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Top 10 Signs You


Every parent has that moment when they finally know they're a real parent. Here's 10 signs that you've reached that point. #10 You let your child wear her bathing suit under her clothes to school because you forgot to throw the load of underwear into the dryer.#9. You've counted yellow M&M's as vegetables twice in one week.#8. You let your 3 year old wear her tutu to her soccer practice just to avoid meltdown number 5 that day.#7. You've offered a significant cash prize to your 5 year old to stay in his own bed for at least 6 hours in a row.#6. You've swished a school uniform around in the box of detergent so it would smell like it was freshly washed.#5. You spent an entire week serving nothing but orange colored food because that was the only color your son would eat that week.#4. You've told your daughter that if she doesn't drink her milk she is going to shrivel up like your 97 year old Grandma Yaya. #3. You pretended not to notice that your son was wearing 2 different shoes to church.#2. You wondered if your toddler still needed lunch after he snarfed down the dog's bowl of kibble while you did a speed bathroom break.#1. You've worn a noodle necklace to work. Bonus round points--- if You let your 2 year old take her nap in the dog's bed, because any nap is good, and she's too young to remember you let her do that anyway. Probably. Laugh Out Loud! -gina  :laughhard:  


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
That list was funny, Mikey! :lol: I can imagine the chaos in any home with little ones. I had my one and glad my days of wearing noodle necklaces are over. lol My daughter is a prime example of raising her herd. I call her 1.5 yr old, 6 year old (Michael turns 6 on the 8th), her 10 year old stepson and 16 year old stepson, the herd . Then there's the bun in the oven due 9/12/13. The 3 boys are all in sports and have after school stuff going on. The baby is already in her terrible 2's at a year and a half. Plus the stepsons are back and forth from their mom to my daughter's house. Let the chaos begin! lol Coming and going all day every day, laundry here there and everywhere, kids falling asleep anywhere and everywhere in the house, school projects laid out all over the dining table, tupperware being taken out of the cabinets and left out as toys because the baby will just pull them out again, Call of Duty being played by my grandson because it keeps him quiet never you mind all the blood and guts. Oh, it goes on and on. Their home life is just crazy! hahahaha And it's so loud there. Much too busy for me! All I can say is better her than me!And with all that said ... my daughter has turned out to be a great parent all in all. :gogirl:-- Edited by Mben on Thursday 1st of August 2013 06:37:09 PM


Well she had a great MOM after all right? I am so glad all mine are grown, and out. That being said, I love being a grand dad! I can have all the fun, and very little to none of the disciplining LOL! Best part being when Jasmine (she will be 8 in Oct) gets to be too much, I call her mom and tell her come and get her....NOW lmfao.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Here's one for the list and it actually happened a couple of weeks ago. My daughter was finishing up a school project with Michael."
You know you are a real parent when ..."
1. You grab a framed picture from the wall and remove your son's picture only to paste it to a piece of construction paper, while making his lunch for school the day the project is due. (note: empty picture frame left on dining table for days until NaNa Shell hangs it back on the wall ... empty! lmao!) "
You are so right about being a grandparent! You can ship them home or leave their house when you want (as I do in most cases because they hardly come here anymore. The baby is into everything and I am a wreck when she comes here so I go over there mostly now). But my daughter has a way of roping me in to babysit. She gives me the general plans and then when she's out the door, she let's me know the whole plan and that, most of the time, is that she will be gone for many more hours than I thought. Grrrr! HAHAHAHA I know I look like a teenager still, but I'm starting to feel nana like. After a day of holding the baby (she's my grandbaby and I love to hold her), I wake up the next day sore! My back, my arms, etc. LOL She's a heifer though! A few hours of visiting is great! A babysitting job where I end up sleeping on the couch unexpectedly ..... Grrrr! lol My poor back!

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