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Problem Gamblers See March As Madness


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March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month. The reason why is because the National Council on Problem Gambling in Washington, D.C., sees the struggles gamblers face every year at the peak of college basketball season. For a recovering sports gambler, March Madness provides madness in a very real sense of the word, Whyte said. The incessant talk of brackets and relentless media coverage can be an irresistible trigger. For the problem gambler, the psychology is they are only one bet away from winning everything back. This year, bettors will drop an estimated $120 million on March Madness games in Las Vegas alone, topping the record $98.5 million wagered this year on the Super Bowl, said Jimmy Vaccaro, oddsmaker and spokesman for William Hill U.S., which controls more than 100 sports books in Nevada. But for many problem gamblers, betting is not primarily about the money.Read more <a href="http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/mar/28/march-means-madness-problem-gamblers-experts-say/#ixzz2OrSDjvbK" >here</a>.  

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