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Why is Gambling Illegal? your in put please


Hey members,I live in Tuscaloosa,Alabama USA (Home of the University of Alabama).This past year the big issue was GAMBLING in Alabama, Its popped upseveral times in our state ledgistlature to legalize, Only to be shotdown. We had a casino to play at called The Green Track about 15 milessouth west of Tuscaloosa. They had 800 or so (Bingo slot machines) that aState Judge had declared legal. This past year Gov. Bob Riley decided thatthe bingo machines were illegal and shut the casino down along with about11 or 12 other  casinos around the state that were like the Green Track.The only bingo machine casinos in opperation now are 3 owned by oneIndian Tribe. That's a very breif summary of whats been going on as faras gambling in Al. (its illegal) Except for Tribal land.So my fellow members the question is:Why is Gambling Illegal?I would appreciate your oppinions & answers  


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
I'll bet that gambling is immoral as well as illegal!"
Oh, wait ..."
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PSP wrote: I'll bet that gambling is immoral as well as illegal!Oh, wait ...
If I remember correctly, That was an exact quote from the Governor.And a lot of people did loss jobs-We may get a referendum vote soon on this issue, I'm for gambling,It's the ones who oppose I don't understand, the loss of revenue to naighboringstates that do have gambling is just one reason we should have it.The truth is, When my wife & I are around friends and this issue comes upI can never come up with a good aurgument against the ones who appose,they seem to have a thousand reasons why we should'nt have gambling.Hope I get more posts!!!Thanks so far. 
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We are suppose to work, make some money and then give it back to the country by bying stuff and pay our bills. When you gambling, especially online, the money is mostly taken out of the country, with no taxes paid either. Then there is the moral side. Most of the people can handled to gamble but the one who gambles the most is ruin both themselves and everyone around them. It's a tricky addict and devastating if you can't feep control over it.In sweden the government has monopol over gambling and earning most of the money themself. A few % is used to help the addicts but I don't really like the double-moral of it.It's not forbidden yet to play online, but they are trying their hardest to make it illegal.It's all about the money..


Everyone wants a piece of the pie. When they(government) doesnt get it, they shut it down, and call it illegal. There is also the pressure from groups that find it immoral, and a bad life style choice. Can the government really approve of something if it is ruining peoples lives?
Now of course I dont agree with keeping it illegal.  This is our money, we should be able to spend it any way we want.  If the government wants a piece of it, then take your fair share, and leave me alone. Make it legal, regulate it, and keep it fair.   I pay taxes on everything else as it is, so what is a few more $$ to enjoy what I want to do.  We will never get away without paying taxes on things we enjoy. Also, people can ruin their lives with alot of things, but it isnt illegal to do so. I knew of a man once that was so obsessed with golf, he spent every dime he had playing the game, and buying equipment etc.  He literally went broke doing so.  Gee, the government ought to make golf illegal, as it is ruining peoples lives. Sounds ridicoulous doesnt it?  I think so too. When a person cant spend their money the way they want, after working so hard to get it, there is something wrong.                                                                                                 Pam
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Great points Pam and Tirileja,"
Especially Pam's point This is our money, we should be able to spend it any way we want. "
If the government wants a piece of it, then take your fair share, and leave me alone. "
Make it legal, regulate it, and keep it fair. "
So True!!"
I Guess the thing I want is simply, The Freedom of Choice."
Bring the casinos in and allow people the choice to go, or not to go"
Thanks to - chas24, PSP, pheapgirl, Tirileja, PMM2008


Thank you signman for the post. It was interesting to read, and fun to respond. Keep them coming.                                                                                   Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
signman48 wrote: shut the casino down along with about 11 or 12 other  casinos around the state that were like the Green Track.The only bingo machine casinos in opperation now are 3 owned by oneIndian Tribe.
Who owned those 11-12 other casinos that got shut down?  


