sounds good to me. Wishing everyone a wonderful day, and an awesome Halloween weekend.                                                                                               Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I am feeling pretty good today."
I'm getting excited about Halloween because I am going trick or treating this year! Well, I'm going to take my grandson trick or treating. lol"
Other than that, it's a non eventful day here at home. No one is here to bother me, ask what's for dinner or can you do a load of clothes for me because they are off hunting! Poor Bambi, I know. lol But no worries PETA people. Ben never bags anything when he goes hunting."
Have a fantastic Friday everyone!!!


Hi everybody!!!Feeling good today. Lots of college football on today to watch and enjoy.  It is a cool day but very sunny and that always makes me feel better. Halloween is very close, and I am excited.  I know I will have lots of little kids knocking on my door for goodies.  I have plenty of candy for them, and they know my house is good for decent goodies.  Some houses are skimpy on the goodies, but that is something I have never been.  I remember being a kid, and skimpy goodies were a drag. My yard is in need of more yard work after those terrible winds, but I dont think I will get to that today. If I close my blinds, I dont see it. Wishing everyone a beautiful day..........                                                                                    Pam
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Hi All.......Well, another Monday is here after a really fun weekend.  It will be hard to settle in again for another long week.  I had alot of Trick or Treaters last night, and if I hadn't eaten so much of my Halloween candy prior to Halloween, I wouldn't of had to send my friend out for more.  Don't you know, as soon as she got back with three more bags of candy, the kids stopped coming, and now I have an entire bowl of candy left to tempt me into eating it all.  Ohhhh, life is hard sometimes.  heheheIt was a very brisk 20 degrees this morning when I stepped out for my first smoke.  Frost covered everything.  Even my dogs were less than excited about going out to have to do their business in the cold.  They hardly stepped off the porch, did what they had to do, and ran back inside to lay down once again in front of the electric fireplace.  Spoiled brats. Not sure what this week holds in store for me.  I will have to play it by ear. Hoping everyone had an awesome weekend, and wishing everyone a wonderful day today.                                                                                                 Pam
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Wow! 20 degrees. I can't imagine that. Well, I can but it includes a cup of hot chocolate and a big warm blanket."
Happy Monday Everyone! And Happy November 1st! Turkey day is just around the corner with Christmas after that. This is my most favorite time of year especially because our weather starts cooling down now. "
Life is good, all is well and I am a happy camper today. I hope everyone else feels the same!"
Have a FANTASTIC Monday!


A Mommy Machine
We must have got 40lbs of candy last night...sheeeeeeeesh. With all of my kids put together, I have a little day care going on!"
I feel ok, have some stomach pain but I am going to the dr. today to figure out what's up with that. Hope everyone has a fantabulous Monday."
Have a blessed day
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 Hello everyone...Happy Wednesday...Wow it was cold this morning, 29 degrees.  They are calling  for possible snow showers for tomorrow.  Ewwwwww.  I just dont think I am ready for this. I feel great today.  Not alot going on, but that is just the way I like it.  Will run some errands before to long, grab a coffee at my favorite place (Dunkin Donuts) and come home to play on my new computer, and spend time here at NDF.  Now how can my day get any better than that? Wishing everyone a beautiful day.....                                                                                                         Pam
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Happy Hump Day everyone!"
My horoscope for the day said to stay home and surround myself with cozy comforts. That is what I am planning on doing today. I'm tired of running around which is what I have done for the last week it seems. The days I stay home all day, are the best."
I hope you all have a FANTASTIC hump day!


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Greedy Gambler
Sucks to be layed off!!! Wonder what the heck I did with myself when I didn't work Hubby will go deer hunting in the am and me and my daughter are going shopping....Shhhhh, did I say the S word
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Hi All:T G I F ..........My thrilling plans for the weekend are to rake yet another crap load of leaves out of my front yard.  Joy Joy.  Today is not the warmest etheir.  Brrrrrrr  Where are my gloves and hat?Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday, and may it turn into an awesome weekend for you.                                                                                               Pam
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