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What We Have to Say About Online Poker, Response from the White House


Received this response today from The White House regarding the online poker petition I signed (We The People, Your Voice In Our Government, www.whitehouse.gov) I posted the petition below the response if you want to read it. What We Have to Say About Online PokerBy Brian Deese, Deputy Director of the National Economic CouncilThank you for taking the time to participate in the We the People petition process. We launched this online tool as a way of hearing directly from you, and are pleased to see that it has been effective in soliciting your feedback. We understand your interest in the petition to support the legalization of online poker, and appreciate the opportunity to share President Obama's concerns about this issue.The Administration understands that many Americans engage in paid online poker games for entertainment purposes. Online gambling on sporting events or contests violates federal law. The legality of other forms of online gambling is dependent upon the law of the states where the bettor or gambling business is located. It is left to each state to determine whether it wishes to permit such activity between its residents and an online poker business authorized by that state to accept such wagers, but online gambling that is not authorized by state law may also violate federal statutes.The rapid and anonymous nature of the internet distinguishes online games from onsite games, such as those in casinos, and creates distinct challenges. For example, there are many means of technologically circumventing restrictions on online gambling that can allow individuals from countries where gambling is illegal -- or even minors -- to play using real currency. Online games also have greater potential for fraud because gambling websites are much cheaper and easier to establish than on-site locations, and like telemarketing scams, can appear and disappear overnight. Finally, online gambling can be used in money laundering schemes because of the volume, speed, anonymity, and international reach made possible by internet transactions. The Administration will continue to examine this issue and is open to solutions that would help guard against the use of online gambling sites as tools for conducting illegal activities or preying on unsuspecting individuals to the extent that online gambling is permitted.Thank you once again for signing the online petition. We appreciate hearing your opinions and look forward to hearing from you again soon.Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.Stay ConnectedStay connected to the White House by signing up for periodic email updates from President Obama and other senior administration officials.we petition the obama administration to:protect consumers, create jobs and generate revenue by licensing and regulating online poker.Appropriate regulation of online poker will put the U.S. in charge of safeguarding responsible adult players, prevent underage participation and protect those with excessive gaming habits. The current, unregulated U.S. marketplace does not guarantee a single consumer protection.U.S. regulation of this global industry will also mean the creation of American jobs and billions in new revenue without raising taxes. Licensed U.S.-based horse race wagering sites have proven that online betting sites can be successfully regulated. It is time to allow online poker the same opportunity.Created: Sep 22, 2011Issues: Budget and Taxes, Consumer Protections, Economytotal signatures9,816


Very good to read.Thank you for posting this.                                            Pam

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