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Rushmore saga


omg... i'm with you an that wits end statement. amazing how they r having trouble locating the funds they have owed us for the past 2 1/2 months, but yet if you would go to deposit money in their casino right now, they can locate the funds in your bank account and suck them out of there in 20 seconds flat !


I also sent an email to Tara, but she has not responded. You are so right, they have no problem taking our money in just a few seconds. You would think that after almost 3 months  they would locate our funds. It is the weekend now so for sure we won't hear anything.


QB10 Just wondering if you ever received your winnings from Rushmore. I have not. Just getting more of their stories.


No. Trust me, I will certainly post here if I get any real news about it or if I get paid. I will probably throw a party if I ever get my $$$ and your invited... lol I keep checking here every day to see if you or anyone else paying attention to this has anything new. This is just a real shame :(


When you called your bank and asked them about the wire transfer did you have a tracking number to give them. I think I mentioned in the pm I sent you that they now tell me that I have to call the Bank of America and give them the tracking number , even though that is not the bank that I have my checking account at. The said that all wire transfer go through them before it goes to my bank. I do not believe this because in the 3  months that I have been getting all kinds of story, no one has ever told me that.  When I asked him why was I not told this before he would not answer the question and stopped the chat. So I think that it is just another stall. Well when and if we get paid I will be joing you for the party  and then I will have one and you are invited, along with everyone here at the forum. Let me know if you hear anything from them, I will be going to my daughters in Baltimore this Monday and returning on Thursday. I can use  her laptop to come in here and see whatis going on. Have a good weekend.


No I did not give a tracking number as I had no tracking number to give them. My bank knew (knows) weather or not a wire transfer tried to come in or not. This is just another stall tactic from Rushmore. I seriously do not know how they can stay in business with this sort of thing happening. And I dont like to say this but I am now starting to think that maybe we will never get paid. The only hope I still have is the fact that they did send us both recent e-mails that acknowledge the fact that they do still owe us money and they are apologetic and are working on getting that money to us. Believe me.... this is one of the most frustrating things I've ever been through.


Well I see that people are getting paid from the same time frame as my withdrawal, but nothing for me. They still keep saying no new updates on my withdrawal.  Seems very funny to me. Will not answer any emails, which makes me very :angry:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I got an e-mail yesterday saying that my withdrawal was processed - I've heard that before (not on this cashout though), so we shall see... Still not holding my breath :no:


nikkidog, Other than you actually getting paid by Rushmore, I have, perhaps, the best news that you could possibly hear. Rushmore wired all of the money that they owed me into my bank account today. They lumped all 3 payments into one for a total of $4,780. While this is very good news, I absolutely REFUSE to celebrate it until I hear the same has happened for you. I am really hoping your next message is to tell us that you got yours too.


I have not received an email yet saying that I am getting paid or when. According to live chat   Tara was supposed to email me today, but as of yet I have not heard from her.  That was the message she told live chat to  to give me., that she was going to email me today with details about my withdrawal., but I have heard that many times, and have never heard from her.  So I still have no idea what is going on. I am happy to hear that you are finially getting paid. Hopefully I will be next. Let us know when you receive your winnings.


sorry if you misunderstood me. I am saying that the money they owed me is actually IN my bank account. They paid me.


the e-mail i got from them this morning stated that they resent the withdraws yesterday (sunday feb 26). not sure how that happened so fast but... it did happen.


QB10 wrote: sorry if you misunderstood me. I am saying that the money they owed me is actually IN my bank account. They paid me.
 QB10:I was pleasantly surprised to see you have finally been paid. :dollarsign:Lets hope all the folks waiting to get paid like nikkidog, will soon be singing the same happy tune.Thanks for letting us know and congrats.                                                                  Pam


Well Tara was suppose to email me yesterday and never did . Now they say she will email me in the next couple of days. This is really rediclious. When and if she does email me it will probably be the same thing, no new updates, will contact you when there is .


