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Long time forum member's family needs urgent help !


Hello all, i have asked and gotten permission from Belgamo to post this request for aide. My name is Peter and a few months ago i was terminated from my job as a Medical Biller after 6 years on the job. My wife is disabled with schizophrenia, depression and has auditory halucinations. I also have a teenage son. We are just about to have our utilities shut off and  soon to be evicted from the house i have rented for 8 years, i have looked for work and continue to look but there just isn't anything here. Out of desperation and having no where else to turn i have created a web page where friends can go to if they feel in their hearts that this is something they would like to help with. I am disgusted with myself to be honest even having to do this but my wife will never be able to handle this and my son doesn't deserve this, if it was just me i would never mention it. Thank God i have good friends here on the net who would allow me space in their forum to plead for help. Thank you all and God Bless you. I also created a PayPal account also if someone wanted to help and felt better doing it like that. Just PM me for the details. The link for donations is...................... <a href="https://www.youcaring.com/help-a-neighbor/family-going-homeless/171975">www.youcaring.com/help-a-neighbor/family-going-homeless/171975</a>    -- Edited by Mben on Sunday 6th of April 2014 11:07:27 AM-- Edited by Sookie on Thursday 1st of May 2014 05:04:36 PM
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I apologize if anyone has tried to use the link i posted above but for some reason it isn't working right so you will need to cut and paste it into your PC if you want to help


Greedy Gambler
So very sorry you and your family have to to through this! I joke about being 1 day from living in my car, but in reality it could happen to the best of us! Hopefully your state can help out you and your family also!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I'm glad the forum is here for you, Peter. I'll personally help out what I can , when I can. Prayers for you and your family. (I've made your link clickable.)"
And that is so true, krystalkitty. So many people live paycheck to paycheck, that we literally are just one paycheck away from being out on the street. Not a comforting thought at all.


Thank you for the reply's and thank you Michelle for the offer to help. Yes it can happen to anyone of us and if i ever see someone in my position like now i will do everything i can for them as i have now gotten first hand knowledge of how frightening it is. I just pray that some more peeps understand how horrible it is and that they decide that they want to help us out.


 I'm so sorry peteyweestro. Like Mben said I too will help out with I can, when I can. <a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/m716528/profile/"></a>Until then you are in my prayers.


I know how you feel Petey. I was in a bad financial situation for several years, I have a son and receive no child support. Many times I had to ask my family for help, but things just recently eased up for me a little so I was happy to help you out."
Don't get discouraged, just try to head in the right direction and keep going. Good luck to you and your family.


Thank you so much robsmom. Krystalkitty, i wanted to answer your post regarding the good ol state of California,lol. They have given us food stamps and for a family of 3 they gave us $388 a month, not a lot but really does help. I also signed up for unemployment and they are giving me $244 week. If i don't spend not even $1 of it it still won't cover even my rent. Thats why i have needed to do what i am trying to do because we have no family to ask for help. Thanks for your guys well wishes and prayers.


I will be praying for you and your family peteyweestro! Just last year my family lost our home of 18 years. My husband injured himself on the job and workers comp wouldn't cover it. Thankfully, he was able to get unemployment benefits but as you know it is nowhere close to what you were earning. We had to adjust to receiving less than half of my husbands previous income. Somehow we were still able to make our house payment but when his unemployment stopped we knew we had to do something else. We made the hard decision to let our house go. "
We were able to move in with my sister temporarily. Now thanks to my gracious Aunt who has moved out of state we have somewhere to live. Even with my husbands income I was always stressed out. When we lost what we thought was our everything I was blessed to become a new person. I no longer stressed over bills, I wasn't jealous of other's good fortune, all my negativity and pity for myself disappeared. I felt as if I was born again and was given the promise of a new life. Yes, things have been difficult since we moved and we still have a long road ahead of us but I have learned that all I need is my husband and three boys! Everything else is just a bonus. "
I know it is scary for you as it was for me. I never knew what I was going to do next. I had finally lost all control over my life. I had always had strong faith but I was now at the complete mercy of the Lord. I had heard people before say give it to the Lord and I honestly thought I had done that many times before. Even though I said I did I could never give up my control over my life. I want you to know that since my family became homeless (it still sounds strange to hear those words leave my mouth) I have fully given everything to my Father. I truthfully do not worry or want for anything now. I know he will provide for my family and continue to work miracles. "
I never thought this could happen to us. My husband had been at the same job for 16 years. His job was stable and he really did make a good income but for a long time I didn't know how to budget. We were the ones in his and my family who never moved and were stable. Now looking back I never want to go back to those days. I have a sense of peace that no amount of money can replace! "
I started giving thanks for the smallest things, stuff I would that I would have never given a second thought. Now when the huge things happen I am just beyond words. Like this job for instance. The Lord showed me this job and provided me the tools to get it. If you ask Mben or Sookie they will tell you how many times I say I am grateful for this opportunity. It's my dream job and I love it and I know I would not have it if it wasn't for Him."
I will be praying for you and your family. I don't know your religious background or beliefs but prayer worked magic for me. Also, many local churches will help a family in need. The local church in my area went above and beyond to provide my kids Christmas. I would have not been able to get them anything last year if it wasn't for them. I am still shocked at all they bought my boys. It still blows my mind how good some people's hearts are and how quick they are to help others. That is the true meaning of life. We learn it early on in school. Do upon others as you would have them do upon you. I am going to help as I can but I have to wait until the 26th. I hope you get the funds you need but also the peace you deserve. God bless you!


