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The Power of Music! What are you playing?


<img class="rg_i" src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuNw-W6orz0asQVJvRL2MZzNSx_YWEETJGnT53ynsQ3KteIAM6Uw" alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRuNw-W6orz0asQVJvRL2MZzNSx_YWEETJGnT53ynsQ3KteIAM6Uw" style="width:256px;height:201px;margin-top:0px;margin-right:-1px;margin-left:-1px;" /><img class="rg_i" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSyiopMqQYkV2GunTO4dGH3-0DMGrJO_hl4U-yeeZ78uPmScx8jcg" alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSyiopMqQYkV2GunTO4dGH3-0DMGrJO_hl4U-yeeZ78uPmScx8jcg" style="width:251px;height:201px;margin-top:-24px;margin-right:0px;margin-left:0px;" /> THE POWER OF MUSIC   If you're like me, music is your life. Music is powerful and can completely change your mood and attitude. Music gives you the power to time travel by instantly taking you back to a different place and time. Music can take a bad day and feed off its negative energy and turn it into positive energy. It all depends on the kind of music your listening to. Certain songs can make you want to drive faster while other songs give you that tranquil relaxing feeling. Music can make you feel like a carefree child when you are in your car singing at the top of your lungs. Music can bring back lost loved ones temporarily, when a special song plays. Music can make you proud to be who you are or give you the needed motivation to be who you want to be. Music has the power to move your entire body. Whether you're just tapping your foot or dancing your heart out, music inspires you. Music is fascinating and truly absolutely amazing how it affects your mind, body and soul. This world would not be the same without this gift we call music.   Now for some music fun! Check your phone, ipod or mp3 player. What are the first songs that play when you have your setting on random? I thought it would be fun to see what songs come up. Our music interest are so diverse it will be interesting to see what's playing on your music device. Don't forget post your first 5 random songs.  
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Okay, here is my first 5 songs that played on random. "
1. My Kind of Lover by Billy Squier"
2. Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean"
3. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry by Hank Williams"
4. Baby I'm Amazed by Paul McCartney"
5. One by Metallica"
As you can see my random songs shows I have a pretty diverse taste in music. I do not love one genre more than the other. I just love all my music. I look forward to reading your 5.


1. Piano Man - Billy Joel2. Crazy B*tch - Buck Cherry3. Shine Down - Godsmack4. Flood - Jars of Clay5. Psycho - Puddle of Mudd


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here's mine. "
1. George Straight - Today My World Slipped Away"
2. Blonde - One Way Or Another"
3. Carrie Underwood - Wasted"
4. George Straight - Give It Away"
5. AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long


Wow! We do have different songs on our players. I do have some George Straight but it is all Pre-2000's. I have some AC/DC. Maybe one Carrie Underwood song - Even though I watched her compete on American Idol I still only have one of her songs...strange....But I mostly like 70's, 80's and 90's country music. Yes, to Blonde and yes to Piano Man....love that song by the way! As for your other songs Sookie I'm not real sure if I have any of the ones you listed.....I will check."
I would love to hear what others have on their players!


I think what both Mben and Jewels meant to say was Blondie 
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