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About virtual codes, it basically the same as playing in free mode. Never gonna win real cash . I have posted numerous times that this IS the worst casino group out there.   If you have a free chip code post it here, To all who read this thread, you have been warned THEY DO NOT PAY WINNINGS !!!!!
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FirstDrinkFree - $20 to $200"
Redeem Code FirstDrinksFree"
GET $20 to $2000 FREE to Try the Games tonight and See whats Hot"
Play it Down then Enjoy the Rest of the Night"
I got 47.00 enjoy"


hey taco!!! :) did you just get an email about this code? or is it an old one?"
just thought I'd check
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yep got this in email (about 40 mins ago):player Appreciation DayDeposit ANYTHING YOU CAN for Today's BonusesHURRY - Only Days Left777% Slots and Keno - CODE SlotsAppreciation200% No Max No Play- CODE NoMaxPlayAppreciate150% No Max Cash Out- CODE NoMaxAppreciation100% Cashable- CODE CashableAppreciationAfter Play GET BACK Double Your Deposit in Gamblers InsuranceThe Virtual Casino Group TODAYWe Will Not Be Under SoldFree Money ALSO on VirtualDanny NOWThe Virtual Casino Group Better Bets Better Service Better All AroundThe Virtual CasinoVegas Strip CasinoSecond to None - Separate to Themselves - United as OneSome Individual Play and Game Restrictions Apply took special note of this part:Free Money ALSO on VirtualDanny NOWwent to virtual danny now and found new code posted which said it was for holloween so knew it was new. i do recall they had another code kinda similar like firstdrinkfree with no s after drinkshope this answsers your???latertater,talkintaco-- Edited by talkintaco at 17:18, 2007-10-29


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Go to VirtualDanny.com and you'll see all his promos for free PLAY MONEY !!!! I'm with Belgamo on this one !! They are in the group along with Bet Royal, Don't Expect To Be Paid !! Simple as that !!!BTW, I got $47   LOL  -- Edited by Micheleben5 at 17:33, 2007-10-29
I know it's monopoly money, but the adreline junkie gambler in me loves it all the same...what can I say.....I'm a cheap buzz...lol"
So glad you were happy to get the free chip Debby, I don't know why but somehow a free chip brings out my inner~slot but playing in free mode won't even give me 1 goosebump!  I know I will never cashout but in the moment I am a slot machine goddess, master of all virtual casino's, lol and then it's back to housewife mother of four and granny to one!  Thanks for your post!  Happy Halloween!latertater,talkintaco -- Edited by talkintaco at 20:35, 2007-10-29-- Edited by talkintaco at 17:55, 2007-12-17
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ya i love the slots to talkintaco i have a casino about 20min from my house get myself into trouble with hubby sometimes. but hay what he dont know wont hurt him right , i also have children 7boys 2 girls.


karnesguy i would like to find out were he is to. the guy got nasty with me in live chat for asking a question about boune money.because i was going to deposit and want to know about the bounes money . never got an anser was told very roud to just make it. so i told him were he ccould make it if you know what i mean.
new code

$100to$500Free is the newest virtual code, I used it at winit for 116.00 in monopoly money! enjoy latertater,talkintaco
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Thank You, Talkintaco! Got $116, too!! Don't care that it's Dirty Danny money!! Lol I just want to play!! Mrsrose1705 **another 1L Michele Club member**


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Tookaotik posted a new topic in the RTG thread New Virtual code for $100-$500 free chip--------------------------------------------------------------------------------use the code $100to$500FreeNot sure about T&C's, but it's pretty much play money anyways. I got $116 have fun everyone I moved it into the Virtual topic. Thank you Tookaotik !!-- Edited by Micheleben5 at 14:23, 2007-11-06


Sing!- It's another Saturday night and I aint got no money! That dirtbag Danny just refused my code! Oh how I wish I had 2 minutes with him! I'd beat up that toad!!


Virtual Danny ...Here He is.