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Staff member
QB10 wrote: ... While this is very good news, I absolutely REFUSE to celebrate it until I hear the same has happened for you. I am really hoping your next message is to tell us that you got yours too.
QB10, first of all I am very happy you received your winnings!Second of all, that is great the way you are backing up your fellow member. We are all rooting for nikkidog now ... even more so!!! 
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Thank you Mben and QB10. I have a bottle of Champagne that I have been saving for a special occasion. We will break it open when and if I get   paid   or even if I don't  we can celebrate QB10 getting paid.  Thanks for caring. You are great.


I would really like to thank the site moderators (Mben, PMM) for their interest, concern, and support. It was a rather lonely dilemma to be in until i found this site where people actually care about the unfortunate situations of others. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!Nikkidog, not sure what I can do to help, but, i will say this...... If our roles were reversed (you got paid and I did not) I would be feeling WAY more confident and at ease about the fact that you will get paid also. I did read on one site that reviews casinos that there were many complaints about very slow payments from Rushmore, but the article also went on to say that there were NO cases of players NOT being paid. I'm feeling certain that you will get your cash. Will be rootin' for ya!


QB10 wrote: I would really like to thank the site moderators (Mben, PMM) for their interest, concern, and support. It was a rather lonely dilemma to be in until i found this site where people actually care about the unfortunate situations of others. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!Nikkidog, not sure what I can do to help, but, i will say this...... If our roles were reversed (you got paid and I did not) I would be feeling WAY more confident and at ease about the fact that you will get paid also. I did read on one site that reviews casinos that there were many complaints about very slow payments from Rushmore, but the article also went on to say that there were NO cases of players NOT being paid. I'm feeling certain that you will get your cash. Will be rootin' for ya!
 QB10......Nicely put, and all of us are root'in for the day nikkidog gets paid.  It will happen. It just has too.Thanks for the nice post to myself, Mben, and nikkidog.  It is members like you who make our forum the best there is. :yourock:                                                                      Pam


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QB10 wrote: I would really like to thank the site moderators (Mben, PMM) for their interest, concern, and support. It was a rather lonely dilemma to be in until i found this site where people actually care about the unfortunate situations of others. THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!
You're welcome, QB10. Sometimes just knowing others are in your same situation is comfort enough to get through cashout issues like this. And to have the vocal support of fellow gamblers is a huge comfort too. 
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well it looks like I am not going to paid. they told me it is out of their hands and there is nothing more they can do.  said the wire transfer is stuck some where and in so many words said it is up to me to try and get it released.  But they did offer to credit my account in the amount of my last depost which was 25.00 lol  months ago, before this whole mess started.  Said I had to go to live chat to request it, which I did  not. I just want the 725.00 they owe me.  wish there was more I can do. This was not my fault and they should make it good. It is not the matter of the money anymore ( although I stil lwant it  ) it is the point of the matter. They have strung me along for 3 months promising me that I would  get paid and then yesterday they tell finially email  me and say  that there is nothing more they can do. I am really :angry:


