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Yikes! Have You All Seen This Yet? Terror Above Manhattan As Sandy Rolls In!


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<a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/crane-collapse-manhattan-article-1.1194790" >Terror above Seventh Ave</a>.: Construction crane collapses in midtown Manhattan as Hurricane Sandy storms into New York City As the broken crane arm dangled from the 70th floor, records show that inspectors were investigating hydraulic fluid leaks and rope defects in recent months. As nearby residents evacuated, high winds kept workers from climbing up to secure the stricken crane. One57 is a 90-story skyscraper that will have sweeping views of Central Park and a $115 million penthouse.</h2>   A crane dangles from the top of a skyscraper at 157 W. 57th St. in Manhattan.   Hurricane Sandy blew over a rooftop crane, leaving it dangling over W. 57th St. and terrifying passersby who feared it would come crashing to the ground.Firefighters were called to the site of the One57 tower, slated to be the city's tallest residential building, as the crane swayed from the 70th floor.Police blocked off nearby streets and several buildings between Sixth and Seventh Aves. were evacuated.Food vendor Tony Twitty saw the crane snap. The crane was waving in the wind, said Twitty, 40, of The Bronx. The next started to break up. You could hear the crunching of metal. Twitty was alarmed by the sound. It's gonna come down, he said. It's definitely gonna come down. Charles Markey said he just missed being hit by falling pieces of crane. I was right underneath it when it came down, said Markey, 42, of Charlotte, N.C., who was in town to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary. I looked up and galvanized steel poles fell from the sky. Ten - to 12 -foot poles and they crumpled like toothpicks. No injuries were reported in the collapse, which happened at 2:30 p.m., city officials said.
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I can't believe it didn't fall and it survived up there. what i want to know is how the heck are they going to get it down to fix it or replace it


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I don't know what their going to with that crane but whatever they do does not look like it will be easy. Because of the power outage there are no elevators and I read workers had to climb 74 (I believe) flights of stairs just to get to it. I know we all know how to look up information and pictures regarding Sandy, but here is a link to a slide show that has some horribly awesome pictures. The slide show is awesome ..... the devistation is horrible!<a href="http://www.weather.com/news/weather-hurricanes/hurricane-sandy-pictures-photos2-20121025" >http://www.weather.com/news/weather-hurricanes/hurricane-sandy-pictures-photos2-20121025</a>

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