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A look at the Gamblers Dictionary....


Cycle - In video poker it's the statistically predicted average number of hands dealt per top jackpot, usually a royal flush. Cut - The dealer divides the deck of cards into two parts and then inverts them after they have been shuffled. Cut Card - A hard plastic card used to cut the deck or a card of a different color. Daub - A paste or liquid used to mark cards. Dry - A player who has run out of funds and credit. Deal - To give out the cards during a hand. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 22nd of April 2011 08:13:15 AM
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Dealer - A casino employee who deals the various games. Dean - A smart gambler who can calculate odds and percentages. Deep Pockets - A person with a large bankroll. Designated Dealer - In poker games like Texas hold em,the player to the left of the dealer bets first.In a poker room where each game has a resident dealer, a different player serves as the designated dealer for each hand. Desperado - A gambler who bets on credit with absolutely no way to pay if he loses. Deuce - A two. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 23rd of April 2011 09:48:29 AM
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Deuce Dealers - A dealer who can peek at the top card and deal the next card if the top card is not to his advantage. (also-second dealer,mechanic or number two man.) Dice - Two or more identical numbered cubes. Die - Singular term for dice. Dime Bet - $1,000 bet. Discard Rack - Area of the table where the used cards are placed. Dog - The underdog in any betting proposition. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 24th of April 2011 06:50:02 AM
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Dog It - To be afraid to increase your bet during an extended winning streak. Don't Come Bet - A bet placed on the Don't Come Bar. Don't Pass Bet - A bet placed prior to the Come-Out Roll that a seven will be rolled before a point is repeated. Don't Pass Line - Area of the table where the Don't Pass bets are placed. Also known as the Back Line. Door Card - This is the first exposed card, or up card, in a player's hand in stud games. Double Bet - A wager twice the size of a person's usual wager . -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 25th of April 2011 11:20:49 AM
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Double Down - To increase a wager after the first two cards are drawn, in exchange for receiving only one more card, by placing an amount equal to the original bet on the layout. Also known as Double Up. Double Odds - An odds bet that is twice as large as the original Pass/Come bet. Down Behind - What the dealer tells a Don't bettor when his bet has lost. Down With Odds - Usually stated and executed by a dealer when paying off a Place Bet and moving the same player's Come bet onto a specific number, ensuring that the player is covered on the specific number. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 26th of April 2011 06:12:29 AM
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 Dozen Bet - A bet on twelve numbers in roulette, i.e. 1-12, 13-24 or 25-36. Draw - In draw poker, the second round of cards that are dealt. Draw Button - Allows video poker player to draw up to five new cards. Drop Box - On a gaming table, the box that serves as a repository for cash, markers, and chips. Dry - A player who has run out of funds and credit. Ducks - A pair of Twos. Dutch Book - A pricemakers odds line totaling more than 100% -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 27th of April 2011 06:54:32 AM
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 Ear - A bent corner put on a playing card to identify or locate it. Easy Way - To make a point number (4,6,8 or 10) any way but the hard way in Craps. Edge - Definition 1: The casino's advantage over the player in any game. Definition 2: Any advantage. Eighter from Decatur - The number eight in Craps. End - A share. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 28th of April 2011 06:57:37 AM
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Even Money - A bet that pays you back the same amount you wagered, plus your original wager. Exacta : A wager picking the two horses finishing first and second in the correct order. Expected Return - In video poker it's the average amount paid back on a particular play for a particular bet. Expected Win Rate - A percentage of the total amount of money wagered that you can expect to win or lose over time. Eye in the Sky - Surveillance video or live monitoring of the game from above. Eyeballs - In craps, when a player rolls a two. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 29th of April 2011 09:17:22 AM
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 Face Cards - A King, Queen or Jack in a deck of cards. Fade - To cover a bet. False Cut - A cut leaving the deck in its original position. Family Pot - In poker, when everyone at the table decides to enter a pot. Fast Company - Seasoned or smart gamblers. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 30th of April 2011 09:28:08 AM