STILL have not received my withdrawals.  I received the same email about the supposed new withdrawal manager.  I received this email on 2/13:<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">From: withdrawals@rushmoreonline.com <a href="http://bl136w.blu136.mail.live.com/mail/PrintMessages.aspx?cpids=59c724e7-5637-11e1-9d48-00215ad80d1c,m&isSafe=true&FolderID=6936ef27-ec7e-4d97-bcbe-6256708ecab1"><img class="i_tagging" src="http://bl136w.blu136.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif" /></a>Sent:Mon 2/13/12 5:39 AMTo:amphillips33@hotmail.com   Dear Angela,I apologize for the late reply and also for the confusion as to how we will send your winnings.Your withdrawals from October and November for $2700 will be sent via wire transfer, they are now at the processor and should be going out this week. As soon as your winnings leave the processor i will update you.Kind regardsTara MurdochWithdrawals Manager   Since then, I have sent about 10 emails and have received no response.  I argued with the guy at live chat for about an hour the other night.  He told me that it would be another couple weeks??????  This makes absolutely no sense.  I called him a liar, and he got all bent out of shape....I guess the truth hurts, huh?  Is there any kind of deparment or monitering agency that they can be reported to?  I'm about to get on a plane and go to their office and show them what's really going on! 
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I just found a link in small print at the bottom of the website - CDS.  This is a link to a page to report claims owed by RTG casinos to Central Disputes System.  Just sent one...we'll see if this changes anything.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
angiephillips wrote: STILL have not received my withdrawals.  I received the same email about the supposed new withdrawal manager.  I received this email on 2/13:<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">From: withdrawals@rushmoreonline.com <a href="http://bl136w.blu136.mail.live.com/mail/PrintMessages.aspx?cpids=59c724e7-5637-11e1-9d48-00215ad80d1c,m&isSafe=true&FolderID=6936ef27-ec7e-4d97-bcbe-6256708ecab1"><img class="i_tagging" src="http://bl136w.blu136.mail.live.com/mail/clear.gif" /></a>Sent:Mon 2/13/12 5:39 AMTo:amphillips33@hotmail.com   Dear Angela,I apologize for the late reply and also for the confusion as to how we will send your winnings. Your withdrawals from October and November for $2700 will be sent via wire transfer, they are now at the processor and should be going out this week. As soon as your winnings leave the processor i will update you. Kind regardsTara MurdochWithdrawals Manager   Since then, I have sent about 10 emails and have received no response.  I argued with the guy at live chat for about an hour the other night.  He told me that it would be another couple weeks??????  This makes absolutely no sense.  I called him a liar, and he got all bent out of shape....I guess the truth hurts, huh?  Is there any kind of deparment or monitering agency that they can be reported to?  I'm about to get on a plane and go to their office and show them what's really going on! 
Since they do have your $$, I think you will see this payment, angiephillips. QB10 got paid finally but his $$ was not lost. Now regarding nikkidog's $$, Rushmore is saying it went out and got frozen at the intermediary bank. Her's is not a good situation. I am more hopeful that you will see your winnings than for her .... and that's very unfortunate. (sorry nikki)
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I know that you and everyone else feels bad for me and I thank you all for your concerm.  and I really hope that Angela gets her money. The Bank of America  still says that they do not have a record of a  wire transfer, but Rushmore insists that they do. My bank says they do not have a record of a wire transfer to my account, so who do I believe. I think if the bank had it thry would tell me even if they will not release it to my account.  This whole thing is so strange. For  3 months Rushmore never told me anything about the BOA or that it might be frozen. This was just told  to me last week.  They just kept telling me not to worry that I will get paid for sure., no matter what. So who knows maybe if it is at the bank they will send it back to Rushmote, but that does not mean that Rushmore   will send it to me if they get it back. I don't trust them.


nikkidog wrote: I know that you and everyone else feels bad for me and I thank you all for your concerm.  and I really hope that Angela gets her money. The Bank of America  still says that they do not have a record of a  wire transfer, but Rushmore insists that they do. My bank says they do not have a record of a wire transfer to my account, so who do I believe. I think if the bank had it thry would tell me even if they will not release it to my account.  This whole thing is so strange. For  3 months Rushmore never told me anything about the BOA or that it might be frozen. This was just told  to me last week.  They just kept telling me not to worry that I will get paid for sure., no matter what. So who knows maybe if it is at the bank they will send it back to Rushmote, but that does not mean that Rushmore   will send it to me if they get it back. I don't trust them.
 Just my opinion nikkidog, but I do think if your bank had any record of a transfer they would of told you.  Even, as you said, if they didnt credit it to your account, they certainly would of told you.  I cant think of a reason for them not to, you know?                                                                                 Pam

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