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Shall we share strategies for making playthru? Share your ideas here.


Hi Gang::look:Lets use this thread to share our ideas about the best way to make the dreaded playthru. Do some of you play a large bet right away and hope for the best? Or do you start out small bet and work your way up?  How about other ways?Looking forward to many different ideas from members out there.                                                                                       Pam(Thanks to IEatGoanna for the idea for this thread).


Generally I'll start out depositing the smallest amount possible ($21) to limit playthrough amount.That will give me a bank roll of about $65Selecting a machine with a high payout during feature with a smallish bet amount (IE: White Rhino or Gold Beard just to name 2 of my fav).My initial bet amount would be enough to cover 100 spins (IE: .50c or .60c) A players bet should always resemble their bank roll So, If from here my balance increases, I'll maintain my betting amount to always stay betting to cover 100 spins.(Lets assume my balance is now $230 my bets would be $2 until my balance falls below $199 then decrease bet amount to $1.50 or there about)If my bank roll is heading south.I'll do same (decrease to cover 100 spins) until I lose and re deposit or ......*Try a different machine.*Mix up your bet amounts.*change the time between pushes (slow down your pushes or speed then up)* try auto-play. * try Turbo (although I've not had any luck with this).Please add your own strategies as i could do with as much help as possible to make the dreaded playthru


If i make $25.00 depo, I'll take 100% bonus if play through is 20 times or lower. lets say the play through is $1000.00, I'll start at $1.25 (5 spins)f I don't make my bet back within those 5 spins, Ill lower my bet or decrease the pay line.I have noticed that playing in the middle of the night ( from 12:00 am to 6:00 am seems to work great for some reason) - I'm in US centraltime zone.I have also noticed that the day of week seems to make a difference (Thursdays and Sundays for me) don't know why but it was obvious and it worked.IEatGoanna's strategies look a lot better than mine, Though I have managed to withdraw a few times.great thread Pam


Greedy Gambler
I always accept bonues from WP and SJ. I really don't have any particular strategy. I usually bet $1.00 or $1.20 a spin. When I am down in money, I play 40c a spin and a lot of times, I get more on my bonus than betting higher. Just been lucky this month. It had been months since my last withdrawal....GL to all.....It's really all about luck, just like a landbased casino.
what has been most successful for me any way i only play all game bonus or table game but prefer all game with 30 or lower play thru. So then i play tri-card poker betting only pair or better depending on amount deposited i start out with $2.00 bet $5.00 if i have 100 or better and drop down if thing haven't progressed by the time half my stack has vanished only betting pair or better. strait flush 3 of a kind pay very well. when bank has reached 4 to 5 hundred i move on to Texas tycoon changing bet from 1.25 to 2.50 randomly. never exceeding these bet limits, its pretty clear to me that the higher i bet the lower my odds seem to be. example when better 1.25 i only get in to slumps of say 3 to 6 in a row no win but when betting 6.25 or higher it will go 10 or even up to 20 spins with out a hit. these are not guesses i have studied logged and recorded many sessions deposits and no deposit also differ. And when all has failed i keep 7 to 8 bucks hit the penny keno 8 spot and pray.. 8 spot pays 300


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I agree, great thread.I have absolutely no strategy when it comes to making playthrough. When I take bonuses (which I always do) I take them just for the bigger bankroll for more playing time.I never think about the playthrough UNLESS I hit something that potentially will get me through it. Then I start looking at how much more I have to play, what would my balance be around the time I hit PT, etc. @jaythenutz - When all else has failed and I have $5 left, I hit the penny keno. 11 spots pays $28 (which is enough to possibly hit a RJ at an RTG) I have yet to hit 11 spots. lol


I have shared my simple but usually effective idea before.Taking a bonus, I start out small betting, and as my bankroll increases, I slowly increase my bet.There are times I do so horribly that I never get to the second part of increasing my bet, and obviously I dont make playthru. However more times than not, it has been a success for me.  Making playthru takes patience. Dont rush your bet, and blow thru your bankroll.Good Luck to all of us with the Dreaded Playthru.                                                                                         Pam

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