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Thanksgiving 2012 in Boston, Plymouth Rock and Cape Cod


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here are my vacation pictures from Boston during Thanksgiving. Enjoy!

My brother and sister in law, my nephews, my dear old dad and their house. Also a group picture of the guests they had over for Thanksgiving. My brother works for a software company that has an office in Nepal. His employees had never had a Thanksgiving dinner before so he invited some of them over.


Going to Boston, we went thru a couple of toll booths. Being in AZ, I had to get a picture of one of them. We don't have them here. Here is the real Cheers Bar that was actually shot for the front of the bar scenes in the TV show "Cheers". The inside of the bar was shot in Hollywood. We took a tour of the city in a one of those military vehicles that goes on land and in the water. Very cool! My nephew got to steer the "boat" for a bit on the Charles River.


And there you have it! The real Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower II.


Cape Cod was beautiful but way too cold for me. The wind was whipping and it felt like 30 degrees below! I took some pictures and we all ran back to the car. Oh, I had to write my special someone's name in the sand first! lol


Here are Nikki and Aspen, my brother's Siberian Huskys. Coming from AZ, they are LOVING the cold weather!

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Oh the pictures are amazing.Your trip looks like it was such a fun time. Your Brothers home is beautiful, and I love the picture of your whole family. Is that your Dad there sitting on the couch?The history that is in that part of the US is so interesting to me, and I one day hope to visit it myself.I felt for you when you were there experiencing the cold. Arizona blood is pretty thin for those neck of the woods, and you looked peaceful and more content by the fireplace. heheI really enjoyed the pics Mben.Thanks for sharing them. :yourock:                                                                                              Pam


The pictures are just beautiful. So glad you had a nice visit with your family. Being together with family is the best thing in the world.  I will post my pictures of Maryland . Guess what with all the cooking we did, I forgot to take pictures of all the food lol. . By the time we thought of it it was almost gone.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for your replies Pam and Nikki! :roll:Speaking of the food .... there's that one picture that shows what looks like a burnt turkey (there are 2 turkeys in that pic), but it wasn't burnt. One of his employees brought a turkey that was soaked in soy sauce and then roasted. It sounds weird, i know but it tasted wonderful! The skin had the flavoring of the soy sauce and the inside was just like a regular turkey. Being half Asian, I was brought up on a lot of soy sauce and for years now, I haven't cared for it as a condiment. I will cook with it and that's about it. I see people douse their rice in soy sauce (like my lil nephew Tanner. His rice was swimming in it one night at dinner) and I'm thinking yuck! lol


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
The rock was smaller than I thought it would be too, lucky8s. It's sitting under a big gazebo type structure and you look down and it's sitting on the ground below. So the photo wasn't taken with me standing right next to it. Maybe that's why it looks even smaller than we thought?

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