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Fat - A person with a large bankroll. He's fat . also- loaded, deep pockets and on fat street Fever - A gambling habit. Field - Several horses in a race or contestants in a sports tournament grouped as one contestant for betting purposes. Field Bet - A one-roll wager that the next number thrown will be a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 or 12 in Craps. Fifth Street - In seven card stud, the third round of betting is called fifth street because players have five cards. In hold em , fifth street is the fifth card on board and the final round of betting. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 1st of May 2011 06:03:43 AM
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Fifty Yard Line - The middle of the table. Fill - In poker, to draw a card that makes a 5 card hand. Fill up - In poker, to fill a full house. Fink - A stool pigeon or informer. Firing - A player who is wagering large amounts of money. First Base - The first seat nearest the shoe in Blackjack. This position is dealt with first. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 2nd of May 2011 10:20:01 AM
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Fish: An unexperienced player who does not know how to win. Fishing - A player who stays in a poker game longer than advisable generally is fishing for the card or two that will make the hand a winner. Five Number Bet - A bet only possible on the double zero roulette games which includes 00,0,1,2,3 and has the highest house edge of 7.89%. Fix - To bribe. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 3rd of May 2011 10:37:49 AM
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Flat Betting - betting the same amount on each wager. Flat Store - Any gaming operation that is dishonest. Flat Top - A slot machine whose jackpot is always a fixed amount, as opposed to a progressive jackpot. Flats - Crooked dice which have been shaved to favor certain numbers. Float - The table bank. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 4th of May 2011 08:48:42 AM
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Flop - In a game of hold em, the three cards dealt face up in the center of the table. Flush - In poker, a ha nd consisting of five cards of one suit. Fold - In poker, when a player declines a bet and drops out of the hand. Foul - In Pai Gow Poker, a hand is fouled when the 2 card low hand is set higher than the 5 card high hand, or when the hands are set with the wrong number of cards. A fouled hand is a losing hand. Four Of A Kind - Four cards of the same rank. Also known as quads. Fourth Street - In 7 card stud, the second round of betting is called fourth street because players have four cards. In hold em, fourth street is the fourth card on board and the third round of betting. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 5th of May 2011 07:39:00 AM
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Free Odds Bet - A bet made in addition to the Pass Line, Don't Pass Line, come and Don't Come wagers which is paid at true odds in Craps. Front Line - A casino term for Pass Line in Craps. Front Money - Cash or bank checks deposited with the casino to establish credit for a player who bets against that money. Full House - In poker, a hand consisting of a three of a kind and a pair. Full Pay - In video poker it's usually the best payoff schedule offered for a particular game. Fuzzy - Odds of 15 to 1 on a winning horse. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 6th of May 2011 08:31:09 AM
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G Note - $1,000 note. Gaff - Any method or device that aids in cheating. Garden - The field. Get Out - To regain one's losses. George - Generous tipper. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 7th of May 2011 05:46:20 AM
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Get Down - Place a wager. Graveyard Shift - The early morning shift of a gaming establishment. Grease - Bribe. Green - The most common color used for $25 chips. Grind - Small play. Grind joint - An establishment that caters to small play. Gross Winnings - Total payout including the player's stake. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 8th of May 2011 07:37:11 AM
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Hand - Refers to the cards that you hold, or to everything that happens in a card game between shuffles of the deck. Handicapper - A person who studies and evaluates all sporting events. Hard Four: A pair of 2s. Hard Hand - In blackjack, any hand that does not contain an ace valued at eleven. Hardway Bet - To bet the number 4, 6, 8 or 10 will be made with two duplicate numbers. 2-2,3-3 etc. in Craps. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 9th of May 2011 08:57:56 AM
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Hi Lo - A one roll bet on 2 and 12. Hi Lo Yo - A one roll bet on 2, 12 and 11. High Hurdler - A person who left town owing money leaving no forwarding address. High Poker - Standard poker, as compared to low poker or lowball.In high poker, high hands win. High Roller - A big bettor. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 10th of May 2011 07:01:33 AM
