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Poker Questions and Answers


If anyone has any questions related to poker, both online and offline feel free to make a thread in the poker section.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Hi Lenny! I just wanted to say real quick ... Welcome to the forum and thanks for bringing the Poker Forum back to life! I'll start with a question thread. I will title it How do you play Poker? I have no idea and need full in depth detail in words I can understand . LOL Just kidding! I'm sure that is a book you wouldn't want to write. lol Again, welcome to the forum and I can't wait to see those offers .... especially because of the news of certain US states signing online gambling (poker) into law recently.
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Jin Kwon

is there any approved rules how to play online poker? I'm an ace in the real one, but online's still seems to me as a hard alternative..
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:hi: I tried to play poker.It was not so difficult.I can even say that I really liked.The game is very exciting.I'm playing on small bets.I do not feel confident.Please give me advice.What type of poker is easier for a beginner. What bets is reasonable for a beginner at poker?
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In my opinion, I think 5 card stud is a easy game to learn to play. Even 5 card draw is a easy first time poker players hit.

Again, can not stress the importance of knowing your hand rankings well, before you attempt to play poker.

You can find them here. Hope this helps.

Following is the ranking of poker hands ordered from highest(best) hand to lowest(worst) hand.

Straight Flush - 5 cards of the same suit in sequence
  • Example: A,K,Q,J,10 All spades
  • Probability: 1 in 65,000
  • Four of a kind - 4 cards of the same Rank
  • Example: Q,Q,Q,Q,4 Different kinds
  • Probability: 1 in 4,000
  • Full house - 3 cards of the same rank and 2 different cards of same rank
  • Example: J,J,J Of Different ranks K,K of different ranks
  • Probability: 1 in 700
  • Flush - 5 cards of the Same suit
  • Example: 5,7,Q,J,A All spades
  • Probability: 1 in 500
  • Straight - 5 cards in sequence, but not of the same suit
  • Example: 10,9,8,7,6 Not the same suit
  • Probability: 1 in 250
  • Three of a Kind - 3 cards with the same rank
  • Example: 10,10,10,7,5 Different suits
  • Probability: 1 in 50
  • Two Pairs - 2 cards with the same rank, and 2 different cards with same rank
  • Example: K,K,5,5,Q Different suits
  • Probability: 1 in 20
  • One Pair - 2 cards of same rank
  • Example: 4,4,7,J,Q Different suits
  • Probability: 1 in 2.3
  • Nothing - Different Cards of Different Suits
  • Example: 9,4,7,J,Q Different suits
  • Probability: 1 in 2
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is there any approved rules how to play online poker? I'm an ace in the real one, but online's still seems to me as a hard alternative..

Seems to me, and again, I don't have a lot of experience for playing poker online, but poker rules are quite similar online as they are in a real poker game with other people in person. You must have a better hand ranking than anyone else. Also, if a poker room has a set of different rules, they usually place them right on the site so you can become familiar with them.

I'll look around, and see what I can find.

Thanks for the questions.
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Thank you PMM.You are very kind.I memorized the 5card.):kitty: I even won a little). I win mostly two pairs or three cards). Once time was Flush! What is " hand ranking "?:facepalm::bigheart:
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I'm glad!

Remember while playing poker, everyone likes to bluff once in a while. That means they bet higher than you, even though in actuality they don't have anything in their hand. They are "Bluffing" They are trying to get you to fold, because you believe they have a hand to beat you. Again, when actually, they have nothing. Some people are really good at this, and it is something to watch for when playing poker with real people instead of online.

Just my tip for the day. LOL

Have a great day Mimi33!
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I'm glad!

Remember while playing poker, everyone likes to bluff once in a while. That means they bet higher than you, even though in actuality they don't have anything in their hand. They are "Bluffing" They are trying to get you to fold, because you believe they have a hand to beat you. Again, when actually, they have nothing. Some people are really good at this, and it is something to watch for when playing poker with real people instead of online.

Just my tip for the day. LOL

Have a great day Mimi33!
Dear PMM! Especially since I'm in the game don't understand that I have a great poker face!)))):pokerface:I will comply with your advice.!:theman:
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A great poker face is a very important aspect to the game.

Watching others faces when they get their cards is very important.
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Hello! Sorry for busting into an old thread, however I have poker related questions. I used to play many slot games and I challenged myself to try online poker. I didn't play online poker at all, I used to play regular poker with some friends on Sundays, and I thought to try the online alternative. The thing is, I think the site is cheating?? I don't know what happened, but suddenly what I won (it wasn't much though) was totally gone. Is it possible for online casinos to cheat in their games? I thought they were all based on some Random Number Generator, but apparently...or could it have been a lag?
Also don't get me wrong, I'm not playing for money, it's not even allowed to play for money, but still it's weird and I am curious...
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Hi PatrickStar23

Thanks for the question.

The only thing I know of when you are playing for real money, is sometimes when you make playthru, your bonus amount suddenly comes out of your cashable balance. You said you were not playing for real cash so …..I really have not much of an idea. I suppose it could of been a lag, but highly unlikely.

May I ask what site you were playing at?