Players wishing to find Danny ...Here is your chance:ITS HERE - ITS HERE - ITS HERE - ITS HERE - ITS HERE - ITS HERE - ITS HERE   The ALL NEW Virtual Forum on VirtualDanny .com It's YOUR Time to Sound OFF YOUR time For Answers YOUR time To Stand Toe to Toe for ALL to HEAR and SEE AND Confront The Virtual Casino Group In The Right Way Straight Forward AND Personal with Danny Over The Years I have Given You Every Opportunity and Every Reason to Go VirtualI Have Given Away More Money to Hit with More Chances to WinOn More Coupons to Choose fromThen Any Other On Line Casino But Through Those Years Casinos have Also seen More and More Unwarranted Post on More Forums then they care to Count Not ONLY from players NOT even playing with them... Or Players Wishing ONLY to Do Harm. BUT Players NOT taking the time to get the Facts First Players NOT Knowing what they are talking about Repeating ONLY Hearsay Players that DON'T have anything else better to do then Post All Day and NOT expect to be Challenged on what they are saying Casinos have Also seen More and More Unwarranted Post on More Forums then they care to Count From Forum OWNERS and OPERATORS Forum OWNERS and OPERATORS that think they can do and say what they want Forum OWNERS and OPERATORS that think their members are stupid and believe everything they say Forum OWNERS and OPERATORS that get Paid to Advertise Casinos Forum OWNERS and OPERATORS That Chances are if your NOT Paying them to advertise your Casino You Will Be Talked about - Ridiculed - And quite possibly Blacklisted The Virtual Forum Will Change all that... Players will now get the Opportunity to NOT ONLY get the answers they are looking for Straight Forward AND Personal with Danny BUT OTHERS will in the process... Learn Mistakes Happen - NOTHING is ever what it really seems and Danny will No Longer Tolerate False Accusations  The ALL NEW Virtual Forum STARTS TODAY RULES OF POSTING YOU must be a Player with The Virtual Casino Group to Post Whatever you want posted... Whatever Threads you want to start... You Email Danny@VirtualDanny.com I will then View it and Post it up I as well as ALL PLAYERS are encouraged to participate in ALL THREADS STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT .Danny WILL Make sure you tell me what Thread your post Belongs to In celebration of Today's All New Virtual Forum Launch Welcome to TheWarmUp $ 50 to $ 500 FREE to All-Players That post With The ALL NEW Virtual Forum Redeem Code - TheWarmUp Play around - Move around Get Warmed Up. After The Warm Up - Play it Down Deposit with ANY OTHER  Bonus on Virtual Danny After That play... You'll Get ANOTHER $ 50 to $ 500 FREE Warm up Chip TO GO AGAIN TheWarmUp . Another Virtual Casino Original
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I have had a post on Virtual Danny's forum in the past. It had to do with his customer service which I stated was wonderful. They answered my question that I had to my satisfaction. The post also included a free $50 chip, which he gave me. Now, I think I want to post asking the question, why does he tease us with his free chips ? I don't like that he offers these chips, with the conditions to play them down and then claim a bonus and deposit . There is no chance, it seems, to cash them out. At least the other casinos will allow you to cash out the amount of the chip if you have followed all the rules !BTW, I received $51 from the code THEWARMUP........... chatted and found the T&C's are as follows: Thank you for using our LiveChat Service. This is 'Joe'. How can I help you? Micheleben5: HI, what are the terms and conditions for the code thewarmup? Is it cashable if a playthrough is met? Micheleben5: hello? Joe: non cashable Micheleben5: ok, thanks -- Edited by Micheleben5 at 18:08, 2007-11-15
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So I would say that Danny has once again proved himself a con artist and we as members of a free people(gamblers) have the right to once again say...WHERE THE HELL IS THAT GUY!!!ahtram88
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edward38 wrote: code---thewarmup---
New free Virtual code........ YouGotMoney According to Virtual Danny himself, this code should work for EVERYBODY!! Even the so-called Bonus Abusers!It worked for me!! I got $32.00!!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Found this on Danny's site............."
TODAY Let me make this Virtually Clear YouGotMoney"
March Right Over to TheVirtualCasino.com This Thursday and Get Some FREE"
New Members - Old Members VIP Players Advanced Players and YES - BONUS ABUSERS"
All Are Welcomed "
This Thursday YouGotMoney"
A Thank You from The Virtual Casino Group"
Redeem Coupon Code - YouGotMoney "
All Members Welcomed "
Restrictions???? "
You must have Deposited at least Once "
in The Many Many Years we have been On Line"
and For The First Time EVER"
It Doesnt Matter if your Last Transaction was a Free Chip"
Noooway!!! Ha Ha this is too cool for school, so Danny didn't like the uniformed front players have made against virtual casinos....guess as long as he knew he was giving out monoply money and that we mere players would never catch on everything was aok in virtual vip land. Methinks Danny needs some dough he can cash out of his little virtual vat and his oh so generous Thursday nite chip offer is to get some depositing players back. Best of luck to ya danny boy, but I will crap taco sauce if I see any posts from players who get to cash out on the chip. latertater,talkintaco-- Edited by talkintaco at 01:50, 2007-11-29
Well Danny Boy is giving out a whoppin' $39.00 with this free  promise you can cash out chip, I was just now able to redeem:YouGotMoney .  Thanks Micheleben for keeping tabs on the virtual miester, aka Danny's, latest worm on a hook, geez I hope he doesn't sucker lot's of players into making a deposit this week because of the new found love he now has for little ol' bonus abuser's like me. Please NDCGF member's if any of you are able to cash out or even get close and contact virtual's live support...share your experience's here.....this should be very interesting indeed! Merry Christmas,talkintaco
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says already redeemed, guess it doesnt mean everyone gets to use it on thursday, didnt see it in my history, but even if it was shouldnt say everyone.. oh well play money any ways....thanks for all the coupons guys,V

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