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What I did with contest win


 I don't know where this will go but somebody might direct it . I want to say thank you for contest $50 I won awhile back. It was incredible and I made an incredible mess to match. Made playthrough cashed out $150, reversed, got a royal in clubs dealt, tried to withdraw it, kept going in, after about $200 I hit deuces. If I stopped then I would have $1300. It's all ugly after that. I'm so sorry I feel I let you down.. I forgot the beginning The $50 I played at Rich Reels, on Hitman with 45 cents hit $600 with 3 guys in middle. I had a screen shot, but too painful now.. Before that I hit 2's, 3's, 4's, on double quarters, got dealt 4 aces, drew the kicker. It was one thing after another, and up down. This just goes to show how backwards I am.     I think I took $300 out there. Thank you, it was  quite a rush. 


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Helwin, we're here for you! You just let it all out! LOL"
Don't be too hard on yourself thinking you let us down. We have all been there, done that and will do it again. I think you are feeling that you let yourself down."
And hey, that's the name of the game, gambling. You win , you lose, you cashout, you don't cashout. You will have another chance to bring home some cash, eventually, I'm sure."
Congrats on some nice hits BTW!!
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Good hits.. and you took some home. had fun in the process that is all that matters. I always do the same i need to know where that cashout button is lol. congrats!!!!


  Thank you you ladies. I should have started in the beginning instead of the end. But then should have done a few other things. You don't know how your support eases some of the pain. I'm just wondering if I'll ever be able to tame these tendencies.  I do what I intend and even more and then the plans change at the end. Someday I will do it right. First thing I need to do is get a cage!   And my poor husband. You don't know how many times I ran out in the hall and blurted out an excited update and ran back in. He probably would have had a heart attach if he could hear better or if I said it so he could actually hear what I was saying! Thanks again for being here and listening.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
helwin wrote: And my poor husband. You don't know how many times I ran out in the hall and blurted out an excited update and ran back in.__________________________________________________________
That is something I quit doing a while ago. I use to run and tell my honey what I just hit, how much I had in my balance and that I cashed out. Well, sometimes after the huge hit, the big balance and the cashout, it all seemed to go back into the casino. Played it and/or reversed it.
The look on his face after the 100th time I did that was not a happy look, so I quit telling him all together. No sense in getting anyone's hopes up that some money was coming home and then shoot it all to hell.


dont feel bad i dont know why i waste my time withdrawing i just play it back so your not alone
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