If that happens again while you are playing, maybe head to live chat and ask them what might be going on. Yet, if you were not playing for real cash, live chat might not be able to help.

As far as the site cheating, always a possibility but highly unlikely. Anything is possible, that is why I wanted to know what site you were playing at.

Maybe other members can chime in and give their thoughts.

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. lol

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POKER ..... I will say this I been playing poker for most of my life, online boom, shiettt , grind grind grind, because of online poker (when US (we) had stars tilt etcetc, best job in the world, seen millions of hands , got beat starait flush to a bigger st8 flush, name it , I have seen it all, blah blah , I could go on, I could even write a book, lol, but one thing I can say about poker , you never stop learning, live poker gets boring after you play 12+24 tables online at a time. but that Live poker image is everything, cant spot that fish then you is that fish, IMO THE ONLY WAY TO GET BETTER IN THIS GAME IS LEARN FROM YOUr losses.
so much discipline goes in poker just like the slots/casinos/gambling.

when I used to grind all day , I never trusted machines, like slots, SEE POKER WHEN YOU LOSE THE ONLY PERSON YOU BLAME IS YOURSELF, SLOTS, (RIGGED), BUT yo look at me , DEGENS gonna degen.......... DISCIPLINE, bankroll management, position, take risks!, when your running good boost up the stakes, cause variance is mofo, . LUCK !!!!

yo but wtf do I know. I'm just a action junkie that likes to gambooool.
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Hi bonz7777!

I can tell by your exciting post that you really enjoy the live action of poker! I do too.

I have so much to learn in poker, but enjoy it so much.

I agree that you "never stop learning" with poker.

"If you can't spot that fish, then you is that fish!" :biglol:

So true.

Thanks for the post, I really enjoyed it.

Feel free to drop us more of your poker experience anytime!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Yep! A monkey can pull the handle of a slot machine, but when it comes to cards ...

Great post by the way! :thumb:
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if anyone want to build a bankroll, (BTW imo, these tourneys, are perfect practice , and also top 10 gets $10 bonezzz. grind that ten dollhairs to a hundo, gogoogogogogo, gl. I have to work tonight.

AmericasCardroom Bankroll Builder Freeroll Information:
Name: TheNuts.com Bankroll Builder Freeroll
Date: TODAY, Thursday, May 31st
Time: 7:00PM ET
Password: THENUTS31 (ALL CAPS!)
Location: AmericasCardroom under the Tourney > Freeroll > All tabs
Requirement to Play: "Like" TheNuts on Prizepool: $100 - $10 will be awarded to each of the final ten players


Hi PatrickStar23

Thanks for the question.

The only thing I know of when you are playing for real money, is sometimes when you make playthru, your bonus amount suddenly comes out of your cashable balance. You said you were not playing for real cash so …..I really have not much of an idea. I suppose it could of been a lag, but highly unlikely.

May I ask what site you were playing at?

If that happens again while you are playing, maybe head to live chat and ask them what might be going on. Yet, if you were not playing for real cash, live chat might not be able to help.

As far as the site cheating, always a possibility but highly unlikely. Anything is possible, that is why I wanted to know what site you were playing at.

Maybe other members can chime in and give their thoughts.

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. lol


I thought after all, that due to the legislation changes (here where I live) you are not allowed to play games for money only for coins, but I don't think anyone mentioned gambling sites which are not from the country but have foreign providers. And still maybe that's why the money disappeared. (at least this is what a friend explained to me but he is not sure)
I played in a very random site something with "jackpot", I've looked in the history of my browser but I couldn't find it. I haven't played since, I stuck to my slots...I guess I will keep on playing live poker with friends lol
Thank you for trying to help me!
Also, do you play slots? And if yes, where?
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I thought after all, that due to the legislation changes (here where I live) you are not allowed to play games for money only for coins, but I don't think anyone mentioned gambling sites which are not from the country but have foreign providers. And still maybe that's why the money disappeared. (at least this is what a friend explained to me but he is not sure)
I played in a very random site something with "jackpot", I've looked in the history of my browser but I couldn't find it. I haven't played since, I stuck to my slots...I guess I will keep on playing live poker with friends lol
Thank you for trying to help me!
Also, do you play slots? And if yes, where?

If you are playing with money you deposit online. I would say you are better off playing poker than slots. Most online poker sites have casino's attached to them btw.

You can play poker online for free, while still having the potential to win money. Don't bother with the subscription poker sites (the ones that you pay a monthly fee) or sites that don't actually play for direct $$. You can win with those, but it's mainly only with crazy luck. Not to mention they can make it difficult to get paid.

You want to play at a poker site that plays with real money. Almost all of them have freeroll tournaments where you can win cash / bonus cash / tournament tickets (to tourny's that most other players buy into and usually have a guaranteed minimum payout)

You should know that in order to receive payment for winnings. You almost certainly have to make a minimum deposit first (the same goes for online casino's as well). It's nothing terrible. I would recommend (if you win) getting a prepaid credit card and using that to make the "verification deposit" (I recommend this for all online credit card transactions). That way you don't open yourself to possibility of your bank account getting emptied.

I'm getting a bit carried away here. So here are the key questions so we can avoid giving yo all kinds of unnecessary information.

