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on wich casino should i deposit? what are YOUR standards...


Hi All, I have an interesting question regarding the coice that you make when deciding where to deposit my money. When i look for a casino, i dont just look at the best bonus or the games they let me play. I look for a well respected casino i can trust! i want to know that the casino has a great costumer support and and a vip manager that will answer me right away. want to know what is the time frame that i will get my money back if i win... What are your terms for picking and playing a casino?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Hi jamesheart,"
When I choose to deposit at any casino, I consider the following ..............."
1. Are they reputable?"
2. How long do they take to pay?"
3. What options do they have for me to receive my winnings?"
4. Have I cashed out there before and are my DOCs in order?"
5. If a casino offers a bonus, does it come with a max cashout?"
5. What is their minimum deposit amount and will they take my deposit method?"
After I consider all that, I make my deposit and lose and don't even have to worry about any of it. lol"


Mben said it perfectly:  1. Are they reputable?2. How long do they take to pay?3. What options do they have for me to receive my winnings?4. Have I cashed out there before and are my DOCs in order?5. If a casino offers a bonus, does it come with a max cashout?5. What is their minimum deposit amount and will they take my deposit method?A casinos reputation is the most vital thing to choosing a casino to me.   I surf the web and the forum for information on the casino in question, and talk to fellow members about their experiences there if they have any. If the casino is reputable, alot of the other answers to questions you may have, fall into place. Thanks for the post jamesheart, and welcome to the forum again.                                                                                                Pam
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I agree with Pam and Mben, "
Do the research as best you can to find a REPUTABLE CASINO. Most of the research can be done "
here on the forum. "
You will find that Casinos who have an excellent reputation are the ones with fast and trouble free"
PAY OUTS, Quick response time on customer support, And the ones that show up often on the "
Winning Screen Shots section. "
The members on this forum will help you in every way possible, (They sure helped me).

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