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Is your Luck in the Stars?


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<a href="http://www.slotocash.com/get/a?id=15659" title="ndf">SLOTO'CASH CASINO</a>Find out if your luck is in the Stars! Whether you are a sceptic or a keen supporter of star /sun sign astrology, what follows are your lucky numbers based on your star/sun sign. Aries 9Gemini 5Leo 1 and 4Libra 6Sagittarius 3Aquarius 8 and 4Taurus 6Cancer 2 and 7Virgo 5Scorpio 9 and 11Capricorn 8Pisces 3 and 7Read <a href="http://www.slotocash.com/casino-lucky-numbers.html" > full article </a> on how your star sign determines your lucky number, by Leah Gray.Each month, you'll be treated to articles which aim to enlighten you as to how you can use numbers and astrology to improve your luck. Most people who gamble online or offline are aware that there is a lot of luck involved as some people seem to have the knack for winning money gambling, while for others, despite studying form and acquiring a variety of card gaming skill etc. the numbers just don't come up!
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I totally do not understand this. I got an email like that too. I must be losing too many braincells.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Basically what the article is saying is that there was a lot of research of people who fell under different zodiac signs. The research determined what the lucky numbers were for each of the zodiac signs."
So after you determine what you lucky number(s) are for your sign according to the chart above, you may want to consider those numbers when it comes to choosing a number when gambling or other aspects in your life. "


     Very interesting. And nice of you to provide, especially since I have no money to add up, these numbers were very helpful. Thanks 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
ladywithgun wrote: oopsy i was close i am for horse #19 and im a scorpio altho it is close kinda makes ya wonder
Wow, that is close and it does make you wonder. Too bad he didn't win though (for you
). I'm sure there are other happy people who bet on the winner. #4, right?  
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