What do you want to play? (slots / blackjack / holdem / omaha / 7 stud etc.....)

Are you looking to play for play money / real money / free bonus money / your money / other peoples money (backers / being staked)?

How often are you looking to play (Once a month / week / day / hour / every second you possibly can)?


If you are playing with money you deposit online. I would say you are better off playing poker than slots. Most online poker sites have casino's attached to them btw.

You can play poker online for free, while still having the potential to win money. Don't bother with the subscription poker sites (the ones that you pay a monthly fee) or sites that don't actually play for direct $$. You can win with those, but it's mainly only with crazy luck. Not to mention they can make it difficult to get paid.

You want to play at a poker site that plays with real money. Almost all of them have freeroll tournaments where you can win cash / bonus cash / tournament tickets (to tourny's that most other players buy into and usually have a guaranteed minimum payout)

You should know that in order to receive payment for winnings. You almost certainly have to make a minimum deposit first (the same goes for online casino's as well). It's nothing terrible. I would recommend (if you win) getting a prepaid credit card and using that to make the "verification deposit" (I recommend this for all online credit card transactions). That way you don't open yourself to possibility of your bank account getting emptied.

I'm getting a bit carried away here. So here are the key questions so we can avoid giving yo all kinds of unnecessary information.

What do you want to play? (slots / blackjack / holdem / omaha / 7 stud etc.....)

Are you looking to play for play money / real money / free bonus money / your money / other peoples money (backers / being staked)?

How often are you looking to play (Once a month / week / day / hour / every second you possibly can)?

Thank you very much for the information! I usually play slots and I wanted to try poker too, but I don't know, now I don't feel like playing poker anymore...And regarding how much I am playing, usually it's once or twice a week when I have more time.
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You mentioned that you were unsure of the legalities of online gaming....

My understanding is this:

That it is not illegal for U.S. players to play (depending on what state you live in, I believe there are 5 states that actively regulate / prohibit). What they made illegal, was for the gaming sites to process any banking transactions of U.S. players.

They also made it illegal for credit card company's to allow such transactions to be approved. Paypal used to be a deposit option, but they are prohibited as well.

Now as far as the players are concerned. Unless you live in one of those 5 or so states I mentioned earlier. You are allowed to play poker at least. Maybe someone else can shed more light on the subject and correct me if I'm wrong at any point.

As I understand it. The only point of which a player can be penalized for playing online. Is if they win over a certain amount and they don't declare it on there Taxes.


You mentioned that you were unsure of the legalities of online gaming....

My understanding is this:

That it is not illegal for U.S. players to play (depending on what state you live in, I believe there are 5 states that actively regulate / prohibit). What they made illegal, was for the gaming sites to process any banking transactions of U.S. players.

They also made it illegal for credit card company's to allow such transactions to be approved. Paypal used to be a deposit option, but they are prohibited as well.

Now as far as the players are concerned. Unless you live in one of those 5 or so states I mentioned earlier. You are allowed to play poker at least. Maybe someone else can shed more light on the subject and correct me if I'm wrong at any point.

As I understand it. The only point of which a player can be penalized for playing online. Is if they win over a certain amount and they don't declare it on there Taxes.

Well I'm not living the US and I don't know if the gambling laws from a US site applies to Austria/Germany gamblers where it is forbidden to play for real money. Someone told me that even though a person lives in Germany or Austria, they can play for real money if the casino has no Austrian or German domain or owner. However, there are sites I tried to access and said "you are not allowed to play from this country, please contact the support team for more information"
That's why I'm staying away from money casinos
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No, no poker room, just poker tourneys. Yes, video poker.

Intertops Red does have a poker site, and I am going to look more at it. I know Intertops is a well respected casino, and can only imagine their poker site is as well.

Intertops Poker
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Intertops Poker[/URL]

I play poker at both Intertops and Juicy Stakes (same owner / operator). I can vouch for them being legit poker rooms to play at.

This issue that they have is that they have too few players (there's a story behind it, but in short. They got screwed over and have been slowly trying to rebuild). However I do prefer to play with them over the other U.S. player options.

Have not played on mobile software, so I can only speak about the download version. The platform is solid, has decent visual appeal and is easily navigated.

Intertops Red, Casino Classic and poker room are connected through the cashier. All funds are separate, but can easily be transferred from one to another. I favor this setup, since it helps prevent me from getting carried away and blowing my entire bankroll at once. When I start winning at poker, I transfer some of the money to one of the casino sides or the opposite if winning on casino side.

There is also casino software in the download version of the poker room. They have 3 different software providers inside of it. Betonsoft, World Match and the last I cant recall at the moment. I've only played Betonsoft at any other site and have otherwise not heard of the other 2. I recommend checking them out though. The games are very different than what is available at Red, classic or elsewhere.

They do have the games available to try with play money as well.
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Wanted to edit that post to quote the post I was responding to, but it does not seem to be an option. Would have put this at the top of it otherwise.....

Intertops Red does have a poker site, and I am going to look more at it. I know Intertops is a well respected casino, and can only imagine their poker site is as well.

Intertops Poker
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