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You just gotta get in on these Deposit Contests!


Hey folks, Belgamo and the ladies here at No Deposit Forum work real hard to bring us these deposit contests.They don't get any extra for doing them, and if the turn out stays low, the casinos will stop sponsoring them!Today, I'm about to play $75. FREE for a simple $25. deposit! Yes, I did a few deposits, but if you look, do to a very low response, my winning # wasn't even close to the actual # that came out.What I'm saying, why not do a small $25. deposit, pick the 4 digit number 0-9 and you could end up with a FREE $100 to play on! This particular group of casinos that the above mentioned contest was for, I'm waiting on my 3rd $1000 withdrawal within about 2 months time! The RTG Video Series slots here are very loose, and as I say, you could win a little extra FREE money to play on, for a very small investment! OK gettin' off my soap box now tyvm LOL!  :yourock:


Thanks Mikey7a for the kind words.We do enjoy bringing the contest for all to have a chance to win some real cash.The more participation the better. It does , ensure that more contests are sure to come.I enjoy sending out the winning PM's as I know the members really are going to have fun with their winings.Congrats on your win friend, and looking forward to seeing you enter the next contest. :roll: Thanks sooo much for the post, and your participation in our contests.                                                                                                                                     Pam


Greedy Gambler
Very loose slots???? I think not! In fact, I totally believe they have gotten tight! You just have been one of the lucky few Mikey!!! Gee, I am all for a losing streak, but mine has been way to long! And believe me, I don't expect to withdraw everytime I play! My deposit's of $26 plus bonus may last me 10 mins.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for your effort in pushing our contests, Mikey. It's much appreciated. This was what happened to the Win Palace group contest. They wasn't any participation and if there was, it was the same few members. The rep caught on and said that we needed to stop the contest because only the same few were winning month after month. I know people are depositing. I just don't know why they don't want to extend their deposit a bit farther by using it in a contest as an entry. We'll keep doing what we do in hopes that participation will pick up again. And I will try to get contests going with different sponsors. Which reminds me ... we need another no deposit contest. Members love those. lol


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Here are our current contests. https://www.nodepositforum.com/f496717/current-no-deposit-forum-contest-come-on-in/I will be posting a new Revenue Jets contest tomorrow. 
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