Jewels, let me say thank you so much for that uplifting post. I am so glad you took the time to write all that but rest assured that it wasn't for nothing. That post has left me with a bit of calm and peace i haven't felt in many weeks since my disaster began. I like you have left thing in Gods hands but when i think back on it i still was trying to put in my 2 cents and trying to help manage the situation. I am learning God does not need my help. I need his, full stop. In the long run prayers will help more then anything as i am a big believer in it but as you mentioned it is hard to have the faith without trying to help. No promises but i am going to try to stress less because stress is a killer and trust that God won't let us down. He has sent some wonderful people to us in the last few days and so i am in the right direction i believe. Well, once again thank you for the post and the offer of help around the 26th. Heck maybe i might get a miracle before then and i can then say never mind it's handled, I can at least hope for it anyways.


The weekend is almost here and we are a bit better off than last weekend and thats a good start but we have a way to go still. I am going to try and talk with the realty company to buy some more time and that way i will see where i stand. Please don't forget us.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I haven't forgotten about you, Peter. I'll be contributing in a few days.


I am not worried anymore, i know it will all work out. Thank you for the promise of help as i still need it but the generosity that some people have shown us has been astonishing, at least to me it has.


Here is my latest update to those that care, we are almost halfway to our goal after this weekend. Slowly but surely we are getting it.


That is awesome! I know it blows your mind to see the kindness others have shown to your family in your time of need. Thank you for the updates as I am still praying for your family. I hope you have been less stressed since you chose to put your worries in His hands. When I was in your situation that's all I could do because I had no other options. I just now recalled a 2 verses I stumbled upon a long time ago that I would like to share with you. My oldest son (14) was born with moderate to severe hearing loss. I struggled with this and questioned why him? and what did I do wrong? One night I was reading my bible and when I came across the book of John. I finally had my answers after all those years and I have never questioned it again. 9:2 His disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? 9:3 Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said Jesus, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. I had chills when I read His words. I actually felt special that he chose my family to display His work to. This can really pertain to any hardships you are encountering. Just continue to thank Him for the smallest blessings and pray for strength to be strong, wisdom to follow the path He has set before you and courage to keep on fighting. God bless you!


I'm not sure if the person i am looking for was from here but if so then let me say thank you for the large donation for my family but there is a problem. The company that runs the web site has flagged the donation and cancelled it for now they need you to contact them, they said they sent you an email regarding the situation. You can call them at 1-855-469-3729. Thank you.


It looks like that big fake donation was from someone who makes themselves feel better by leaving rude comments to others. I thought it was rude when I first read it, before you started having problems with the donation.


robsmom wrote: It looks like that big fake donation was from someone who makes themselves feel better by leaving rude comments to others. I thought it was rude when I first read it, before you started having problems with the donation.
 What a horrible thing to do!


Yes the person left me a message telling me to take the donation and help myself and to stop asking others for help. The worst thing is how after i got all the uplifting messages here and i saw the donation they made i was ecstatic and then when i saw the donation company cancelled it for the info not matching and the persons email was non existent so it was a hoax i almost broke down and cried. I was telling Mben that i can't believe someone would do that to a family that is in dire need, i don't care about me it's my disabled wife and teenage son i worry about. Now my donation page appears like i have collected $1,600.00 more then i have due to this hoax and 1 other failed donation. I just don't know anymore, good night.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
It looks like that person was up to their pranks again. I see a huge donation of $1400 since last night with the same type of message. The donation company can't do any thing about people using fake email addresses, but you would think they could block an IP address to keep certain jerks from getting on their site. "
I'm sorry this person is causing you more grief, Peter, but know that you are a better person then they are! Karma's a bitch and they will get what's coming to them someday, somehow. Maybe they might end up in the same situation as you one day and will need to ask for help and will then realize that the false hope they gave you was uncalled for. "
I am in for $50 between now and the 1st. That's all I can afford. Every bit helps, right? Also, it's nice to see who on the forum has donated. (whether it was posted here or that I can see on the donation site) Glad we were here for you.