They were owned by Nat Wynn, Milton McGregor, Ronny Gilley and several other non-Native American Indians."
In this state casinos can only be operated on Indian territories


Years ago I lived in Colorado and they were talking about having casinos there. "
A radio station interviewed a spokesperson for the Governor who said the Governor does not want gambling in Colorado "
the interviewer said, what about the lottery and horse and dog racing and the spokesperson said, i mean the Governor said he doesn't want any more gambling in Colorado , lol"
Who knows why gambling is illegal, all I know for sure is, it isn't because elected officials care deeply about the average Joe.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I have nothing productive to add to this thread other than I agree with everyone's comments."
But I will add a smart ass comment which is ................"
It tells you right in the word casino . It's a c A SIN o!
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Thanks every one for the comments,"
Was interesting to read all the opinions in this thread, thanks"
After reading some of the news articles about the Large Political contributions made to "
Alabama politicians, via PAC (political action committees) From neighboring states,"
leads me to believe that the casinos here were closed so that we will have to travel to those casinos"
located out of state to play. Politicians paid, casinos shut down by those politicians. Thats it."
The question was Why is Gambling Illegal?"
The answer is: MONEY! Corrupt money at that."
That's very cynical I know, And I hope I'm wrong abut it."
Maybe some day we can have a real casino to play at here in Alabama


Once again our government is trying to save us from ourselves."
They are saying to us You can not be trusted with your own money, Let us make your decisions for you! Why stop at gambling, I bet more lives are ruin from cigarettes and alcohol."
God help the gambler who smokes and drinks!!!!!"
gl all,"


I live in upsatae Ny and we have what  they call a racino hench so close to casino but they have slot machines and now roulette hummm all good for the state!
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Well we finally got gambling legalized in Ohio for 5 casinos. As for it being illegal online in other parts of the country it all comes down to taxing. Why is Marijuana illegal and alchol is not, because they haven't found away to tax it even though it helps some cancer patients. You decide which is more dangerous to your health. "
As for the government not trusting us with our own money, we can't trust them with our hard earned tax money either, look at our countries deficeit, bastards anyway."
Oh yea isn't the state lottery gambling, our gov. is just a bunch of hippacrits (spelling) that want to control every aspect of our lives and our money."
Before I discovered online casinos I was definately hooked on the lottery. I spent thousands on them. My biggest win $50 on a scratch off. My biggest cashout for online gambling $8000 on a $25 deposit, and all the other 2, 3, and $4000 dollar cashouts. Of course 50% went back into the casinos but still I'm way ahead of the casinos at this point. "
Online gambling may be breaking the rules, but hell it don't hurt to bend them a little as long as your careful.


not all gambling are illegal, you just have to play it in a right place and in the right time. never play when you're drunk and never play gambling outside. for sure cops will be hunting you ass if the found out that you are doing an illegal gambling.


Good points above,"
If my poor State could realize the increase in revenues via the taxes collected from"
casinos, The ban on gambling would be lifted. Money is the Mother's Milk of Politics ,"
Last year our Governor was speaking to a large Church group and said In my opinion gambling"
is immoral and it attracts unsavory characters, And the casino Bosses will corrupt our "
State Government . (I don't think the casino Bosses will corrupt the Gov., I think the Gov."
can do that all by them selves) And I know that some people simply have moral issues about gambling and there genuine. But Their are Casino Groups that are willing to make large"
investments to bring real casinos to Alabama that will be regulated and taxed. "
I want real casinos to open here in Alabama, (And I believe its only a matter of time)."
And when we get them, Those people who have a problem with them -- Stay away."
Don't go to them "
That's my opinion"
Am I wrong?"
Any way thanks members for letting me rant


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I don't think you are wrong, signman. But then again, I am a gambler."
Feel free to rant away ....... whenever.
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I dont think your wrong either signman, but it would be a hard fight to get alot of others to agree with us.As Mben said, we are gamblers, and that is why we feel the way we do. Gambling has always been a Word that brings mixed feelings. Last year our Governor was speaking to a large Church group and said In my opinion gamblingis immoral and it attracts unsavory characters, And the casino Bosses will corrupt our State Government . Immoral? Attracts unsavory characters? Wow, those are some harsh words to lump us all in dont you think?   I pay my taxes and my bills like everyone else.  I just happen to enjoy gambling for entertainment.  I had no idea I was an unsavory character. Now I want to rant away but I wont. Thanks for the post signman............                                                                         Sincerely,                                                                                A unsavory character.
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well for me, gambling is not illegal if you play it on the right place and on the right time. the only thing that is illegal is when you play it illegally on streets, open house and what soever.


Lottery is gambling but in Texas they dont think so.  In my option the government wants to get their piece of the pie and they cant get any taxes from online casinos. so I think this is why Bush ok the law.  Something about how the money goes to fund groups that are fighting the USA. I myself know of a lot of people who make money and send it to the relatives in other countries. why isnt that outlawed. I make my money let me decide how I want to spend it .
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