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Hit - To take another card. The card received is also called a hit. Hit a Brick - When a die hits a stack of chips and does not roll all the way to the end of the table. Hold em - A class of poker games. Holding Your Own - Breaking even. Hole Card - The dealer's facedown card. This card is unseen. Hook - Player positions 4 and 5, near the corner of each end of the table; often referred to as inside hook and outside hook -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 11th of May 2011 08:28:02 AM
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Hooked - Losing a wager by exactly half a point. Hop Bet - A single roll bet on one particular combination of the dice, such as 2-2 or 4-5. Horn Bet - A one roll bet that combines the 2, 3, 11 and 12. Horn High Bet - A bet on three of the horn numbers, with two units on the high number. Hot - Said of dice that are passing or a player on an extended winning streak. Hot Game - Any game attracting a lot of action on one side by many players. House - The operators of the casino. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 12th of May 2011 08:43:12 AM
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House Advantage - The casino's advantage over the player in any game. House Edge - The percentage of each bet that you make that the house takes in.  Winning bets are paid off at less than the true odds to generate income for the house. In The Bag - A sporting event with a pre-determined outcome. Inside Bet - A bet in roulette on a single number including 0 or 00, or any combination of numbers. Inside Straight - In poker, four cards of a straight where the straight can only be completed one way. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 13th of May 2011 07:39:51 AM
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Insurance - A side bet in Blackjack that's offered when the dealer's upcard is an ace. If the dealer has a Blackjack, the bet is paid 2-1. If the dealer does not, the insurance bet loses. Insurance Bet - Making two (or more) bets at a craps table, one or the other of which is sure to win. Jackpot - A large win on a slot machine. Jacks or Better - Draw poker in which a pair of Jacks is the minimum hand permitted to start the action. Joker - The 53rd card in a deck, sometimes used as a wild card. Juice - The bookmakers commission for taking a bet.  -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 14th of May 2011 08:20:57 AM
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Keno Board - A large electronic board that displays the winning keno numbers. Keno Lounge - The main area within a casino where keno is played. Keno Runner - A casino employee who shuttles a keno bet from wherever the player is to the keno writer, and also delivers payment for winning tickets. Kibitzer - A spectator at any game who usually dispenses unwanted advice. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 15th of May 2011 08:14:31 AM
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Kick - One's own pocket. Kicker - In a draw poker game, an odd high card held that doesnt contribute to a straight or a flush, usually an ace or a king. Kicker Trouble - Not having as high a kicker as an opponent. Knock - To cast disparaging remarks about someone. Usually done behind his or her back. Kojak - A hand that contains a K-J. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 16th of May 2011 11:21:32 AM
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Ladies - Two Queens. Lady - A Queen. Lay Bet - A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will not be rolled before a 7 comes up. Lay The Odds - Odds bet against the number that pays off at less than even money. Lay Wager - Betting against a point number that has been thrown by paying a 5% commission. Laydown - A wager. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 17th of May 2011 04:06:47 AM
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Laying The Points - Betting on the favorite. Layout - The graphic table cover that indicates all places where wagers can be placed. Let It Ride - A poker game. Limit - Definition 1: Maximum amount a player may wager on a specific bet or event. Definition 2: Maximum amount a player may increase a previous bet (at poker, etc). Definition 3: Maximum amount bet before the casino/bookie changes odds and/or the points. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 18th of May 2011 07:59:04 AM
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Limp In - In Poker, To enter the pot by calling rather than raising. Line - The listed odds or points offered on a game. Line Maker - A person who establishes the original and subsequent betting lines. Little Joe - A pair of 2s. Live Hand - A hand that could still win the pot. Live Horse - A horse considered to be in shape to run his best. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Thursday 19th of May 2011 08:54:14 AM
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Screwed - US online casino players
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Live One - A player with money looking for action. Load Up - To play the maximum number of coins per spin that a slot machine or video game will allow. Loaded - A person with a large bankroll. Lock - Best bet ,an easy winner, a no brainer. Loose Slots - A loose slot indicates a machine with a higher payout over a period of time. -- Edited by PMM2008 on Friday 20th of May 2011 04:40:51 AM
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