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It might be tough for this guy to get a customer service job (NSFW or small kids)


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
At least the artist spelled it correctly :thumb:
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Holy cow!!Why in the world would anyone do that to themselves or you know what, screw them!Do what you want to your body to match your mental state of mind BUT to not give a flying rat's ass as to who would have to look at it ..... for example, small kids. And don't say no one has to look at it (if you came across this fellow in public (more like the local county jail) because you can't help but look at it and you know the kids will be looking and laughing and thinking it's cool or what not. Totally OBSCENE! OBSCENE = adjective 1. offensive to morality or decency; indecent; depraved:


Thats the exact answer i got when i went to Chase for a loan! Maybe he should consider a career as a loan officer and save the hassle of all the paper work..........
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
mrp828 wrote: Thats the exact answer i got when i went to Chase for a loan! Maybe he should consider a career as a loan officer and save the hassle of all the paper work..........
 Good point!I guess that he could also have a bright future as a cashout specialist working for any of the online casinos :thumb:  
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote:
mrp828 wrote: Thats the exact answer i got when i went to Chase for a loan! Maybe he should consider a career as a loan officer and save the hassle of all the paper work..........
 Good point!I guess that he could also have a bright future as a cashout specialist working for any of the online casinos :thumb:
:lol:  HA HA HA HA HA  :laughhard: 
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