Well i have decided to out the person that sent me the fake donation that would have solved all my initial problems with keeping a roof over my families heads as many have requested me to do. This person is either guilty of crushing an already beaten down family or they themselves are victims of fraud. The persons name on the card used is Kathy Gimms . I hope some more people help us out now because the deadline is fast approaching and we don't want to be homeless. God bless you all. Here is the link once again.....<a href="https://www.youcaring.com/help-a-neighbor/family-going-homeless/171975">www.youcaring.com/help-a-neighbor/family-going-homeless/171975</a>  . The total received is $1600.00 less then it appears due to the hoaxed donation.-- Edited by Sookie on Thursday 1st of May 2014 05:05:26 PM
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If by chance the person who made an anonymous donation yesterday ( April 21) is reading this please contact the support group as they need you verify something before they will release the funds please.


Hello, I just want to say I hope everything works out for you. I lost my home of 13 yrs when I couldn't work any longer due to a disorder that I was born with and I couldn't work anymore after doing accounting for about 26 years.I did finally get my Social Security disability, but, it was too late by the time I finally got it to save my home.Needless to say, it broke not just my heart to lose it, but my kids were horribly shaken up by it as well.So it hits home for me to see it possibly happen to someone else.  So, that's why I wanted to send this note just to say hang in there and sincerely, the best of luck to you.If I could help you out monetarily, I would.  So I am just going to have to send you prayers instead of money.God's speed to a quick resolution for you,Leslie 


Thank you scampi, like i have said before i will never turn down prayers because they are powerful. So i thank you for even taking the time out to pray for us. God bless you also.


Well i was hoaxed again, this time they made a donation for $500 and turns out it was a big funny joke. People are so awesome. Here i was believing it what people here were telling me because i wanted to think that there were still some people in this world that were caring and that had a heart, but i think i am finding that the majority of people now a days are scumbags and heartless animals. Sorry to rant but when you have 2 donations that would have solved my immediate concerns and they both end up as somebodies sick idea of a joke it is a crushing blow. The end of the month is on us and i am waaay short of what i need. Then to top it off the donation company hosting the website has still not changed my total to reflect the cancelled payments even after 3 emails about it.


Sweet Petey, My heart is breaking for you after reading your latest post. I can tell you are at a low point and almost ready to throw in the towel. I understand your feeling of disgust and that you feel beaten down. I don't know why anyone would make fake donations. You have to get that out of your head and move on. You have to be strong for your family and this negativity they have caused to stir inside of you can only bring a disastrous outcome. If I were you, I would push the voided donations out of my head and pretend that they were never made. I know that will be hard to do but I also know the devil (the bastard that he is) is jumping up and down right now! We all know he is doing everything he can do to bring you down further than you already are. Please do not let him do that to you. If you continue to let him manipulate you and your situation you are giving him complete control. Once you get to that point it is so hard to come back up. It will be more than difficult to find the good in any situation. The Lord is control! Don't forget that. If you have never read the book of Job I highly recommend it. Job lost his family, his servants, his crops, his animals and his health and God let the devil do this to him. The whole reason this was allowed to happen was because satan told the Lord that the only reason Job was a faithful follower was because he had everything and more and that if it was taken away from him the outcome would be his lost faith. So God let the devil do as he wanted but during and in the end his faith never faltered. The devil was shocked by this and after everything Job had endured he was rewarded with even more than he had ever thought about having. The devil lost. He lost because Job did not let him win. You can not let the devil and all his cruel tricks do this to you. Stay strong in your faith. The Lord does have a plan for you. Look at all the donations you have received so far. Yes, it is not the amount you were hoping for but it is much more than you would have received without the donation site. Do not concentrate on the donations that didn't go through, instead focus all your energy on the positives. You have family and friends that love you and will do anything to help you. Please just stay positive my friend. I do not know what is in store for you but I do know if it means having to move elsewhere (like I did) than it has to be a good thing, even if it doesn't feel like it. At our house we lost, my son was teased, beaten up and always in trouble at school. I wanted to move for years but we were buying our house and it seemed to difficult to relocate. Now my son loves school!!! He is popular and on the basketball team, etc. So God made the decision for me and I am grateful everyday when I see that beautiful smile on my son's face. Basically, what I am saying is we don't always get what we want or thank we need. God knows us inside and out. Whatever he has in store for us can only be better in the long run. Please keep your head up and turn all that bad feelings toward the people who made (and may try again) counterfeit deposits into appreciation and happiness for the people who have genuinely helped. I will continue to pray and I will send my donation today or tomorrow. God bless you and your family. Sorry for the huge paragraph...I just got to typing and didn't stop till the end.


Jewels, once again a timely post with great advice. I was ready to throw in the towel yesterday. I am not 100% back now either but i see hope again where as yesterday i saw darkness. I try so hard to not dwell on the fake donations but when you see them and get happy and excited because your immediate concern has been wiped away then it is so crushing to learn they were false. Then i can't even get the company to remove those false donations and that makes it worse because i see what i would of had everyday and instead i haven't even collected 1/3 of what the page says i have, it's just frustrating and right now with only 4 days left in the month the stress is at an all time high. I apologize to everyone for my rant yesterday but i hope you can understand where i am at, well actually i hope you can't understand where i am at. Talk to you guys later

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