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QT problem


i did cancel a with drawl i had going into qt for a $1000 and was able to get a check thank goodness


nikkidog wrote: I have 1560.00 tied up an it is really worring me. So who has our money, some US bank, but they don't know which one? And why would they freeze it, because of the gambling laws?


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tking wrote: Mben do you know even if the funds were frozen is there a chance we will see our money someday? nikkidog wrote: So who has our money, some US bank, but they don't know which one? And why would they freeze it, because of the gambling laws?This sentence right here sums it up, I think, to answer both of your questions. We suspect it is possible that these funds may be subject to a seizure order by the US authorities . tking, At this point I wouldn't count on seeing that money any time soon. nikkidog, I'm sure they know which bank but as the statement says, the funds have been frozen. And yes, this is all due to the UIGEA. 


Well, no more gambling online for me as who knows if I would ever see my money and why waste my money only to not see any possible winnings. Even casinos that offer checks or wire themselves I would be afraid of now.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Too bad they couldn't stop deposits too I haven't had a way to make a deposit since eWalletXpress went belly up
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queenmap wrote: Well, no more gambling online for me as who knows if I would ever see my money and why waste my money only to not see any possible winnings. Even casinos that offer checks or wire themselves I would be afraid of now.
 i agree  queen im also worried they might come after the player u never knowi wish the government would leave us be
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They could track the intended bank wires and perhaps even use income tax laws to prosecute with if no other laws were broken.


Well wrote Qt, and they are refunding back to our accts. the whopping $30 fee. Just the actual withdrawal is lost for now. Crossing fingers we eventually get them.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
$30 is nothing compared to the amounts you all have stated. But at least qt is trying to make it right as much as they can.I feel for you all and at the same time am glad I am not affected by this mess right now. I had nothing going to my bank account, thank goodness and I have nothing sitting in qt either. But I am at a loss and scrambling at the moment for other ways to get paid . Which means I am affected somewhat.Everyone, I do wish you all the best that you will see your hard earned money in your hands soon. (yes, gambling is fun but it's a lot of damn work too. lol)


You know whats nice? Walking up to the automatic cashier, submitting your ticket into the machine and having money in hand.I think i'm done with internet gambling for now, but all the money I save from not gambling online plus my $120 freeplay every 5 days I get from wheeling island casino I think I'll drive 2 hours and have a nice time.


Greedy Gambler
So sorry about your withdrawals!!! That sucks! After over a decade of online gambling, on with the new out with the old!! Gosh, what am I gonna do without online gambling......Probably go back to reading
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I am really sick over this. I had 2 transfesr totaling 1568.00. My husband said leave in in the QT account for awhile, but I transfered so I wouln't use any of it. Now look what happened, lost it all. Should have listened to him. I am just hoping that it will show up in my bank account one of these day. I know that this has happened to alot of people and I feel really bad for everyone.


queenmap, did you ask for the refund or did they just offer you the 30.00. I wonder if they will refund the 30.00 for both of my transfers.


Yea, that $30 is fine but can't deposit anywhere with it either from what I am seeing. Even if you can and won off it, how to withdraw?


I see that Slots Jungle ,WinPalace and Titan are still acceptng qt,but the question is for how long. How about a wire transfer,would that be alright.I have seen a new deposit method moneyline I think it is. Deposit and withdraw with your checking account.,but don't know that much about it and  ifit would be safe. I have a pending withdrawal with SJ, but like you said if I used it to play, how do you withdrawal.  What a mess.


Greedy Gambler
I would imagine there are different processor's for the Wire Transfers. At this point, who knows if that is even safe....


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Here is how I see it and not anything I heard directly. I am putting bits and pieces together and it's what I came up with. 1. Casinos use processors to pay players via checks and wires2. Casino affiliate programs use processors to pay affiliates3. Ewallets use processors to transfer withdrawals requested by account holders4. Processors were arrested recently in the poker room fiasco5. Processors are not the most honest group of people out there. They are shady already in the way of masking usa transactions6. Processors don't want to be arrested7. Processors see that this may be their last chance to take what is not theirs - hint, hint (yes, they have ran off with money that they were suppose to send off)8. Casinos, casino affiliate progams and ewallets are scrambling to find a safe and trustworthy processor - Let's hope so. That way the casinos, casino affiliate programs and ewallets can make good on their promises to us that our winnings, commissions and funds will find their way into our personal bank accounts. It's either the DOJ really had the QT funds frozen at the US bank that was going to disperse the funds to your bank or the processor that QT was using ran off with the money. Let's hope for the latter. If so, and if QT finds a reliable processor, then it is possible that you may see your withdrawed funds eventually if QT eats what I am accusing the processor of doing.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
If QT is located outside the US (which I'm virtually positive that they are), why would they need a processor? couldn't they go straight through a bank in their country and directly wire the funds from their bank to your bank?


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
One of the poker sites has returned money that was in the player's account to them without repercussions after an agreement with the DOJ - it totalled over $100 mil


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
... although it does seem odd that the DOJ would freeze or seize funds without notifying the seizee


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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PSP wrote: ... although it does seem odd that the DOJ would freeze or seize funds without notifying the seizee
Exactly!Remember how the poker rooms seizure by the DOJ was all over the internet as a fact?Why isn't the QT seizure plastered all over the internet too as a fact and not speculation? We are all trying to figure this out without knowing what really happened but it will come out eventually. And when I think I am right about something, I am usually wrong. lol


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Staff member
sambeau wrote: boy what a mess..vacation wont be as good now LOL
Definately a big mess, sambeau. 
And like I said in an earlier post, I do feel for all of you who had your funds seized . 
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Yes, your vacation and for me my 2 new  picture windows for my house. Thats what my winnings were going towards. Well I guess I have to deal with this or I will have to double up on my blood preasure  meds , lol.


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
nikkidog wrote: Yes, your vacation and for me my 2 new  picture windows for my house. Thats what my winnings were going towards. Well I guess I have to deal with this or I will have to double up on my blood preasure  meds , lol.
 Maybe you can just sell one of the kids in your avatar
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LOL, no they are keepers. Having all six of them here for the weekend,while my daughters go on business trips with their husbands. We love having them. It will keep my mind off of all this mess with QT

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